Special Guided Tour: The AI Art and Aesthetics Exhibition


Friday, December 1, 2017 - 12:30


In front of the piano at the end of the tunnel, near the elevators (Level G, Center Building)



The Artificial Intelligence exhibit at OIST has been going on around campus but many of us wonder how to interpret and appreciate these art pieces. The exhibition organizers and artists, Mr. Hideki Nakazawa and Ms. Mika Kusakari, are doing two special guided tours for the OIST community.  Listening to the explanation directly from them will give you further understanding about the exhibition and you will definitely appreciate it more!

The guided tours will start in front of the piano at the end of the tunnel, near the elevators.

  1. Friday, December 1st from 12:30 to 13:30 - in English

The Player Piano will play music by Conlon Nancarrow, composed especially for the Player Piano, at 12:30 every day.


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