SAP September Newsletter

9月の学童プログラム  September in the SAP Room


Summer is ending in Okinawa and all kids are back in school now. We hope you are having a great year!

10月のホリデープログラム October Holiday Program


October 26th is a scheduled day off for some schools in Okinawa. If your child needs holiday program services on that day, be sure to sign up on the SAP website.

アクティビティー Activities


Several activities were very popular this month: chess, making rubber band bracelets, drawing, tracing, and coloring, and making UV bead necklaces. Kids also enjoyed time outside, playing games in the front yard. Extended After School kids enjoyed tennis with teachers at the tennis courts.

クラブ Clubs




SAP plans to expand our services to offer clubs for kids. This will begin with a Drawing Club, facilitated by Rei, a Chess Club facilitated by William, an Active Games Club facilitated by Rachel, and a Reading Club facilitated by Anne.

In addition, some kids have started their own clubs. Right now there is an Environmental Rally Club and a Handball Club. Kevin will help these kids make sure their club activities are safe and successful. Look for interviews with the kids who started these clubs in an upcoming supplemental newsletter.

If your child is interested in joining a club, they just need to sign up at the SAP. Clubs will be offered once or twice a week for 45 minutes from 16:45 to 17:30. We plan to expand our club offerings in the near future, so watch the Announcements area on our website.



The SAP continues to follow the prefectural guidelines to prevent COVID-19 infections and keep our children, families and staff safe. We are committed to remaining vigilant and maintaining strict policies of masks, hand washing, and social distancing. SAP staff regularly remind children to wear masks properly and wash their hands regularly as well as practicing social distancing, speaking in quiet voices, and not facing another child directly when they are eating or drinking. Thanks to everyone's cooperation, we are able to maintain a healthy environment.

マスク Masks


Masks are a very important part of infection prevention. Please make sure your child's mask fits properly, covering their nose and mouth and not falling down when they speak. It's hard to get masks that are the perfect fit, so maybe these tips will be helpful if your child's mask won't stay up: try twisting the ear straps one or two times; try using a piece of fabric to connect the ear straps around the head; try using small rubber bands to pinch and hold ear straps; re-tie the straps to a smaller size

台風シーズン Typhoon Season

沖縄の台風シーズンはまだ終わっていません。台風が発生した日は、道路が危険になりすぎて保護者の方やスタッフが運転できなくなる前に帰宅できるよう、早めにお子さんをお迎えに来くるようメールを送る可能性があります。頻繁にメールのチェックをお願いします。 SAPは、今シーズンがもたらす予測不可能な天候の際に、子ども達とスタッフの安全に保つよう最大限も努めます。

Okinawa's typhoon season is not over yet. On days when there is a typhoon, we may send an email to parents to come pick up their children early in order to arrive home before roads become too dangerous for you and our staff to drive on. Please check your email frequently. The SAP will do everything possible to keep children and staff safe during the sometimes unpredictable weather this season brings.

子ども図書室 The Children's Library

SAPは、図書室の整理を手伝ってくれたボランティアの方に特別な感謝を伝えたいと思います。 2名のボランティアの方が、今あるすべての本の整理システムを作るために、週に2、3回夕方に時間を割いてくれました。エリザベス・スペイヤさんとフミエ・ヤスダ・レンバーグさんの、すべての子ども達が図書室をより簡単に利用できるようにする継続的な努力に感謝します。

また、本を寄贈してくださったご家族、特に日本語やその他の言語の本の寄贈の呼びかけに応じてくださったご家族にも感謝いたします。どうもありがとうございます! おかげさまで学童のすべての子ども達がもっといろいろな本を読めるようになります。

The SAP would like to say a special thank you to the volunteers who have been helping to organize the library. Two volunteers have given their time in the evenings a couple times a week to create an organization system for all the books we have. Thank you to Elizabeth Speyer and Fumie Yasuda-Rehnberg for your ongoing efforts to make the library easy to access for all kids.

We are also thankful to families who have kindly donated their books, especially families who have responded to the call for Japanese and other language book donations. Thank you so much! Because of you all our kids will have more access to a variety of books.

写真アルバム Photo Album


Click to go to the September SAP album.