May 2022 SAP Newsletter/ SAP 5月のニュースレター

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SAP Art Club

It was another fun and engaging month of art lessons here at the SAP in April. Rei-Sensei taught the children about "Universal Design" and diversity, through art activities. The children had a wonderful time exporing the Seaside House, creating their own universal designs, and painting together to create an amazing "Diversity Tree".  

If your children are interested in joing the weekly art lessons, be sure to let them know that all they have to do to join, is to let one of the teachers know. this month the children will be diving into the fun and exciting world of photography and videography!




SAP Bus Rules and Consequences Agreement

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Last month we sent out the SAP Bus Rules and Consequences Agreement to families who have children using our transportation services.  We would like to thank those of you who have already submitted the documents. For those of you who have not had a chance yet, please be sure to return them to the SAP by no later than Friday, May 13th (5/13/22).

The agreement is based on Okinawa Prefectures traffic and safety regulations and modified to reflect circumstances specific to the SAP by consulting with the Child Welfare Divison of the Onna Village Office, along with the Okinawa Gakudo (Afterschool) Support Center. The agreement has also been reviewed and approved by OIST's Rules and Compliance Section and Legal Counsel.

Each family (parent/gaurdian and child(ren) is required to sign the attached OIST SAP Bus Rules and Consequence Procedures document.

English Bus Rules Agreement

Japanese Bus Rules Agreement

先月、SAP の送迎サービスをご利用のご家庭に、「SAP バス規定と罰則に関する同意書」を送付させていただきました。 すでにご提出いただいている方はありがとうございます。提出がまだの方は、5月13日(金)までにSAPにご返送くださいますようお願いいたします。


各ご家庭(保護者とお子様)は、下記の「OIST SAP バスの規定と罰則に関する同意書」にご署名ください。




Warm Weather has Arrived

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With spring slowly creeping up on us, the afternoons have been starting to heat up. We'd like to remind you to be sure your child had a water bottle and hat during the spring and summer months (April-September).

If you would like your child to apply sunscreen, please be sure they have a bottle in their bag. If you prefer to keep a bottle here at the SAP, that is fine as well, we just ask that you clearly label it with your child's name.

Finally, it is always a good idea to ensure your child has a change of clothes/plastic bag, either in their backpack or in their cubby. All clothes and and bags should be clearly labeled with your childs full name. 




Water is Your Friend!

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To stay on the topic of warm weather, we would also like for all families to please remind your children the importance of drinking water, especially when playing outdoors for extended periods of time.

At the SAP, the staff give the children water breaks every 15-20 minutes when playing outdoors. If a child runs out of water, there is a water server in the classroom where children can refill their bottles as many times as they need to throughout the day.

When the summer really kicks off, we also begin to give the children water breaks during indoor play in addition to outdoor play. Please be reassured that the staff are looking after the children and ensuring they are staying hydrated, we just ask that you remind them this too at home, and beofre dropping them off at the SAP.



夏が本格的に始まると、外遊びだけでなく、屋内での遊びでも子どもたちに水休憩を与えるようになります。 スタッフは、子どもたちが水分補給できるように見守っていますので、ご安心ください。ご家庭でも、SAPにお子さんをお預けになる前にも、保護者の方からお子様にお声掛けくださいますようお願いいたします。


May and June Holiday Program Dates




Be sure to regularly check the SAP webpage for updated information on Holiday Program dates. Please remember that in order to receive services, you must sign up two business days in advance to the required services. 

If you would like to order lunch and snacks, you must do so by the 20th of the month prior to the required service. Once a lunch order is made, refunds are not available. This includes, but is not limited to, if you decide to cancel a HP enrollment date, if your child will be absent, or if you or your child are sick and cannot attend as scheduled. Holiday Program space is available on a first-come first served-basis.

Click the link below to enroll for May and June Holiday Program dates.






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If you have not done so already, be sure to connect to ClassDojo to see pictures and videos of what your kids are doing during their stay at the School-Aged Program. Please click the link below to join.
