Sequencing Platforms



Sequel IIe




NovaSeq6000 system offers high-throughput sequencing across a broad range of applications. It meets needs with unprecedented throughput at the lowest cost per sample. More information for NovaSeq6000 specification.





MiSeq system is a benchtop sequencer optimized for speed and longer reads (maximum 2 x 300 paired-end reads using MiSeq Reagent Kit v3). Due to it's unique read length and throughput, MiSeq is a good instrument for data production for small genomes or amplicon sequencing projects. Since the library made for MiSeq is compatible with HiSeq, MiSeq is also used for testing library protocols before sequencing on the HiSeq. The v3 kit retains pre-filled, ready-to-use reagent cartiridge. More information for Miseq Specifications.










PacBio Sequel IIe

The Sequel IIe system uses ultra-long read sequences in tens of kb increments with no GC bias.
The Sequel IIe System allows you to capture large structural changes that have been difficult to achieve with short read sequencing.

-Highly accurate genome sequencing with dozens of kb long reads
-Over 20Gb of HiFi data can be acquired with a single cell
-Simultaneous analysis of multiple samples in a single cell (carpooling sequences)

- Single workflow for HiFi reads + 5mC base calling





MinION system is a single molecule, real-time DNA sequencing system that provides longest read lengths.  More information for spec. of MinION at Full comparison table.




PromethION system is a single molecule, real-time DNA sequencing system that provides the longest read lengths. More information for spec. of PromethION at Full comparison table.
