Online Webinar: "Project management tools for academic teams".


Thursday, January 14, 2021 - 12:00 to 13:00


Zoom meeting.


Target Audience: Researchers and Graduate Students. 

Session format: Zoom meeting. 

Facilitator: Dr. Kosmas Deligkaris, Economo Unit at OIST.

Short description: 

Project, task, and knowledge management tools can help teams of all sizes focus their efforts, improve productivity, and break down communication barriers. Besides the effect on productivity, as science becomes increasingly more collaborative and international, such tools can play an increasingly important role in reproducible, transparent, and auditable science.

In this webinar, we will clarify what project, task, and knowledge management tools are, how they compare to and supplement each other, and how they can help you manage your team and your project. We will discuss their application to academic work for both scientific and administrative functions of an academic lab.

Learning Objectives:

    By the end of this session participants will be able to...

  • Understand what project, task, and knowledge management tools can do for a team.
  • Learn about popular tools.
  • Discuss best practices and their implementations for academic work.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Spaces are limited to 20 participants.

Registration deadline: January 13th, 2021.

To register CLICK HERE.

Post-webinar survey SUMMARY.

About the speaker:

Dr. K. Deligkaris is currently a research computing technician in the Biodiversity and Biocomplexity unit. Before joining OIST, Kosmas worked at University College London and Public Health England, where he was leading, among other things, the implementation of project and knowledge management tools. Kosmas graduated from Osaka University in 2015, after conducting his PhD research at the RIKEN institute in the field of Neurotechnology, working at the intersection of Neuroscience and micro-technology.

At present, Kosmas is involved with administering the GABI and OKEON databases for OIST, managing the IT resources of the Biodiversity and Biocomplexity unit, and developing software for biodiversity data management.

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