FY2016 Annual Report

Physics and Biology Unit
Associate Professor Jonathan Miller

1. Staff

  • Dr. Michael Kuba, Staff Scentist 
  • Dr. Tamar Gutnick, Postdoctoral Scholar
  • Dr. Zdenek Lajbner, Postdoctoral Scholar
  • Dr. Fabienne Ziadi, Post-doctoral Scholar 
  • Dr. Reuven Pnini, Technician
  • Keishu Asada, Technician
  • Midori Tanahara, Administrative Assistant

2. Publications

2.1 Journals

Nothing to report.

2.2 Books and other one-time publications

Nothing to report

2.3 Oral presentations 

Kuba, M.  The visual system in Cephalopods, IIT, Genova Dept of Synaptic Neuroscience (2017.03.22).

Kuba, M.  Cephalopods as novel model organism, National Tsing Hua University, Department of Neuroscience, Taiwan (2017.03.17).

Lanbner, Z.  Thermal selection on mitogenomes and Cephalopod cell atlas, Institute of Systems Neuroscience, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2016.12.30.) .

Miller, J. & Kuba, M.  Being a Sepia, OIST, Okinawa, Japan. (2016.11.18.)

Ziadi-Kuenzli, F. & Tachihara, K.  Female defence polygyny and plasticity in the mating system of the demersal Picasso triggerfish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus (Pisces: Balistidae) from Okinawa Island, in 22nd International Congress of Zoology and 87th meeting of Zoological Society of Japan., Okinawa, Japan. (2016.11.17.).

Lajbner, Z.  Thermal adaptation of mitochondria and future cephalopod research, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany. (2016.09.26.).

Lajbner, Z.  Mitochondria are thermally selected, expecting cephalopods, and other news from OIST, Japan.  , Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (2016.09.21.)

Lajbner, Z.  Thermal adaptation of mitochondria, Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of Czech Academy of Sciences, Libechov, Czech Republic. (2016.09.20.).

Lajbner, Z.  From fish to mitochondria and cephalopods, Institute of Organic Chemistry of Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic (2016.09.16.)

Lajbner, Z., Camus, M. F., Pnini, R. & Dowling, D. K.  Test of thermal selection on mitochondria, in The EMBO Meeting 2016, Mannheim, Germany (2016.09.11).

Miller, J.  Psychotroctopus, in OCNC (Computational Neuroscience Course) 2016, OIST (2016.06.23).

Miller, J.  PSYCHOTROCTOPUS, MBL, Woods Hole, USA (2016.05.04).

Miller, J.  PSYCHOTROCTOPUS, NIH, USA (2016.05.02).

Miller, J.  PSYCHOTROCTOPUS, University of Chicago (2016.04.26).

Miller, J.  PSYCHOTROCTOPUS, Case Western University, Cleveland (2016.04.25).

Miller, J.  PSYCHOTROCTOPUS, SFSU, USA (2016.04.20).

Miller, J.  PSYCHOTROCTOPUS, LLNL, Livemore, CA (2016.04.18).

3. Meetings and Events

3.1 Seminar "A novel hypothesis for large-scale animal navigation: the gravity vector hypothesis and confirming experimental data using GPS tracking of homing pigeons"

  • Date: December 12th, 2016
  • Venue: OIST Campus Lab1
  • Speaker: Prof. Hans-Peter Lipp, Professor Emeritus, University of Zurich

3.2 Seminar "Stealth Squid"

  • Date: June 21st, 2016
  • Venue: OIST Campus Lab1
  • Speaker: Prof. Ian Gleadall, Tohoku University

3.3 Seminar "Identification of a regulatory gene network associated with self-replicating infectious prions in neuronal cells"

  • Date: May 9th, 2016
  • Venue: OIST Campus Lab1
  • Speaker: Dr. Peter Klohen, UCL Institute of Neurology