Sharepoint Standard User Training for Administrative Staff (English)





Dear all Administrative Staff,

IT is planning to host a SharePoint briefing session for all English-speaking standard users next week. We strongly recommend all administrative staff members who use the common drives in their day-to-day activities to attend one of these sessions.

In this session, we are planning to introduce the various features and advantages of using this new, efficient collaboration tool.

SharePoint will be the new data repository for administrative sections provided by IT, replacing the current common drives as its support contract will expire by the end of this fiscal year (end of March 2017). The common drives will be decommissioned once all data has been migrated to SharePoint.

  Date Time Venue Language
1 August 23 (Tuesday) 13:30-14:30 Center Level B B503 English
2 August 26 (Friday) 10:30-11:30 Center Level B B503 English

    I. Introduction
        Why migrate to SharePoint?
        Common drives vs. SharePoint
    II. SharePoint
        What is SharePoint
        Adding and Editing Files
        Check-in and Check-out Files
        Version control
        File permissions

To reserve your spot, please submit the following form. URL:

Even if you have previously attended the Japanese briefing sessions, you are more than welcome to attend one of these sessions as a refresher!

Since we are expecting many staff members to attend these sessions, please try to show up on time to the venue as a courtesy to other attendees.

Thank you for your cooperation. We hope to see you there!

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