Majority of OIST researchers would like to develop and pursue successful careers in academia. This month, we will have two informal sessions focusing on the following two themes and exploring how they relate to this commonly shared aspiration. 1. Why do you keep applying for grants? (and what will happen if you do not?) 2. What are your goals?
Category | Area of Research | Total Amount | Period | Agency Deadline | Internal Deadline |
Eligibility (see details) |
Fellowship | All | Fellowship | 1-12 months | 11-Jan | 14-Dec | Host: Faculty Candidates:North American and European Researchers |
The purpose of the program is to provide opportunities to young pre- and post-doctoral researchers from the US, Canada and Europe (*) to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions. In so doing, the program is designed to help advance the research of the visiting fellows, while augmenting opportunities for young researchers to come to Japan from the US, Canada and Europe.
The purpose of the program is to provide opportunities to young pre- and post-doctoral researchers from the US, Canada and Europe (*) to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions. In so doing, the program is designed to help advance the research of the visiting fellows, while augmenting opportunities for young researchers to come to Japan from the US, Canada and Europe.
Category | Area of Research | Total Amount | Period (Years) |
Agency Deadline | Internal Deadline | Eligibility |
Fellowship for Overseas researchers (Standards and Invitation) | All | Fellowship and travel fee | Up to 2 years | Sep. 7 | Aug. 24 |
Host: Faculties. (Eligibility of Candidate: Post docs (Standards fellowship), Researchers (Invitation) |
The next Researcher Meeting will be held on Thursday January 14th from 12:00 to 13:00 in seminar room C209 center building. This meeting is intended for postdoctoral scholars and staff scientists.