[Seminar] The Anisotropic Generalized Kolmogorov Equations: A novel tool to describe complex turbulent flows


Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - 17:00 to 18:00





Prof. Maurizio Quadrio - Politecnico di Milano


The Anisotropic Generalized Kolmogorov Equations: A novel tool to describe complex turbulent flows


The talk will introduce the Anisotropic Generalised Kolmogorov Equations (AGKE), which describe the production, transport, redistribution and dissipation of each Reynolds stress component occurring simultaneously among different scales and in physical space, i.e. along directions of statistical inhomogeneity. The AGKE are effective to study the inter-component and multi-scale processes of turbulence. The AGKE will be demonstrated with several examples of turbulent flows: the near-wall cycle of a Poiseuille flow, the role of the large-scale structures in a Couette flow, the changes to the near-wall physics induced by a turbulent skin-friction reduction technique, and a complex separating and reattaching flow. 


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