Past Events


Seminar: "Chemical approaches for deciphering protein functions in live systems" by Prof. Itaru Hamachi

2016年10月11日 (火) 15:00 16:00
D015, Lab 1 Level D

Professor Itaru HAMACHI Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry Graduate School of Engineering Kyoto University, Kyoto and CREST/JST, JAPAN​


Grant Peer Support Group - 4th meeting

2016年10月11日 (火) 12:00 13:00
Ctr Bldg, SR C210

Noon-13:00, Tuesday - Oct 11, 2016; Ctr Bldg, SR C210; Read more on PCDA website:


Pacific Graphics 2016

2016年10月11日 (火) 9:002016年10月14日 (金) 18:00
OIST Conference Center

OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions (show your OIST ID card at the entrance). For non-OIST members, please register at


子供科学人材育成事業(中学生及び高校生プロジェクト) 全体報告会

2016年10月10日 (月) 10:00 16:00

全体報告会はどなたでもご参加いただけますので、ご興味のある方はお気軽にお越しください。 お問い合わせは主催側までお願いいたします。


Health and Sports Day 2016

2016年10月10日 (月) 0:00
National Holiday.

サンゴ礁再生の道筋-沖縄県サンゴ礁保全再生事業成果発表シンポジウム(さんごの海フェスタ in OIST)

2016年10月7日 (金) 13:00 17:00



Workshop: How to prepare an effective résumé for positions in "industry"!

2016年10月6日 (木) 13:30 15:30
Lab 3 - SR C700

Workshop: How to prepare an effective résumé for positions in "industry"! - Time/Date: 13:30-15:30 on Thursday, 6 October 2016 - Registration Deadline: 17:00 Wednesday, 5 October 2016 - Location: Lab 3 - Level C - Seminar room C700 - Register on


Crystalline defects in highly efficient widegap Cu(In,Ga)Se2 based solar cells

2016年10月6日 (木) 10:00 11:00
C700, Lab3

Professor Takeaki Sakurai from Tsukuba University


Workshop webinar: "Exploring Careers"

2016年10月5日 (水) 10:00 12:00
Ctr Bldg, Seminar Room C210

When: 10:00-12:00 on October 5, 2016; Where: Ctr Bldg, Seminar Room C209; Whom: OIST Postdoctoral Scholars and Scientists are strongly encouraged to attend; Instructors: Dr. Kristen K. Mighty and Dr. Mearah Quinn-Brauner from Northwestern University, USA; Registration deadline: Monday, October 3; To read more info about the event and to register, please go to


[Rescheduled Oct.4] Enzyme-instructed self-assembly (EISA) as a multistep molecular process for selectively killing cancer cells by Prof. Bing Xu, Brandeis University

2016年10月4日 (火) 9:00 9:45
C700, Lab 3, Level C

After receiving his BS and MS in 1987 and 1990, Bing Xu obtained his PhD in 1996. Notably, Xu lab pioneered the integration of enzyme transformation and self-assembly for developing molecular biomaterials, synthesized the first dimeric nanoparticle consisting of quantum dot and nanomagnet for exploring nanoscience inside cells, reported the first case of using dopamine to anchor molecules on iron oxide surface, and demonstrated the first case of using enzymatic transformation and self-assembly to inhibit cancer cells selectively. Being identified on the Thomson Reuters "highly-cited researchers 2014&2015" list, Bing Xu currently is a professor in the Department of Chemistry, Brandeis University, and his research focuses on the applications of molecular engineering in materials, biology, and medicine.


Fall 2016 Lean Startup Entrepreneurial Training Program - Day 5

2016年10月1日 (土) 9:00 12:00
OIST, Seminar Roon C210

Language: English

Registration Required


アミークスインターナショナル 秋コンサート

2016年10月1日 (土) 0:00



Seminar:"Microfluidics & Organs on a Chip" by Prof. Shuichi Takayama

2016年9月30日 (金) 10:00 11:00
C700 Level C, Lab 3

Title: "Microfluidics & Organs on a Chip" by Prof. Shuichi Takayama

Organization: University of Michigan

Talk will bw open to all OIST students and researchers.


Open seminar by Prof Dalibard

2016年9月29日 (木) 14:30 15:30
B250, Level B, Centre building

Dr. Jean Dalibard, Professor, Collège de France and Laboratoire Kastler Brossel

This is a part of the summer school CQD2016


琉球の雅 漆 ~ いま・むかし ~

2016年9月29日 (木) 9:002016年10月30日 (日) 17:00
OIST Center Bldg.



2016年9月29日 (木) (All day)2016年9月30日 (金) (All day)
OIST Campus

Please address inquiries to the President's Office.


Okinawa School in Physics: Coherent Quantum Dynamics (CQD2016)

2016年9月27日 (火) (All day)2016年10月6日 (木) (All day)
OIST Seaside House & Main Campus (see program)

OIST Workshop - Application Deadline: May 2016 - OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions - website:


Seminar "Translational capacity of a cell is determined during transcription elongation via the Ccr4-Not complex" Prof. Martine Collart.

2016年9月26日 (月) 11:00 12:00
C016, Lab 1

Speaker: Prof. Martine Collart

Professor, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine, University of Geneva

Title: Translational capacity of a cell is determined during transcription elongation via the Ccr4-Not complex


OIST Mini Symposium "Nanoscopic Synaptic Function"

2016年9月25日 (日) 9:002016年9月27日 (火) 18:00
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Rooms C209 & C210

OIST Mini Symposium - Open to all OIST members - For non-OIST members: Please contact the organizers for information on how to participate.


Autumnal Equinox Day 2016

2016年9月22日 (木) 0:00
National Holiday. OIST administrative offices closed.

Respect for the Aged Day 2016

2016年9月19日 (月) 0:00
National Holiday.


2016年9月18日 (日) 19:00
OIST Auditorium



"Mean Curvature Flows and Isotopy Problems"

2016年9月16日 (金) 14:00 15:00
C015 - Level C, Lab1

"Professor Mao-Pei Tsui, National Taiwan University, "Language: Engrish. No interpretation."


"On the Dirichlet-Euler problem"

2016年9月16日 (金) 10:30 11:30
C016 - L1 Bldg

"Professor Chun-Chi Lin, National Taiwan Normal University, "Language: Engrish. No interpretation."


Fall 2016 Lean Startup Entrepreneurial Training Program - Day 4

2016年9月16日 (金) 9:00 12:00
OIST, Seminar Roon C210

Language: English

Reservation Required


Workshop: How to prepare an effective CV for "Postdoctoral" positions!

2016年9月15日 (木) 13:30 15:30
Lab 3 - SR C700

Workshop: How to prepare an effective CV for "Postdoctoral" positions! - Time/Date: 13:30-15:30 on Thursday, 15 September 2016 - Registration Deadline: 17:00 Tuesday, 13 September 2016 - Location: Lab 3 - Level C - Seminar room C700 - Register on


"How We Built the Standard Model, Part 2" Prof David G. Hitlin

2016年9月14日 (水) 11:00 12:00

Dr David G. Hitlin, Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology. Part 2 of 2. The first seminar is the previous day, September 13, from 11:00 in C209.


Software Week 2016: EnginFrame

2016年9月14日 (水) 10:00 16:00
Lab3 LevelC C700

See demos, ask questions one-on-one, and get hands-on time with technology from EnginFrame.


"How We Built the Standard Model, Part 1" Prof David G. Hitlin

2016年9月13日 (火) 11:00 12:00

Dr David G. Hitlin, Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology. Part 1 of 2. The second seminar is the following day, September 14, from 11:00 in C209.


Software Week 2016: Intel

2016年9月12日 (月) 10:00 15:00
Lab3 LevelC C700

See demos, ask questions one-on-one, and get hands-on time with technology from Intel.



2016年9月10日 (土) 17:00 19:00
OIST レストラン階



Fall 2016 Lean Startup Entrepreneurial Training Program - Day 1-3

2016年9月9日 (金) 17:302016年9月11日 (日) 18:00
OIST, Seminar Roon C210

Language: English

Registration Required!


Spiking neurons can discover predictive features by aggregate-label learning

2016年9月9日 (金) 11:00
C016, Lab1 Level-C

Date: Friday, September 9, 2016

Venue: C016, Lab1, Level-C

Time: 11am - noon [a talk of 45 minutes and Q&A session]

Speaker: Dr Robert Guetig

Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institute for Experimental Medicine. Theoretical Neuroscience


EndNote Seminar: Basic and Intermediate, September 9th

2016年9月9日 (金) 10:00
B503, Level B, Lab1

The library is hosting EndNote Seminar on September 9th. We will invite an expert of EndNote from its providing company. There are two sessions: Basic and Intermediate. Please register from the library webpage.


Workshop: How to prepare an effective CV for "Faculty" positions!

2016年9月8日 (木) 13:30 15:30
Lab 3 - SR C700

Workshop: How to prepare an effective CV for "Faculty" positions! - Time/Date: 13:30-15:30 on Thursday, 8 September 2016 - Registration Deadline: 17:00 Tuesday, 6 September 2016 - Location: Lab 3 - Level C - Seminar room C700 - Register on


"A new, settling-driven instability in two-component, stably stratified fluids"

2016年9月8日 (木) 10:30 11:30

"Dr. Eckart Meiburg, Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara", "Language: Engrish. No interpretation."


【Microsoft Training】 Excel Utilization

2016年9月7日 (水) 10:00 16:00
Seminar Room C700, Lab3

Language: Japanese only. Purpose of this training: Learn convenient functions and utilization methods.


A Life in Science - Innovation Seminar Series

2016年9月6日 (火) 13:00 14:00
Seminar Room B250

Dr. Richard J. Roberts

1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Chief Scientific Officer, New England BioLabs Inc.

Language: English


Web of Science Seminar: Basic and Advanced on September 6th

2016年9月6日 (火) 9:30
C209, Level C, Center Bldg.

The library is hosting Web of Science Seminar on September 6 with training provided by an expert from Thomson Reuters. There are two sessions: Basic and Advance. You may choose to attend one or both sessions.


"LHC - Life and New Physics at the Energy Frontier" Prof Abner Soffer

2016年9月5日 (月) 13:30
Lab 3 C700

Prof Abner Soffer of Tel Aviv University



2016年9月2日 (金) 19:00 21:00

OIST講堂 金管五重奏コンサート 琉球交響楽団 予約不要 入場無料


Workshop webinar: "Interviewing Skills"

2016年9月2日 (金) 10:00 12:00
Lab 1, Seminar Room C015

When: 10:00-12:00 on September 2, 2016; Where: Lab 1, Seminar Room C015; Whom: OIST Postdoctoral Scholars and Scientists are strongly encouraged to attend; Instructors: Dr. Kristen K. Mighty and Dr. Mearah Quinn-Brauner from Northwestern University, USA; Registration deadline: Tuesday, August 30; To read more info about the event and to register, please go to


Welcome to Class of 2016 New Students

2016年9月1日 (木) 10:30
OIST Auditorium

Welcome Ceremony for Class of 2016 New Students


Roundtable: "Grant Peer Support Group" 3rd meeting - Theme: "Ideas Mill"

2016年8月31日 (水) 12:00 13:00

Grant Peer Support Group (GPS); Time: Wednesday - Aug 31, 2016; Venue: Lab 3, SR C700; If you are interested in joining this support group, please visit


[Seminar] Titanates and Their Derivatives: New Electrode Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage-Fuzhou University -Prof. Mingdeng Wei

2016年8月30日 (火) 10:00 11:00
C700 Lab 3

Professor Mingdeng Wei from Fuzhou University


STeLA Final Presentation

2016年8月29日 (月) 11:30 15:30
OIST Main Campus, B250

Open session. No registration required. Language: English (no interpretation)


Sharepoint Standard User Training for Administrative Staff (English)

2016年8月26日 (金) 10:30 11:30

IT is planning to host a SharePoint briefing session for all English-speaking administrative staff next week. In this session, we are planning to introduce the various features and advantages of using this new, efficient collaboration tool.


Seminar: "Building Better Teams in an Intercultural Environment"

2016年8月25日 (木) 12:30 14:00
Lab 3, Seminar Room C700

When: 12:30-14:00 on Aug 25, 2016; Where: Lab 3, Seminar Room C700; Whom: All OIST community are welcome; Speaker: Ian Mathieson (Director of Operations for Boyle Street Community Services, Edmonton, Canada); No registration is required. To read more about the event and the speaker, please go to


STeLA Keynote Lecture by Prof. Hiroaki Kitano

2016年8月25日 (木) 10:30 12:00
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room B250

Open session. No registration required. Language: English (no interpretation)


Solubility and Internal Stress in Nanograined Materials and Nanoparticles

2016年8月25日 (木) 10:00 11:00
Center Building B503

Professor Tong-Yi Zhang from Shanghai University.
