Past Events

Songs with Flute and Japanese Koto

OIST Auditorium

Admission Free, Reservation Needed

Piano Quintet Concert - Romantic Triumph and Musical Poetry -

OIST Auditorium

Admission Free, Reservation Required

Espoir by Cello and Piano

OIST Auditorium

OIST Concert Series No. 36,  Free Admission, Reservation Required

Sounds of the Ryukyus

OIST Auditorium

Ryukyu Traditional Performing Arts "SOUNDS OF THE RYUKYUS"

OPEN 13:30  START 14:00

Admission Free, Reservation Required

【台風のため中止】公開トーク:「七色の橋を渡る」[Cancelled] Public Talk: "Crossing the 7 Bridges of Color"

セミナールームC210 C210 in the Center Building


言語:日本語(英語通訳なし)  Language: Japanese (No English Interpretation)

Sense of Wonder Opening Ceremony センス・オブ・ワンダー展オープニングセレモニー

Tunnel Gallery

Special Tea Time to open the art exhibition "Sense of Wonder"

Art Exhibition: Sense of Wonder 美術展 センス・オブ・ワンダー

2018-09-27 to 2018-10-17
Tunnel Gallery, Level C Corridor in the Center Building

Art Exhibition by 7 Okinawan artists.

Special Talk on 9/29 (Sat) at 14:00 in C210. Japanese only, no English interpretation

芭蕉布の科学展スペシャルイベント Special Events for Science of Bashofu

OIST Main Campus OISTキャンパス

Symposium (Japanese only) : 10:00 - 12:35 at B250, Level B, Center Buildig
シンポジウム(日本語のみ):10:00-12:35、センター棟B階B250 セミナールーム

Art Exhibition: Science of Bashofu - Scientific Analysis and the Wisdom of our Forefathers 芭蕉布の科学ー先人の知恵と科学的分析

2018-08-27 to 2018-09-22
Tunnel Gallery

Exhibition: 8/27 - 9/22;

Special Events on 9/22 (Sat): 1. Symposium (Japanese only) 2. Spcial Tour to the Electron Microscope Room, 3. Bashofu Thread Making Workshop


Concert "Influence of reed flutes on the propagation of instruments and music" Yasuhiro Kasamatsu

Center Bldg Restaurant Floor

Free. Reservation required. Lecture in Japanese with English simultaneous interpretation. This talk will include a live music performance.
