[HEART] Training for RSD Staff, Executive Assistant, RA, RU member (E) Lab3-C700
[HEART] Training for RSD Staff, Executive Assistant, RA, RU member (E)
Date: October 27th, Tuesday
Time: 13:30 - 17:00
Venue: Lab3, C700
Seating Capacity: 40
Target Audience: Resarch Support Division Staff, Executive Assistant, Research Administrator, Research Unit member
Spoken Language: Japanese
1. Basic system operations
2. Entry of expense request (travel, honorarium and meeting expens)
3. Entry of purchase request (excluding direct order)
4. Inquiry of purchase request slips
5. Inquiry of budget balance (budget execution status report)
6. Inquiry of budget execution items (slip detail)
※The training contents may be updated.
※This hands-on training session requires each participant to use a laptop. A maximum of 10 laptops are available for loan in each training session. So please carry a laptop (Windows if possible) to the training class.
*The training registration webpage will be open and announced on TIDA shortly.
**Training class will be held multiple times on different days with same contents, so please attend one of the classes during this period.
日程:2015年10月27日 (火)
時間:13:30 – 17:00
場所:Lab3, C700
1. システム基本操作
2. 経費申請入力(旅費・謝金・会議費)
3. 購入依頼入力(部署発注は除く)
4. 購入依頼伝票一覧照会
5. 予算執行状況照会
6. 予算執行明細照会(予算執行伝票の明細を照会します。)
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