Past Events


Seminar "Theoretical study of electronic structures and optical properties of lanthanide ions in coordination compounds"

2018年10月30日 (火) 15:00 16:00
C016, Level C, Lab1

Ilia Kurbatov, Far Eastern Federal University


Seminar"Theoretical X-ray absorption spectra - a database approach towards understanding amorphous materials"

2018年10月30日 (火) 13:30 14:30
C016, Level C, Lab1

Fabian Weber, Institute of Methods for Material Development, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin f¨ur Materialien und Energie GmbH, Germany


Seminar"Numerically exact full counting statistics of the Anderson impurity model"

2018年10月30日 (火) 11:00 12:00
C016, Level C, Lab1

Dr. Michael Ridley, Tel Aviv University, Israel


Seminar"Resolving Contradiction in Thermoelectric Materials"

2018年10月30日 (火) 9:30 10:30
C016, Level C, Lab1

Guangzong Xing, Jilin University, China


Meeting on Bioimaging for Young Researchers "Chanpuru"

2018年10月29日 (月) (All day)2018年10月30日 (火) (All day)
C209, C210

Organized by "Resonance Bio" project funded by MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas.

Registration closed.


Internal Seminar: Yu Shimizu, Sustainable Living Architecture

2018年10月26日 (金) 16:30
Lab3, C700

Internal Seminar Series, 4-5 pm, Friday, October 26, C700


Internal Seminar: Adi David, Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit

2018年10月26日 (金) 16:00
Lab3, C700

Internal Seminar, 4-5 pm, Friday, October 26, C700


[Topology and Geometry Seminar] On diagrams of simplified trisections and mapping class groups

2018年10月24日 (水) 16:00 17:00
Lab 3 B700

"On diagrams of simplified trisections and mapping class groups" by Dr Kenta Hayano of Keio University


Ecology and Evolution Seminar #7: "Quantitative models of enhancer regulatory function in the Drosophila embryo" by Garth Ilsley

2018年10月24日 (水) 15:00 16:00
C210, Center Building

"Quantitative models of enhancer regulatory function in the Drosophila embryo" by Garth Ilsley, Oct 24 (wed) at 15:00-16:00 in C210.


The 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2018)

2018年10月24日 (水) 14:002018年10月27日 (土) 12:00
OIST Conference Center

OIST researchers are welcome to attend the conference as an audience. Registration fee is not required for OIST members. Please register by October 18th.


QG group meeting: Conformal Bootstrap at Finite Temperature

2018年10月22日 (月) 15:30
A719, Lab 3

Quantum Gravity Group Meeting:

Title: Conformal Bootstrap at Finite Temperature

Speaker : Sudip Ghosh, Quantum Gravity Unit (Neiman)


Special Scientific Talk - "Developing Biomarkers in the Era of Precision Medicine: Promises from the Proteome" by Dr. Patrick Tremblay

2018年10月22日 (月) 10:30 11:30
C209, Center Building

Speaker: Dr. Patrick Tremblay, Senior Vice President and Corporate Development Officer Caprion Biosciences Inc.



2018年10月20日 (土) 17:00
OIST レストラン

スペイン音楽演奏 入場無料 要予約


[Seminar] Decoding pheromone communication in aquatic organisms by Dr. Scott Cummins

2018年10月19日 (金) 13:00 14:00

Dr. Scott Cummins, University of Sunshine Coast, Australia.

Key words : Marine Biology, Neurobiology, Chemical Ecology, Genomic, Proteomic


OIST Mini Symposium "Voltage Imaging Symposium"

2018年10月19日 (金) 9:002018年10月21日 (日) 18:00
OIST Seminar Room C209

OIST Mini Symposium - Open to all OIST members - For non-OIST members: Please contact the organizers for information on how to participate.


Okinawa Analytical Instrument Network Discussion Group Meeting 2018

2018年10月19日 (金) 0:00
B250, Center Building

We're inviting several guests from Japan and overseas.

This event is registration-free, so please come and join us if you're interested!


Memorial Service for Laboratory Animals

2018年10月18日 (木) 13:00 13:30
Animal Memorial Monument at east side of Center Court

The Animal Resources Section cordially invites all researchers involved in laboratory animal experiments, as well as other members, to attend the Annual Memorial Service for laboratory animals.


OIST x CiNet Workshop for Future Neuroscience and Technology

2018年10月17日 (水) 15:002018年10月19日 (金) 12:00
B250, Center Bldg. & Okinawa Electoromagnetic Technology Center

OIST researchers are welcome to attend the talk and poster sessions of the OIST x CiNet workshop, from October 17th to 19th. Please register for poster presentation and attendance by September 24th.



2018年10月13日 (土) 14:00 18:00

TEDxOIST 2018: Beneath the Surface. 言語:英語(日本語同時通訳)。要予約


Internal Seminar: Bill Soederstroem, Postdoctoral Researcher , Structural Biology Unit

2018年10月12日 (金) 16:30

Internal Seminar, Friday October 12th, 4-5pm, B700


Internal Seminar: Larisa Sheloukhova, Molecular and functional dissection of ancestral glia

2018年10月12日 (金) 16:00

Internal Seminar, Friday October 12, 4-5pm, B700


Workshop: "Interview Skills"

2018年10月12日 (金) 15:30 17:00
C700, Lab3

This highly interactive 90-minute workshop covers the most common questions asked during job interviews and how to formulate the best responses.

Researcher registration - CLICK HERE. Students should register via Graduate School.

Sponsored by OIST Graduate School.


Workshop: "Speaking about science"

2018年10月12日 (金) 14:00 15:30
C700, Lab3

This workshop covers the structure, organization, and delivery of scientific talks.

Researcher registration - CLICK HERE . Students should register via Graduate School.

Sponsored by OIST Graduate School.


Presidential Lecture - "Science, Biology and the World's Future" by Dr. Bruce Alberts

2018年10月12日 (金) 13:30 15:00

Speaker: Dr. Bruce Alberts

Chancellor’s Leadership Chair in Biochemistry & Biophysics for Science & Education. University of California, San Francisco.


"QuickFix: CV Content"

2018年10月10日 (水) 12:00 13:00
For RSVP only

“QuickFix”- improve your application materials in an interactive and a time-efficient manner!

To register CLICK HERE Post-event survey SUMMARY


"Field-Induced Dipole-Dipole Interaction for the Condensation of Spin-Orbital Coupled Polar Molecules" Dr. Gary Liu

2018年10月9日 (火) 10:00 11:00
Meeting Room C016, Level C, Lab1

[Seminar] Speaker: Dr. Gary (I-Kang) Liu, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan



2018年10月8日 (月) 0:00

National holiday.

2nd OIST Activities Fair

2018年10月5日 (金) 17:00
Conference Center

This is an event for OISTers’ to know what activities are happening at OIST, as well as for (official or informal) groups to recruit new members! Especially for new students, it will be a good chance to know activities you could do with people at OIST. Everyone at OIST, including interns, families, postdocs, admins, faculties, are all welcome!

Please spread this info to whom may want to recruit members and look for new activities!

For groups/clubs interested in joining: If you or your group wants to join this Activities Fair, please email ( or message Yuka Suzuki in advance with your group name. Also, please ask Yuka if you want to borrow a screen or do some performance. Performance may be possible in the meeting room 1. Each group will have a spot with a table and their group/activity name at the conference centre. Groups are welcome to bring items to show the taste of their activities or anything to attract people (video, instruments, snacks etc)!


[Cancelled] Special Scientific Talk - "Thinking, feeling and interacting in an accelerating world" by Dr. Claudine Haroche

2018年10月5日 (金) 13:00 14:00
C700, Lab 3

[Cancelled] Speaker: Claudine Haroche, CNRS, Paris


Workshop: "Developing Job Strategies for Academia and Industry"

2018年10月4日 (木) 15:002018年10月5日 (金) 17:00
C700, Lab3

This workshop will cover academic and non-academic job search strategies.

Sponsored by OIST Graduate School.

To register CLICK HERE


Workshop: "Branding - Effective Communication Skills"

2018年10月4日 (木) 12:00 13:00
C700, Lab3

This workshop will cover how to develop your personal brand and effectively communicate your value to important stakeholders.

Sponsored by OIST Graduate School.

To register CLICK HERE


2018年10月4日 (木) (All day)2018年10月5日 (金) (All day)

Please address inquiries to the President's Office.


[Seminar] "Vacuum decay rate in the standard model and beyond" by Dr. Yutaro Shoji

2018年10月2日 (火) 15:00 16:00
A720, Lab 3

Speaker: Dr. Yutaro Shoji from Nagoya University Abstract: The electroweak vacuum is not absolutely stable in the standard model and various models beyond the standard model. This is due to an appearance of another deeper vacuum, into which the electroweak vacuum can decay. The decay proceeds through quantum tunneling and the rate is expressed with an exponential suppression factor and a pre-factor. The suppression factor has been calculated in many papers, but a naive dimensional analysis has been usually adopted for the pre-factor.

We have pointed out that such an evaluation can suffer from large quantum corrections and it is important to calculate the pre-factor as well.

To calculate the pre-factor, we had problems in a gauge sector; its gauge invariance is not explicitly shown, and there appear zero modes, which we could not deal with.

We have solved these problems and made it possible to determine vacuum decay rates precisely.

As applications, we analyzed the decay rates in the standard model and its fermionic extensions. We also provide a public code, which can be used for models that exhibit classical scale invariance at a high energy scale.


[Topology and Geometry Seminar] "Spacetime Singularities -An Introduction-" by Makoto Narita

2018年10月2日 (火) 11:00 12:00
Lab 3 B717
"Spacetime Singularities -An Introduction-" by Professor Makoto Narita from Okinawa National College of Technology

Seminar "One-loop tests of PM higher spin holography" by Wenliang LI (Hikami Unit)

2018年10月2日 (火) 10:00 11:00
C700, Lab3

*Time & Venue are changed to 10:00-11:00 (Oct 2), C700-Lab3.

Seminar on One-loop tests of PM higher spin holography by Wenliang Li (Hikami Unit)


Wiley Books Online Trial

2018年10月2日 (火) 9:302019年3月26日 (火) 12:00
Anywhere with OIST network

A paid trial of Wiley Online Books will be available until March 26, 2019.


New Insights on Global Climate Change from Coral Reefs by Prof. R. Dunbar

2018年10月1日 (月) 11:00

New Insights on Global Climate Change from Coral Reefs

Prof. Rob Dunbar

Stanford University


Kazakhstan Dumplings "Manti"

2018年9月29日 (土) 18:00
Community Kitchen



【台風のため中止】公開トーク:「七色の橋を渡る」[Cancelled] Public Talk: "Crossing the 7 Bridges of Color"

2018年9月29日 (土) 14:00
セミナールームC210 C210 in the Center Building


言語:日本語(英語通訳なし)  Language: Japanese (No English Interpretation)


OIST Café #8 in Tokyo 【中止】

2018年9月29日 (土) 14:00 17:00
FabCafe Tokyo (Shibuya, Tokyo)


要予約: 対象者: OIST の博士課程やリサーチインターンシップに興味がある方。定員: 30 名(先着順)。 


Internal Seminar: Ivan Koludarov, Neofunctionalization precedes duplication in the evolution of Pla2g2 genes

2018年9月28日 (金) 16:30

Internal Seminar, Friday September 28th, 4-5 pm, C700


Internal Seminar: Yuka Suzuki, Relating explicit spatial structure with biodiversity in metacommunity

2018年9月28日 (金) 16:00

Internal Seminar, Friday, September 28th, 4-5pm, C700


Sense of Wonder Opening Ceremony センス・オブ・ワンダー展オープニングセレモニー

2018年9月27日 (木) 16:15
Tunnel Gallery

Special Tea Time to open the art exhibition "Sense of Wonder"


"Experiments to Probe Quantum Linearity with Massive Nanoparticles" Markus Arndt

2018年9月27日 (木) 14:30 16:00
B250, Level B, Center Building

Seminar by Dr. Markus Arndt, Professor of Quantum Nanophysics at University of Vienna

This is a part of the summer school CQD2018 hosted by Nic Chormaic Unit & Busch Unit.


Special Scientific Talk - Towards Perfect de novo DNA assembly

2018年9月27日 (木) 13:00 14:30
C209, Center Building

NEW TIME - 1pm

Dr. Eugene W. Myers Director & Founding Chair of Systems Biology Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics


"QuickFix: Transferable Skills"

2018年9月27日 (木) 12:00 13:00
For RSVP only

“QuickFix” - identify your transferable skills through in an interactive card sorting activity!

To register CLICK HERE Post-event survey SUMMARY

Art Exhibition: Sense of Wonder 美術展 センス・オブ・ワンダー

2018年9月27日 (木) 9:002018年10月17日 (水) 17:00
Tunnel Gallery, Level C Corridor in the Center Building

Art Exhibition by 7 Okinawan artists.

Special Talk on 9/29 (Sat) at 14:00 in C210. Japanese only, no English interpretation


2018 Okinawa Future Semiconductor Technical Committee

2018年9月26日 (水) 13:00 17:30
Seminar room C209, Center building

The workshop is going to be held on September 26, 2018,



2018年9月26日 (水) 9:002018年9月27日 (木) 12:00

海洋温度差発電関連の世界最大規模の国際会議 | ウェブサイト: | All sessions are open to OIST faculty/staff/students. Please register online and include “OIST” in the remarks, or show your OIST ID at the registration desk. |


[Seminar] "Applications of quantum lattice model solver HΦ to frustrated magnets" by Dr. Takahiro Misawa from Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo

2018年9月25日 (火) 15:00 16:00
C016 (Lab1, Level C)

TQM unit is pleased to invite you to our seminar.

[Language] English
