October 2022 Newsletter / 2022年10月SAPニュースレター


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Back into the Swing of Things

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Last month the children settled back into school life and afterschool life. We welcomed 5 new children to the afterschool, started SEL/English Classes back up, and the Art Club also began holding weekley classes again. Things have been busy at the SAP!

Children who joined the Art Club last month had a lot of fun making Minecraft tools and items out of cardboard. I am sure you may have seen them out on the playground and around the room. Aside from having fun making crafts based on the children interests, the Art Club is a great time for kids to work on their communication skills, build/strengthen freindships, and bond over similar interests. A big shout out to the SAP staff as well for helping the childing with the difficult cardboard cutting!

The children in the SEL class had a great time reviewing topics we covered last spring/summer. They went over feelings vocabulary, talked about their days (both the good and the bad), and were able to express their feelings through a writing/drawing exercise at the end of the lesson. We are looking forward to having many more fun and engaging SEL sessions with the children.

 Finally, the weather has been cooloing down little by little these days and the children have been able to enjoy outside play for longer periods of time in the afternoons. The children love playing and being physical outside after a long day of classes at school. It's easy to forget that play is an essential part of childhood. Without play, children would never learn to communicate, use their imagination, or even express emotion. Play is like a rehearsal for life and helps children put complicated ideas into practice. While formal learning helps children hone these skills at a later stage, it cannot substitute for the foundations that independant play creates. 






Typhoon Notices / 台風のお知らせ


Okinawa's typhoon season will continue through October. On days when there is a typhoon, we may send an email to parents/guardians to come to pick up their children early in order to arrive home before roads become too dangerous for you and our staff to drive on. Please check your email frequently. The SAP will do everything possible to keep children and staff safe during the sometimes unpredictable weather this season brings.



Please Don't Forget....

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  1. A hat-  SAP children will need a hat in order to play outdoors during the summer months. If your child forgets their hat, we will ask them to play indoors for the day.
  2. A water bottle- Please ensure your child has a full water bottle everyday. Children may bring water and tea to drink.
  3. Sunscreen (Optional)- The SAP encourages children to wear sunscreen before going out to play, but it is not required. If your child has medical reasons or you have personal reason why you do not want your child to wear sunscreen, please be sure to speak with the SAP Director or one of the staff about it.
  4. Appropriate clothing- Please send your child to the SAP in light, breathable clothing during the hot summer months.
  5. Sunglasses (Optional)-  If your child would like to bring sunglasses to the SAP, they are welcome to do so. Please note that the SAP takes no responsibilty if  your childs sunglasses are broken or lost.



  1. 帽子 - 夏の間、屋外で遊ぶために、帽子が必要です。もしお子様が帽子を忘れた場合は、その日は室内で遊んでいただくことになります。
  2. 水筒 - 毎日、満タンの水筒を持たせてください。水やお茶を持参することも可能です。
  3. 日焼け止め(オプション)- SAPでは、お子様が外に出て遊ぶ前に日焼け止めを塗ることを推奨していますが、必須ではありません。もし、お子様の健康状態や個人的な理由で日焼け止めを塗らせたくない場合は、必ずSAPディレクターまたはスタッフにご相談ください。
  4. 適切な服装 - 暑い夏の間は、通気性の良い薄手の服装でSAPにお越しください。
  5. サングラス(オプション) - お子様がサングラスを持参される場合は、ご自由にお持ちください。万が一、サングラスを破損・紛失された場合、SAPは一切の責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。




Reporting Child Absences


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We would just like to remind you that if your child will be absent from the SAP/bus for any reason, please be sure to share that information either in person with a staff member, or online by emailing schoolageprogram@oist.jp

Thank you!

もし、お子様が何らかの理由でSAPやバスをお休みされる場合は、必ずスタッフに直接お伝えいただくか、schoolageprogram@oist.jp 充てにメールでご連絡をお願いいたします。




October-December Holiday Program Dates




Be sure to regularly check the SAP webpage for updated information on Holiday Program dates. Please remember that in order to receive services, you must sign up two business days in advance to the required services. 

If you would like to order lunch and snacks, you must do so by the 20th of the month prior to the required service. Once a lunch order is made, refunds are not available. This includes, but is not limited to, if you decide to cancel a HP enrollment date, if your child will be absent, or if you or your child are sick and cannot attend as scheduled. Holiday Program space is available on a first-come first served-basis.

Click the link below to enroll for October-December Holiday Program dates.











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If you have not done so already, be sure to connect to ClassDojo to see pictures and videos of what your kids are doing during their stay at the School-Aged Program. Please click the link below to join.


