Claiming pension withdrawal lump-sum payment

Paying into a pension scheme is a requirement for everyone living and working in Japan over the age of 20. However, if you are planning on leaving Japan permanently, you have two options regarding your pension.


With this option, citizens from certain countries can add the time they've contributed to the Japanese pension scheme to that of their own country. The agreements between Japan and each country differ from place to place. Therefore, if you are interested in this option, it is best to speak with your consulate.

To claim pension withdrawal Lump-Sum payment:

If you wish to claim a pension withdrawal lump-sum payment, you can get the pension premiums you paid into the pension scheme in Japan for the last 5 years reimbursed after leaving Japan. If you use this option, you will no longer be able to regain the pension enrollment period earned in Japan before the payment even if you plan to receive pension benefits in Japan in the future. If you are interested in receiving a lump-sum payment, the detailed procedures are available below.

Please note that you will only receive about 80% of the premiums paid into the pension scheme since the payment is subject to a taxation method called withholding income tax (about 20% of the whole amount will be deducted).   

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Am I eligible for lump-sum withdrawal payment?

The following conditions must be met in order to qualify for Lump Sum Withdrawal Payments:
  • Not possessing Japanese citizenship
  • Having de-registered the residency in Japan
  • Having paid pension premiums for 6 months or more, but less than 10 years
  • Not having qualified for pension benefits, including Disability Allowance
  • Applying for the pension withdrawal payment within 2 years from the day your residency got de-registered

Necessary documents

  • Photocopy of your passport

Copy of the pages showing:

  1. date of your final departure from Japan
  2. your name
  3. date of birth
  4. nationality
  5. signature
  6. resident status (e.g., instructor, engineer, or professor, etc.)
  • Documents issued by your bank (e.g., a copy of your passbook, online statement, or a void cheque, etc.)

Make sure the documents include:

  1. name of the bank
  2. name and address of the bank branch
  3. your account number
  4. information to show the account holder is the claimant (yourself).
  5. IBAN or SWIFT/BIC code
  • Copy of a document showing your Basic Pension Number (基礎年金番号)
  • A copy of a deleted residence record (revision history of a residence record:除票 johyou) or a document that shows your Resident Register Code:
  1. Visit the municipal office about two weeks prior to your departure to submit a moveout notice(転出届 tenshutsu todoke) to get your residency de-registered
  2. Right after submitting the moveout notice, apply for a residence certificate(住民票抄本 juuminhyoo shoohon) with Resident Register Code(住民票コード juuminhyoo koodo)

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Things to do before leaving Japan

  • Visit Private School Mutual Aid website and download the application form.
TEL 03-3813-5321(English speaking staff available)
To check your eligibility, call PSMA and provide them with your date of birth, the departure date from Japan, and your PSMA membership number written on your health insurance card.
  • Submit a moving-out notification (転出届, tenshutsu todoke) to your municipal office about two weeks prior to the day you plan to move out.


  • Right after submitting the moveout notice, ask for a residence certificate(住民票抄本 juuminhyoo shoohon) with Resident Register Code(住民票コード juuminhyoo koodo)

** Please see Necessary Document section


Things to do after leaving Japan

1) Fill out the form(s) and mail them to PSMA (and the Japanese Social Insurance Agency for employees if you were working in Japan before 2011). Include all the necessary documents.

2) Wait for the 80% of your refund. “Notification of Lump Sum Withdrawal Payment Confirmation” ( 脱退一時金支給決定通知書 - dattaiichijikin shikyu ketteitsuuchisho ) will arrive at your address in your home country as a receipt for the payment. Keep this form for your record.

[OPTIONAL] Claiming the tax refund

BEFORE Leaving Japan

1) Find someone to be your Tax Representative.
  • Please note that OIST will NOT act as your tax representative.
  • The representative must be a Japanese national or a non-Japanese with a valid residence card with high-level of Japanese language skill.
*Your Tax Representative may have to take leave to visit the Tax Office to file your tax on your behalf, so please choose wisely and be appreciative and also consider hiring PROFFESIONAL HELP (bilingual solicitors/administrative scriveners). Also, there is no guarantee that the 20% is definitely returning despite the efforts your Tax Representative makes. Therefore we shall emphasize the importance of professional knowledge and mutual trust with your Tax Representative. 

2) Go to your local tax office and get the Nozei Kanrinin no Todokesho納税管理人の届け書 (Tax Representative Declaration Form) or download a copy here.  
Your local tax office
Okinawa Tax Office: Okinawa-city, Uruma-city, Kadena-Cho, Chatan-Cho and Yomitan-son
Nago Tax Office: Nago-city, Onna-son and Kin-Cho 

3) Fill out 2 copies of the form with your Tax Representative and submit to your local tax office: one to turn in, the other for your Tax Representative to keep.
Click below image to see the example of the form.

AFTER Leaving Japan

1) Send the original "Lump Sum Withdrawal Payment Confirmation Notice”to whomever you designated as your Tax Representative.
2) Your Tax Representative will have to go to your local Tax Office and file for the tax return (確定申告書-kakuteishinkokusho).
3) Instruct your tax representative to have your remaining 20% deposited into his/her account (it must be deposited into a Japanese bank account). Then your Tax Representative will transfer the amount to you either through whichever remittance method you choose.

 *For tax representatives: Click here for more details