Self-movement cognition experiment 2 自己運動認知実験 2

Embodied Cognitive Science Unit is one of OIST’s units led by Dr. Tom Froese. In this unit, we apply interdisciplinary approach to further understand the human mind and behaviour as a system that constitutes the dynamic relationship between the brain, body, and environment.


For more information about this particular experiment, please read the following: 
Location of the experiment: B234 Center Bldg, Level B (Former OIST clinic space)
実験場所: B234 センタービル, B階 (旧OIST クリニック)


Please answer the following questions.  
Depending on your answers, you will be asked up to 5 questions.
Personal information will be asked only if your answers meet the participation criteria.




Normal vision is sufficient to see a computer screen with the uncorrected or corrected eyesight. 正常な視力とは、矯正していない、または矯正した視力でコンピューターの画面を見るのに十分な視力のことです。
e.g., Depression, Bipolar Affective Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorders 例:うつ病、双極性感情障害、境界性パーソナリティ障害、統合失調症、不安障害
e.g., Epilepsy, Alzheimer's and other dementias, Strokes, Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Neurological infections, Brain tumors 例:てんかん、アルツハイマー病およびその他の認知症、脳卒中、多発性硬化症、パーキンソン病、神経感染症、脳腫瘍


Please select ONE date/time slot to attend this experiment. 実験参加日時を1枠お選びください。

(Numbers only, no spaces or hyphens 数字のみ、スペースやハイフン不要)

Sorry, the answer does not meet the criteria for participation in this experiment.
