

2013年5月14日 (火) 14:00


C210, Center Bldg, OIST



Date/開催日: May 14(Tue), 2013 / 2013年5月14日(火)
Time/時間: 14:00-15:30
Venue/会場: OIST Seminar room C210, Center bldg /沖縄科学技術大学院大学 セミナールームC210
*For visitors (Non-OIST members): Registration is required at the entrance hall /

Do not miss this exceptional chance!  OIST has been selected as one of the three sites (besides Tsukuba & Kyoto) in all over Japan for "Strategic Basic Research Programs" briefing by JST, and noteworthy, for the first time in JST history, in English.

We are pleased to announce this great opportunity for you to find out by your own eyes and ears how funding agency sides are now thinking on these grant programs. Please profit by the opportunity of directly talking to the Funding Agency representatives.

All the Faculty members and Researchers who are thinking of applying for the JST grants in this year or near future, are welcomed.

The event is open to NON-OIST members. So please invite your collaborators who may jointly apply to grant.

Note: The "Strategic Basic Research Programs" invite innovative research proposals which may develop into application in a long run –e.g. in 10 years or even longer.


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