Course for Disaster Foreigners Assistance Supporter and Medical Interpreter Assistance Volunteer


2017年2月15日 (水) 13:00 16:30


OIST Conference Center, Meeting Room #1


This two-part course on "Disaster Foreigners Assistance Support" and "Medical Interpreter Assistance Volunteer" is organized by the Okinawa International Exchange & Human Resources Development Foundation.

The course is free of charge, and anyone from the OIST Community is welcome to participate. See attachment for a full description of the courses.​

How to participate:
Please fill out the attached application form and submit it to by Feb 9th, 2017. 

Date: Wednesday, February 15th 
Part 1: Disaster Foreigners Assistance Support: 13:00-14:30
Part 2: Medical Interpreter Assistance Volunteer:  15:00-16:30

For inquires:
Takayuki Katsura, Senior Coordinator, International Exchange Division 
Okinawa International Exchange & Human Resources Development Foundation  
Phone: 098-942-9215  FAX:098-942-9220  
E-mail:  URL: 

Website URL


Sponsor or Contact: 
Takayuki Katsura, Okinawa International Exchange & Human Resources Development Foundation, Phone: 098-942-9215 FAX:098-942-9220 E-mail:
All-OIST Category: 

Application Deadline

2017年2月9日 (木) 0:00

Subscribe to the OIST Calendar: Right-click to download, then open in your calendar application.