Interactive Webinar: Why is research impact important?- POSTPONED.


2020年10月20日 (火) 12:00 13:00


Zoom meeting.


Target Audience: Researchers and students.

Session format: Interactive webinar.

Facilitator: Felix Rehnberg, Assistant Manager in the Technology Development and Innovation Center at OIST.

Short Description:

What is impact in research, and why should you learn about it? Funders around the world are getting more explicit with their requirements for impact from research, and universities are also increasingly looking for evidence of impactful activities when hiring new research staff.

In this session we will look at the reasons for the increase in emphasis on impact from research, what the implications are for younger researchers, and what initial steps you can take to begin to include impact in your research.

Learning abjectives:

  • Understand the changing impact landscape, with a particular emphasis on the EU and UK.
  • Understand the implications of these changes.
  • Learn about initial steps you can take to adapt to these changes.




About the facilitator: 

Felix is currently Assistant Manager in the Technology Development and Innovation Center at OIST. There, he is responsible for the management of the Proof of Concept program, and internal grant to support the commercialization of research.

Before coming to OIST, Felix worked in the UK Higher Education Sector, supporting researchers with grant applications focused on impact. Before working in higher education, Felix worked in Industry, and mainly with tech-based start-ups. His passion is working at the intersection point of research and application, and advising researchers on how to consider impact in their research. ​

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