Thesis Public Presentation
Presenter: Thomas Nieddu
Title: Optical Nanofibers for Multiphoton Processes and Selective Mode Interactions with Rubidium
Date&Time: June 4 2019 14:00 - 15:00
Venue: C700, Level C, Lab3
Dr. Haroche, the Director of Research Emeritus at the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Please join OIST Researcher Community (ORC) Assembly! Results of the Researcher Survey will be presented.
(open to OIST Community, simulateneous interpretation Japanese/English)
Title: "Lightly probing the nanoscale"
Speaker: Dr. Peter J. Reece
Affiliation: School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Speaker: Mr. Valette is currently in his last year as a Ph.D. student at Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
Speaker: Prof. Ferrari is based at the Department of Physics, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Aim: To introduce recently developed ideas and techniques on the SYK models and generalizations.
Make your voice heard! Complete the Researcher Survey.
The Science Challenge is a week-long event where we invite 31 Japanese and international undergrad students to experience the way science is done in OIST.
Throughout the week, among many activities, they will be working on a 4-minute presentation about this year's theme: "Think big, start small".
Come take a peek at what the future of Japanese science will be like.
Thesis Public Presentation
Presenter: Girish Beedessee
Title: Genomic insights on secondary metabolism in symbiotic dinoflagellates
Date&Time: April 5th, 9:00-10:00
Venue: C700, Level C, Lab3
Title : Functional organization of the cerebellum during motor learning in mice
Speaker : Professor Javier F Medina
Affiliation : Baylor College of Medicine