Interactive Webinar: "Accomplishing More With Less".


2020年11月11日 (水) 13:00 16:00


Zoom meeting.


Target Audience: RUAs and FAO staff.

Session format: Interactive Zoom workshop.

Facilitator: Dr. Irina Filonova, Academic Development Section and Akiko Cantereau, Office of Dean of Faculty Affairs.

Learning Objectives:

    By the end of this session, participants will be able to...

  • Focus on results and priorities;
  • Effectively organize their tasks by using journal and outlook calendar to effectively organize your tasks;
  • Acquire strategies to manage e-mail overload and interruptions.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Spaces are limited to 12 participants.

Registration deadline: November 9, 2020.

To register CLICK HERE.

Subscribe to the OIST Calendar: Right-click to download, then open in your calendar application.