MIRAI 2024-2026 Kick-off


2024年9月4日 (水) 16:00 18:00


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Welcome to the MIRAI Digital Event

About the Event

This public event is open to all, with a special invitation extended to members of MIRAI universities in Sweden and Japan, as well as participants from other universities, industry sectors, research funding agencies, and governmental bodies.

During this event, MIRAI will showcase our core initiative, “Global Challenges.” These challenges are selected based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and provide researchers and students with advanced opportunities for cross-border and interdisciplinary collaboration. Participants will also have the chance to engage with stakeholders beyond their own institutions, including entrepreneurs and industry leaders.


MIRAI is a collaboration between 17 Swedish and Japanese universities, aiming to contribute to long-term research collaboration and to promote Sweden and Japan as nations of world-leading large-scale research infrastructure. Official site: Mirai | MIRAI – Connecting Swedish and Japanese universities

The Four Global Challenges:

  1. Health and an Ageing Population (Part of SDG 3)
  2. Climate Adaptation, Disaster and Risk Management and Prevention (Part of SDG 13)
  3. Resilient Cities and Communities (Part of SDG 11)
  4. Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage (Part of SDG 7)

Through this third phase of MIRAI, we aim to strengthen our partnership and create a more sustainable structure to enable long-term collaboration. Let’s work together to make MIRAI a robust platform for cooperation!

Event Program

Wednesday, September 4, 2024
09:00-11:00 CEST / 16:00-18:00 JST

  • Opening Remarks
  • Congratulatory Messages
    • Embassy of Japan in Sweden: Masaki Noke, Japanese Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Sweden
    • Embassy of Sweden in Japan: Viktoria Li, Swedish Ambassador to Japan
  • Keynote Lectures
    • Title TBA
      Åsa Persson, Research Director and Deputy Director, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden
    • “Decarbonizing Operations Implemented by ANA Flight Crews”
      Taku Kawamura, Manager Corporate Sustainability / B777 Captain, ANA HOLDINGS INC., Japan
  • Introduction to Global Challenges
    • Health and an Ageing Population
      Speaker: TBA
    • Climate Adaptation, Disaster and Risk Management and Prevention
      Takako Izumi (Tohoku University) & Pierre De Wit (University of Gothenburg)
    • Resilient Cities and Communities
      Speaker: TBA
    • Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage
      Speaker: TBA
  • Closing Remarks

Data Collection and Privacy

Personal Data Collection and Privacy Policy
Your personal data will be handled with care and used exclusively for the purpose of event registration. Please refer to the Kyushu University Privacy Policy, one of the co-organizers of this event.

Recordings and Photos by the Organizer
This event will be recorded for documentation and promotional purposes. Recorded videos/photos may be used in our promotional materials, including our website.

Official MIRAI Information

Please see the MIRAI site here: MIRAI 2024-2026 Kick-off | Mirai

Official Site of MIRAI: Mirai | MIRAI – Connecting Swedish and Japanese universities


Please contact the MIRAI Program Manager at OIST: Hiroyo Clemente, Academic Partnership Section

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