Toddlers 2 - 3 Years Old

Toddlers 2 - 3 Years Old


Welcome to Kugani, Nuuji, and Kafuu Classes!

Welcome! We plan to engage your child in fun learning activities. The children will learn through play-based activities as well as teacher directed activities.

We will be learning through various themes throughout the course of the year. Children will be educated in English and Japanese. Each child will attend two circles times daily, one spoken in English and one in Japanese. The times of these circle times are alternated to ensure part time students also benefit from both language times equally. We will be learning with different centers. A center is a play time that is structured around our theme for the week. Some centers are play and some are academic. During centers the children will have a chance to learn independently.

Our curriculum includes daily Phonics, which includes the English alphabet and Japanese Hiragana letter recognition and letter sounds.  We will focus on one letter every two weeks until the children master this. We have writing where the children will focus on letter formation and number formation. We will also use a hands-on approach to Math so the children will learn numbers and quantity. We will begin with number knowledge and basic concepts. It is very important that children learn through activity, fun and play. 

Thank you very much for your trust. We are thrilled to have this opportunity to nurture and educate your child. please don' t hesitate to email us or give us a call. We are really looking forward to working with you all. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.  


Daily Activities

Circle Time

At circle time, we talk about the theme of the week and any special events that may be taking place on that day or in the days to come. The children will also have a chance to speak freely in an open discussion time.  This time allows the teacher to work with the children on their speaking and listening skills.  During circle time, children also learn about the days of the week, months of the year, seasons, counting, and word families.  These areas will be taught through the use of songs and games. We also always read a story. 

Group Activity

Each day the children will have 2 group activity times, one in English and again in Japanese.  The activities will almost always be different. Activities include, but are not limited to arts and crafts, songs, dance, indoor/outdoor games, science experiments, and story time. 


During center time, your child will have a chance to learn independently.  This is a playtime that is structured around our educational focus of the week.  Some centers are play based and some are academic. Children need to work on social skills and explore the world around them.  This means getting along with others, sharing, and interacting in small groups.  During center time is when teachers will work one on one with children if needed.

Outdoor Play

Gross motor and outdoor play is very important for young children and we go outside for play two times each day when the weather permits. If the temperature is warm and there are only a few sprinkles the children will go outside. In the summer and winter months we will follow the chart set by Tedako regarding appropriate temperatures to be outside in. Your child will need to always dress appropriately for the weather.  No children stay inside unless they have a doctor’s note.  Tedako requires that each child have a sun hat. This will protect the children from the sometimes-intense Okinawa sun.  We also ask that sunscreen be provided, especially during April-October.  During the summer months we will have water play days. Your child may come to school in their water clothes with a change of clothes for afterwards. Also please bring a towel and a plastic bag labeled with your child`s name.

Snack/ Lunch Time

Each day your child will receive two snacks provided by Tedako CDC. We also offer school lunch for your child. If you would like to order school lunch, please talk to Tedako CDC office staff before the start of the month. If you wish to bring lunch from your home, please ensure to cut food into smaller pieces and prepare lunch in lunch box or container. Also, please bring a bib and a hand towel every day for cleaning their hands and face after meals.  

Drop off and Pick up/Supplies

  • At drop off time (8:00am-9:15am), we accept your child outside. Please send your child to school with sunscreen on during hot seasons. 
  • If your child is sick or cannot attend for some reason, please call or e-mail us before 9:00am on that day to let us know. 
  • We play outside except during bad weather, so please bring shoes or rain boots every day. 
  • If an individual is not listed on the Emergent Contact Form, we do not release the child to that individual.  
  • Please sign the time of drop off and pick up on attendance sheet each day. If an authorized person will drop off or pick up your child, please inform that person of the attendance sheet. 
  • We ask that you prepare all the supplies on the attached supply list and write your child’s name on everything. Each child has his or her own cubby where we keep all their supplies. Please make sure there are enough cloths, diapers or other supplies at the pick-up time and refill them next day. 
  • We open from 8:00am-6:00pm on Monday to Friday. We will charge a late fee of 1000 yen every 15 minutes when a child is picked up after 6:00pm. 
  • When you pick up your child, please do not forget to take home his or her water bottle. 

Nap Time

Nap time is approximately 12 pm to 2:30 pm. Please do not drop off your child during the nap time in order not to disturb other children sleep. 


Additional Information


ClassDojo is a communication app that is used in toddler classes. We use it to share photos and messages, such as daily notes including health, appetite, diapering, absence notice, and class updates. We also use the app to notify you when your child’s supplies are running low. We will send out invitation soon so please download the app. 

Birthday Party

We celebrate birthdays at Tedako once a month. Please check the monthly newsletter regarding the date and time which we will celebrate for your child. The school will provide the cake and milk.


Parents are obliged to make alternative care arrangements if their child has a fever or vomited within 24 hours before they arrive to school. If your child has vomited at school, he or she may be sent home. Children who are sent home because of fever or any illness the day before, should at home. 


If your child requires prescribed medication to be administered by Tedako CDC staff, parents must complete a medication authorization form. A form needs to be filled out each day medicine is given. CDC staff is not allowed to measure dosage by law, medication should be premeasured in a container by dosage before given to CDC staff.  

Diaper Rash

We apply Vaseline or diaper rash creams for diaper rash; however, prescription medicines require a medication permit from CDC. Japanese medical law prohibits us from measuring dosage. Please prepare medicine by dose.