Invited Speakers (Name, Affiliation, Title and Abstract)


● Shin-Ichi Aizawa, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Japan; "Campylobacter jejuni flagella is controlled short for optimal pathogenesis"; [PDF]

● Sonja Albers, University of Freiburg, Germany; "Assembly and rotation of the archaellum motor complex"; [PDF]

● Judith Armitage, University of Oxford, U.K.;  “Dynamic exchange in the flagella motor and the injectisome”; [PDF]

● Howard Berg, Harvard University, U.S.; "Bacterial motility: swimming and gliding"; [PDF]

● Richard Berry, University of Oxford, U.K.; "Torque, speed and assembly of the E. coli flagella motor"; [PDF]

● David Blair, University of Utah, U.S.; "Dissecting the mechanism of flagella type-III secretion."; [PDF]

● Ariel Blocker, University of Bristol, U.K.; "Functional studies of the export apparatus of T3SSs"; [PDF]

● Ariane Briegel, Leiden University, Netherlands,; "Structure and function of chemoreceptor arrays- the bacterial brain that controls flagella motility"; [PDF]

● Marc Erhardt, Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany; "Self-assembly of a bacterial nanomachine: flagella grow through an injection-diffusion mechanism"; [PDF]

● James Fleckenstein, Washington University, U.S.; "A secreted adhesin as a bridge between enterotoxigenic E. coli and host glycans"; [PDF]

● Rasika Harshey, University of Texas, Austin, U.S.; "Success in a Swarm"; [PDF]

● Michio Homma, Nagoya University, Japan; “How to determine the number and localization of polar flagellum in Vibrio cells?”; [PDF]

● Kelly Hughes,  University of Utah, Salt Lake City, U.S.; "Hitting the wall as a nanoscale length-control mechanism for the flagella rod”; [PDF]

● Katsumi Imada, Osaka University, Japan;  “ In vitro observation of the bacterial flagellar type III protein export”; [PDF]

● Akihiko Ishijima, Osaka University, Japan;  “The chemotactic response and motor function of a bacterial flagella motor in a single cell”; [PDF]

● Ikuro Kawagishi, Hosei University, Japan;  “Molecular mechanisms underlying bacterial adaptive responses”; [PDF]

● Daniel Kearns, Indiana University, U.S.; "Post-transcriptional control of flagella motility in B. subtilis"; [PDF]

● Linda Kenney, Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore; "Super resolution imaging of Salmonella pathogenesis"; [PDF]

● Seiji Kojima, Nagoya University, Japan; "How to anchor and activate flagella stator units: assembly-coupled stator activation mechanism revealed by the crystal and solution structures of the stator fragment"; [PDF]

● Seishi Kudo, Tohoku University, Japan; "A trial run of a bacterium robot with a flagellum"; [PDF]

● Tohru Minamino, Osaka University, Japan; “Cooperative remodeling of the FlhA ring structure coordinates flagella type III protein export with assembly”; [PDF]

● Keiichi Namba, Osaka University, Japan; “Insights into the mechanism of bacterial flagella motor rotation from the structure and dynamics”; [PDF]

● Takayuki Nishizaka, Gakushuin University, Japan;  “Unitary steps of supermolecular motility machineries in gliding bacteria and swimming archaea”; [PDF]

● Fadel A. Samatey; "Bacterial flagellar hook: similarities and specificities"; [PDF]

● Yoshiyuki Sowa, Hosei University, Japan;  “Single-molecule studies of the chemo-mechanical coupling in the bacterial flagellar motor”; [PDF]

● Natalie Strynadka, University of British Columbia, Canada; "Near atomic CryoEM analysis of the SPI Type III Secretion System from Salmonella typhimurium"; [PDF]

● Samuel Wagner, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany; "Assembly, structure, and function of the export apparatus of the Salmonella SPI-1 T3SSs"; [PDF]

● Tomoko Yamamoto, Chiba University, Japan; "Functional dissection of Salmonella SPI-2 injectisome"; [PDF]

*alphabetical order.