
2022年3月11日 (金) 13:00 17:50

About one year has passed since the start of R&D for Moonshot Goal 6, "a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer that will revolutionize economy, industry, and security by 2050”. They will disseminate the results of R&D currently being carried out in the goal's seven projects, and explore issues related to the realization of fault-tolerant universal quantum computers. Prof. Hiroki Takahashi will give a presentation.


2021年10月27日 (水) (All day)2021年10月29日 (金) (All day)

The 27th East Asia Joint Symposium

~Reboot 2021: Explorling Life Science in the Post-Pandemic Era~


2021年10月1日 (金) (All day)

Registration deadline for 2nd OIST-RIKEN Symposium "Kinds of Minds - What is Thinking?-" is October 1st, 2021.


2021年9月27日 (月) (All day)

Poster submission deadline for 2nd OIST-RIKEN Symposium "Kinds of Minds - What is Thinking?-" is September 27th, 2021.


2021年10月6日 (水) (All day)2021年10月7日 (木) (All day)

This is the second series of the OIST-RIKEN institutional level symposium.
