Research Findings
Please click on the links below! Let us know if you have questions or thoughts about our research.
Responses to reward anticipation and delivery in ADHD
- Summary: Rich Rewards: Scientists reveal ADHD medication’s effect on the brain
- Summary: Researching ADHD Across Continents and Disciplines
- Summary: Focusing Is Hard! Brain Responses to Reward in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Published Article: Methylphenidate modifies reward cue responses in adults with ADHD: An fMRI study
- Published Article: Abnormal Striatal BOLD Responses to Reward Anticipation and Reward Delivery in ADHD
- Published Article: Reward modality modulates striatal responses to reward anticipation in ADHD: Effects of affilative and food stimuli
- Published Article: An Adaptation of Pavlovian-to-Instrumental Transfer (PIT) Methodology to Examine the Energizing Effects of Reward-Predicting Cues on Behavior in Young Adults
- Published Article: Development of a classical conditioning task for humans examining phasic heat rate responses to signaled appetitive stimuli: A pilot study
Sensitivity to punishment/response cost in ADHD
- Summary: Ouch! Avoiding Failure Leads to Missed Opportunities for Children with ADHD
- Summary: Japanese Children with ADHD have Elevated Sensitivity to Punishment
- Published Article: Evidence for increased behavioral control by punishment in children with attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Published Article: Is increased sensitivity to punishment a common characteristic of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder? An experimental study of response allocation in Japanese children
Sensitivity to changing reinforcement contingencies in ADHD
- Summary: The Rules of the Game for Children with ADHD
- Published Article: Behavioral sensitivity to changing reinforcement contingencies in attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Published Article: Behavioral sensitivity of Japanese children with and without ADHD to changing reinforcer availability: an experimental study using signal detection methodology
- Published Article: Behavioral adjustment to asymmetric reward availability among children with and without ADHD: effects of past and current reinforcement contingencies
Sensitivity to delayed reward in ADHD
Published Article: Disrupted waiting behavior in ADHD: exploring the impact of reward availability and predictive cues
Parenting program
- Published Article: How to improve behavioral parent and teacher training for children with ADHD: Integrating empirical research on learning and motivation into treatment
- Published Article: The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Well Parent Japan for Japanese mothers of children with ADHD: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial
- Published Article: Supporting Japanese mothers of children at risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD: a small scale randomized control trial of Well Parent Japan
- Published Article: Supporting mothers of children with ADHD: cultural adaptation of the New Forest Parent Training Programme
- Published Article: Needs Assessment for behavioral parent training for ADHD in Brazil
Other studies
- Published Article: Wishes of children with ADHD
- Pubished Article: Shared predictors of academic achievement in children with ADHD: A multi-sample study
Collaborative projects
- Published Article: Conditioned approach behavior of SHR and SD rats during Pavlovian conditioning
- Pubished Article: Instrumental learning and behavioral persistence in children with ADHD: does reinforcement frequency matter?
- Published Article: The profile of pragmatic language impairments in children with ADHD: A systematic review
- Published Article: Interpersnal negotiation skills in ADHD
- Published Article: Systematic review: attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and instrumental learning
- Published Article: Conditional learning deficits in children with ADHD can be reduced through reward optimization and response-specific reinforcement
- Published Article: The world federation of ADHD international consensus statement: 208 evidence-based conclusions about the disorder