Past Events
SPRING 2021 Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series
2021-04-15Professor Giuseppe Mingione, University of Parma
Title: Perturbations beyond Schauder
SPRING 2021 Nonlinear Analysis Special Lecture Series
2021-04-14★SPECIAL LECTURE Part 2/3
Dr. Adolfo Arroyo-Rabasa, University of Warwick
Title: Slicing and fine properties for functions with Bounded \(\mathcal{A}\)-variation - Proof of the slicing characterization and statement of the structure theorem
SPRING 2021 Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series
2021-04-08on Zoom
Professor Peter J.Sternberg, Indiana University
Title: A One-Dimensional Variational Problem for Cholesteric Liquid Crystals with Disparate Elastic Constants
SPRING 2021 Nonlinear Analysis Special Lecture Series
2021-04-07on Zoom
Dr. Adolfo Arroyo-Rabasa, University of Warwick
Title: Slicing and fine properties for functions with Bounded \(\mathcal{A}\)-variation - Introduction and characterization of slicing properties
SPRING 2021 Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series
2021-04-01on Zoom
Professor Filip Rindler, University of Warwick
Title: Shape optimization of light structures and the vanishing mass conjecture
SPRING 2021 Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series
2021-03-24on Zoom
Professor Haim Brezis, National Academy of Sciences
Title: "New perspectives on Sobolev norms"
SPRING 2021 Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series
2021-03-18on Zoom
Professor Nicola Fusco, University of Napoli Federico II
Title: Asymptotic stability of the gradient flow of nonlocal energies
SPRING 2021 Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series
2021-03-11on Zoom
Assistant Professor Yi-Hsuan Lin, National Chiao Tung Universiy
Title: Inverse problems for semilinear elliptic equations
We introduce a method for solving Calder ́on type inverse problems forsemilinear equations. The method is based on higher order linearizations, and it allows one to solve inverse problems for certain nonlinear equations in cases where the solution for a corresponding linear equation is not known.
SPRING 2021 Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series
2021-03-04on Zoom
Associate Professor Yutaka Terasawa, Nagoya University
Title: Weak Solutions for a Diffuse Interface Model for Two-Phase Flows of Incompressible Fluids with Different Densities and Nonlocal Free Energies
SPRING 2021 Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series
2021-02-26on Zoom