"How can we measure the diversity of ecological interactions in the real world?" by Fredric Windsor (TSVP Seminar)


2024年3月22日 (金) 14:00




Title: How can we measure the diversity of ecological interactions in the real world?

Speaker: Fredric Windsor, Cardiff University (UK)


This seminar is a part of the TSVP Thematic Program "Response Diversity and Ecosystem Stability", which runs from March 1 - 29, 2024. (https://groups.oist.jp/tsvp/response-diversity-and-ecosystem-stability-tp23rd). OIST students and researchers are welcome to participate in all scientific sessions of the program without registration.

※ Please note that this event may be recorded and the videos uploaded. In addition, photos may be taken during the event. These are intended for publication online (the OIST website, social media, etc.)※

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