2021年8月のニュースレター August 2021 Newsletter

最高の夏をありがとう!! Thank You for an Amazing Summer!!






The SAP Summer Holiday Program has sadly come to an end. It not all sad news though, the children had the opportunity to create wonderful new memories, form new friendships, and learn so much over the past month. From boat races, to a dinosaur egg scavenger hunt, to potato sack races, and even a couple of movie days, there was no shortage of developmentally appropriate fun and activities for the children to engage in.

The important thing to remember here is that none of the amazing activities and crafts would have been possible without the amazing support and hard work of the SAP staff members. Anne, Rei, Natasha, and Rachel all worked very hard and pre-planned the activities for your children. Every day was an exciting new adventure for the children to partake in. These activities help the children develop physically, mentally, academically, and socially.

The majority of the SAP's activities involved teamwork in some way shape or form. The children were always helping each other and learning the importance of working together. Teamwork is so important for young children in that it teaches them how to successfully communicate with others. Social skills are important in almost any situation which is why the SAP meaningfully includes teamwork into most activities. Teamwork actively teaches children how to listen, which is one of the first steps in effective communication. Without listening, it is nearly impossible to have any kind of meaningful dialogue with others. In learning how to listen, children are also learning what it means to respect others, which is critical in not just being a member of a team, but also in being a member of society.

With all of this being said, it has been an amazing summer, and we would like to thank you all for participating in the SAP Summer Holiday Program. We would also like to thank you for your continuous support and for entrusting the SAP staff with your children every day.


台風のお知らせ Typhoon Notices



Okinawa's typhoon season has begun. On days when there is a typhoon, we may send an email to parents/guardians to come to pick up their children early in order to arrive home before roads become too dangerous for you and our staff to drive on. Please check your email frequently. The SAP will do everything possible to keep children and staff safe during the sometimes unpredictable weather this season brings. 


COVID-19と緊急事態 COVID-19 and State of Emergency

SAP COVID-19の保護対策は継続されています。部屋は1日に何度も消毒され、子どもたちは定期的に手を洗い、マスクを正しく着用するように注意されています。


SAP COVID-19 protection measures remain in place. The room is disinfected multiple times a day, and children are reminded regularly to wash their hands and wear their masks properly.

For the duration of the State of Emergency (scheduled to end September 12th), all SAP staff will take weekly OIST PCR tests. Unfortunately, we must ask parents/guardians to remain outside the SAP rooms. Staff will help your child get ready to go home. We also kindly request parents/guardians to maintain social distance during the busy pick-up and drop-off times. We thank you for your continuous support and understanding during these difficult times,


Photo Collage and Changes in How We Share Photos

IT部門がGoogle Photosのセキュリティに懸念を示したため、毎月のフォトアルバムの保護者への提供を中止することになりました。代わりに、Class Dojoで写真を共有する予定です。この変更は9月に行う予定です。なお、この変更に伴い、Google Photosに保存されている全てのSAPクラスの写真は、2021/9/10に削除されます。SAPのGoogle Photosアルバムからお子さんの写真をダウンロードする場合は、2021/9/10までにお願いします。SAP ClassDojoに参加するためのリンクはすでにお送りしましたが、こちらにもあります。https://www.classdojo.com/invite/?c=CSZH3FR


また、ご家族の皆様がお子様の写真をダウンロードするのに十分な時間を確保するため、Google Photosを9月10日まで公開することにしました。8月のGoogleフォトへのリンクはこちらです。https://photos.app.goo.gl/gwQ6irUcaDK2buYBA


Due to IT's recently expressed security concerns with Google Photos, we will no longer be sharing monthly photo albums with parents/guardians. Instead, we are planning to share photos through Class Dojo. We will make this change in September. Please note, to conclude this change, all SAP class photos stored on Google Photos will be deleted on 9/10/21. If you wish to download your child's photos from the SAP Google Photos album, please do so by 9/10/21. The link to join the SAP ClassDojo was sent out already, and is here as well. https://www.classdojo.com/invite/?c=CSZH3FR


We have also decided to keep the Google Photos up until September 10th (9/10) to give all families enough time to go through and download their childrens photos. Please find the link to the August Google photos here.  https://photos.app.goo.gl/gwQ6irUcaDK2buYBA



Policy Reminders for the School-Aged Program



Over the past few weeks, we sent out a few messages detailing some minor changes being made at the School-Aged Program. One being that we will begin emptying the lost/forgotten item box every Friday. Please be sure to check the box each day that you pick your child up to ensure nothing important is thrown away.

Another change will be that children are no longer allowed to bring personal toys and belongings to the SAP classroom, aside from 1 book a day. The SAP room is full of wonderful games, toys, and other activities for your children to engage in daily, so please refrain from bringing in personal items.