Call for Travel Award-MIRAI Global Challenges Winter School


2024年8月28日 (水) 18:152024年9月13日 (金) 18:15


EIJS, Stockholm School of Economic


Travel Award for Participation in MIRAI Global Challenges Winter School in Sweden


MIRAI is a network for academic collaboration between Japanese and Swedish universities, of which OIST has been a member since 2021. The new phase, MIRAI 3.0, is designed to engage researchers in a wide range of disciplines with social innovation and global challenges as common threads. MIRAI has newly defined four prioritized challenges:

  • Health and an Ageing Population (UN-SDG #3)
  • Climate Adaptation, Disaster and Risk Management and Prevention (UN-SDG #13)
  • Resilient Cities and Communities (UN-SDG #11)
  • Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage (UN-SDG #7)

These themes align with OIST’s mission areas, such as World-Class Education, Transformative Innovation, and a Sustainable Future. The MIRAI Global Challenges Winter School is an onsite program focused on these global challenges, designed to attract early career researchers (ECRs) from diverse fields, including humanities and social sciences. This platform will connect ECRs and various MIRAI stakeholders, including universities and industry, to exchange ideas in a multidisciplinary environment and nurture the next generation of leaders.

Program (Preliminary) is here for your review.

Travel Award

The Dean of Research Office will open a call for one travel award for OISTers who wish to attend the MIRAI Global Challenges Winter School with the support of the Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation. The aim is to help early career researchers take the next leap forward.

*Japan MIRAI member universities received a grant from the Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation, part of which will be allocated to OIST.*

Critical Information

Deadline: September 13, 2024

Date of Event: 5-day program, November 17-22, 2024

Venue: European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS), Stockholm School of Economics

Travel Award: A round-trip air ticket and accommodation (in accordance with OIST travel rules)

Sponsors and Supporters: The Dean of Research Office and the Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation

Assessment & Selection: The DOR office will screen and select an awardee.


  • Enrollment: Enrolled at OIST during the program period.
  • Academic Status: PhD students, postdocs, and researchers who have received their doctoral degree within less than 8 years in any discipline.

* Candidates whose research aligns with the themes of the winter school will be prioritized.

Criteria for Screening

  • Willingness to apply the winter school experience with a clear plan to integrate it into your ongoing research at OIST.
  • Commitment and motivation to address global challenges.
  • Collaborative Spirit and willingness to engage with a multidisciplinary international community.
  • Interest in contributing to the broader MIRAI network and its activities beyond the winter school.

Costs Covered by This Travel Award

  • Participation Fee: 3,000 SEK (for meals and other costs related to the winter school and the conference)
  • Airfare: Between Naha airport and Stockholm Arlanda Airport.*
  • Other Transportation Fees
  • Travel Insurance
  • Passport and Visa Fees (if required)
  • Accommodation: 6 nights (Participants will be informed of SSE’s partner hotel.)

The airefare, other transportation and accomodation, etc. will be covered under the OIST travel rules. 

*This award is partially supported by the Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation.


  1. Apply Here
  2. The Office of DOR will inform the selected awardee by September 20.
  3. Obtain your PI’s written approval for travel (confirming it has no impact on the Unit budget). Budget settlement/reimbursement shall be arranged.
  4. Enjoy the winter school!
  5. Report your experience to share with the OIST community and proactively engage with MIRAI 3.0 activities.
  6. Provide feedback within two weeks after the event to help improve future opportunities.


Program Manager at OIST
Hiroyo Clemente

All-OIST Category: 

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