4th Joint workshop of the France-Japan and France-Korea International Associated Particle Physics Laboratories


2015年5月20日 (水) 9:002015年5月22日 (金) 17:00


B250, C210 & Restaurant Floor


Toshiko Yuasa Laboratory (FJPPL) at KEK is hosting the 4th Joint workshop of the France-Japan (TYL/FJPPL) and France-Korea (FKPPL) International Associated Particle Physics Laboratories at OIST. 

The France Japan Particle Physics Laboratory (FJPPL) was created in 2006 to promote collaboration between French and Japanese teams of researchers working in subatomic physics and related areas. The activities of French and Japanese researchers are strongly reinforced by pursuing them jointly in the context of the FJPPL. For this purpose, the FJPPL framework provides an efficient tool which encourages and facilitates valuable exchanges of personnel, as well as joint training initiatives for junior staff and students. It is also a convenient setting for initiating, promoting and developing new projects and ideas in our community. On a yearly basis, collaborative projects can apply for support and a workshop is organized for presentation and review of the research topics. Similar framework is also established with the name of FKPPL.
This year the joint workshop for FJPPL and FKPPL will be held on the topics related to particle physics and the advanced technologies used in the experimental study like accelerator, particle detector, computer system and so on. 

Program (see attachment for detailed program):

May 20th (WED), B250
09:00-10:00 Welcome Session
10:20-12:00 Accelerator R&D
13:00-14:15 Heavy Ion Physics 
14:15-14:45 CNRS Korea/Japan
15:15-17:45 Detector R&D and Applications

May 21st (THU), B250
08:30-10:35 HEP and Flavor physics
10:55-12:10 Neutrino, muon and astroparticle physics
13:00-14:30 Joint Session: Toshiki Yuasa Laboratory-OIST "Role of the Particle Physics Laboratories in 2020s"
Summary: OIST president and several distinguished physicists will discuss on the role of Particle Physics Laboratories in 2020s.
14:30 – 15:45 Joint session among OIST/FKPPL/TYL
14:30   Why do we need to study the bacterial flagellum?
           Presenter: SAMATEY, Fadel (OIST)
14:55   Geant4 at the Physics-Biology frontier
           Presenter: INCERTI, Sebastien (CENBG-IN2P3)
15:20   Physics of ILC project and its status
           Presenter: OKADA, Yasuhiro (KEK) 

15:45-17:15 Open poster session

May 22nd (FRI), C210
Committee meetings & OIST guided tours for participants

Website URL



Sponsor or Contact: 
FJPPL (http://fjppl.in2p3.fr/cgi-bin/twiki.source/bin/view/FJPPL/WebHome)
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