Scientific alumni activities between Japan and the German speaking area: The German JSPS Alumni Association



Lab4 F01



Prof. Dr. jur. Heinrich Menkhaus

There is only one alumni organization that engages itself in scientific exchange between Japan and the German speaking area: The German JSPS Alumni Association. JSPS stands for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. It is affiliated with MEXT, but is an independend legal entity that provides scholarships mainly for Japanese but for also for foreign researchers since the 1960s. JSPS fellows set up the German JSPS Alumni Association in Bonn in 1995, where the JSPS office for the German speaking world is located. Ever since it has offered a variety of activities and has broadened its approach by not limiting the membership to former and current JSPS fellows but introducing an extraordinary membership for scientists who founded their stay in Japan by other means and expanding its actitivities over the borders of the Federal Republic of Germany into the whole German speaking area including Japanese scientists with a background of studies in the German speaking world. The presentation will give an overview of what the organizations offers and what it intents to do in the future.

Please join us for lunch after the lecture at Kafuu Orange, 12:00 (RSVP)

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