Testimonial: Ms. Mahiro Asoda

Ms. Mahiro Asoda shares her experience as a research intern at Neural Computation Unit led by Dr. Kenji Doya.

Before (2023/7/5)

After (2023/10/20)


1. How and why did you decide to apply for this program?

I had four month for personal research which was given by Keio University, and that made me want to spend that time at OIST.

2. What was your typical day like as OIST research intern?

I made myself stay at the lab from around 9am to evening working on behavior experiments with mice. I usually had lunch at cafeterior or just brought my own lunch. In the evening, I spent time with friends playing volleyball and tennis.

3. Please tell us how you feel about your experience as OIST research intern. (Please include what you like about the program and areas for improvement if any.)

It was a precious experience to have the chance to get to know an amazing people who are doing the top cutting edge research in the world. I also belive that I was able to do amazing research at OIST and hope to do similar research at Keio University once I get back.