Past Events


[Seminar] "Correlated constrained quantum many-body systems" by Dr. Yi-Ping Huang

2019年1月28日 (月) 17:00 18:00
Lab 1 , Level C - C016

Seminar hosted by Theory of Quantum Matter Unit


Seminar "Functional renormalization group - a new approach to frustrated quantum magnetism"

2019年1月28日 (月) 14:00 15:00
C016, Lab 1

Prof. Johannes Reuther, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany


[Seminar] "Statistical Challenge and Promise: Big Data, Sampling Bias" by Prof. Yu Shen, MD Anderson Cancer Center

2019年1月28日 (月) 10:30 11:30
C209, Center Bldg.

Prof. Yu Shen, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

Open Lectures: The 3rd ABiS Advanced Light Microscopy Training Workshop at OIST

2019年1月28日 (月) 9:002019年1月30日 (水) 12:00
C210, B503 seminar rooms and "B380"s microscope rooms of OIST

Lectures and microscope demonstration : Super resolution microscopy (SIM, STORM/PALM, STED, etc.) Aberration correction, Labeling condition, Sampling rate, Denoising, etc.) Applications in research. etc. Registration reqired for demonstration. Language: English


琉球古典芸能OIST公演 琉球の響

2019年1月26日 (土) 14:00 15:30

13:30開場 14:00開演



2019年1月26日 (土) 10:00 16:00
21st Century Forest gymnasium(Nago 21-Seiki no mori Taikukan)

会場: 名護21世紀の森体育館(メインアリーナ)    〒905-0015 沖縄県名護市大南2丁目1−1

参加費: 無料


The Fifth English & Cross-culture Seminar

2019年1月26日 (土) 9:30 16:00
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room C210

This is an externally organized event. For more information contact the organizers.


Seminar "Theory of thermionic emission from two-dimensional conductors"

2019年1月25日 (金) 12:00 13:00
C016, Lab 1

Dr. Maxim Trushin, Centre for Advanced 2D Materials, NUS, Singapore


[Seminar] "Evolution of Planktonic Gastropods in an Acidifying Ocean" by Dr. Katja T.C.A. Peijnenburg

2019年1月25日 (金) 11:00 12:00
A720, Lab 3

Speaker: Dr. Katja T.C.A. Peijnenburg 1) Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands 2) University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] Some exotic nontrivial elements of the rational homotopy groups of Diff(S^4) by Dr. Tadayuki Watanabe (Shimane University)

2019年1月24日 (木) 16:00 17:00
Lab 3, B700

Abstract: The rational homotopy groups of the group Diff(S^4) of self-diffeomorphisms of S^4 with the C^\infty-topology. We present a method to prove that there are many 'exotic' non-trivial elements in the rational homotopy groups of Diff(S^4) parametrized by trivalent graphs. The proof utilizes Kontsevich's characteristic classes for smooth disk bundles and a version of clasper surgery for families. In fact, these are analogues of Chern-Simons perturbation theory in 3-dimension and clasper theory due to Goussarov and Habiro.


ORC Assembly

2019年1月23日 (水) 16:00 17:00
Seminar Room C209

First Assembly of the ORC (OIST Researcher Community) with the new elected office.


Seminar by Prof YANG 'Supressing photothermal convection in plasmonic optical tweezers and optogenetic bioreactors'

2019年1月23日 (水) 11:00 12:00
C209, Level C, Centre Building

Speaker: Prof Ya Tang Yang - Jack; National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Language: English


Cycle - Energy for Creation 2019 - 展覧会

2019年1月23日 (水) (All day)2019年2月27日 (水) (All day)
OIST Tunnel Gallery and Center Building Level C Corridor

沖縄県立芸術大学大学院造形芸術研究科展 at OIST。入場無料。


[Seminar] "Randomness induced quantum spin liquids in frustrated magnets" by Prof. Hikaru Kawamura from Osaka University

2019年1月22日 (火) 14:00 15:00
Lab 1 , Level C - C016

TQM unit is pleased to invite everyone to a seminar.

OIST x Juntendo Joint Workshop of Tokuyasu Method 2019

2019年1月21日 (月) 9:002019年1月25日 (金) 17:00
Center building C210, Lab 1 B503 and OIST EM facility

The Tokuyasu cryo-sectioning method is a well-established technique in Cell Biology for the localisation of macromoleculs by immuno-gold labelling. We will teach the essentials like chemical fixation and its impact on the cellular ultrastructure, how to judge the quality of antibodies and to do immunolabelling.


Foodie OISTers Master Chef

2019年1月19日 (土) 15:00
OIST Entrance Village Center

Cooking Competition


Kleptoprotein Bioluminescence: The origin of the luciferase of luminous fish Parapriacanthus ransonneti

2019年1月18日 (金) 15:00
Center bldg. C210
Speaker Dr. Manabu Bessho 

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute


QuickFix: Resume

2019年1月17日 (木) 12:00 13:00
For RSVP only.

“QuickFix”- improve your application materials in an interactive and a time-efficient manner!

To register CLICK HERE Post-workshop survey SUMMARY

[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] The Seiberg-Witten equations and topology by Dr. Hirofumi Sasahira (Kyushu University)

2019年1月16日 (水) 16:00 17:00
Lab 3, B700

Abstract: In this talk, I will explain basics of the Seiberg-Witten equations and applications to topology. I will also mention about recent progress in the Seiberg-Witten Floer theory.


[Seminar 2] "Adaptive nonlinear control and learning dynamics with spiking networks" by Dr. Slotine

2019年1月16日 (水) 15:00 16:00

Speaker: Prof. Jean-Jacques Slotine Massachusetts Institute of Technology Title: Adaptive nonlinear control and learning dynamics with spiking networks


Seminar "Vapor-Induced Attraction of Floating Droplets" by Prof. Tuan Tran

2019年1月16日 (水) 15:00 16:00
Lab3 B715

Seminar by Prof. Tuan Tran,School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Seminar "Color Centres in 2D Hexagonal Boron Nitride".

2019年1月15日 (火) 16:00 17:00
A720, LevelA, Lab3

Mr. Sajid Ali, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Universiry of Technology, Sydney


[Seminar 1] "Collective computation and learning in nonlinear networks" by Dr. Slotine

2019年1月15日 (火) 15:00 16:00
Seminar Room B503 - Lab1 Bldg

Speaker: Prof. Jean-Jacques Slotine Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Seminar "Non-collinear magnetism of cobalt-benzene clusters"

2019年1月15日 (火) 14:30 15:30
A720, LevelA, Lab3

Dr. Jhon González, Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU)-Material Physics Center (MPC)


[Seminar] "Emergent collective oscillations in dense adaptive cell populations" by Dr. Lei-Han Tang

2019年1月15日 (火) 14:00 15:00
C209, Center Building

Speaker: Dr. Lei-Han Tang, Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University, Complex Systems Division, Beijing Computational Science Research Center


[Seminar] "Cluster-Based Haldane States in Spin-Cluster Chains" by Dr. Takanori Sugimoto from Tokyo University of Science

2019年1月15日 (火) 14:00 15:00
Lab 1 , Level C - C016



[Seminar] "Bacteria, stem cells and fruit flies: a physicist in biology" by Prof. Chao Tang

2019年1月15日 (火) 13:00 14:00
C209, Center Building

Speaker: Prof. Chao Tang, Center for Quantitative Biology, Peking University


[Seminar] "Recent development in spin superconductor" by Prof. X.C. Xie

2019年1月15日 (火) 10:50 11:50
C209, Center Building

Speaker: Prof. X.C. Xie, International Center for Quantum Materials and School of Physics, Peking University


[Seminar] " Water: Soft in Nature, Hard in Science" by Prof. Enge Wang

2019年1月15日 (火) 9:45 10:45
C209, Center Building

Speaker: Prof. Enge Wang, International Center for Quantum Materials and School of Physics, Peking University & Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


100 Island Challenge: Cross-regional perspectives of coral reef structure and function

2019年1月15日 (火) 9:002019年1月17日 (木) 16:30
OIST Seaside House

OIST Jointly-funded Symposium organized by OIST (Marine Biophysics Unit) and Scripps Institution of Oceonography | All scientific sessions open to OIST members (working meals are closed sessions) | For non-OIST members: Please contact the organizers for information on how to participate.


成人の日 2019

2019年1月14日 (月) 0:00

National holiday

OIST科学者による衣食住にまつわるサイエンストーク vol.4

2019年1月11日 (金) 18:30 19:30
ジュンク堂書店那覇店(那覇市牧志1-19-29)D-NAHA 地下1階


第4回目となる1月は、G0細胞ユニットの佐二木健一研究員が、科学技術が発展する世界に「やちむん」が教えてくれること について講演を行う予定です。


[Seminar] Photo-induced dynamics of photo-devices-solar cell, photocatalysis, water splitting Prof. Kenji Katayama

2019年1月11日 (金) 15:00 16:00
C209, Centre Building

Kenji Katayama, Department of Applied Chemistry, Chuo University


AI/IoT Workshop on Energy Data

2019年1月11日 (金) 13:302019年1月12日 (土) 13:00
Conference Center, Meeting Room 1

Researchers and professors from universities as well as renowned energy companies from all over Japan come together to discuss their recent projects. All OIST members are welcome to attend. Presentations on Friday will be held in English, presentations on Saturday in Japanese.


[Seminar] “Singular-Value-Decomposition Analysis of Holography and Renormalization Group” - by Prof. Hiroaki Matsueda, NIT Sendai

2019年1月11日 (金) 10:30 11:30
Lab1 D015

Seminar by Prof. Matsueda, Vice President, NIT Sendai

Teatime Today: Kuroshio Magazine Launch!

2019年1月10日 (木) 16:00
Grano Restaurant

The new issue of Kuroshio Magazine is out -- and available in print at today’s Teatime! Swing by Grano at 4pm to grab some tea, coffee and snacks and read up on the Current of OIST!


International Workshop on Hybrid Quantum Systems

2019年1月8日 (火) 9:30

The recent developments in quantum science and technology now allow us to control systems at the quantum level, and we have began to see the quantum world in ways we have never imagine before. In this workshop, co-organized by KAKENHI program " Science of Hybrid Quantum Systems " in Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (新学術領域, Shin-Gakujutsu-Ryouiki), international experts on various hybrid quantum systems will gather to discuss the recent developments as well as future perspectives.

This workshop is OPEN FOR ALL OISTERS .

Seminar "Towards quantum transduction with an improved electro-opto-mechanical converter" by Peter Burns

2019年1月7日 (月) 14:00 15:00
C210, Center building
Peter Burns, University of Colorald, Boulder

年末年始 2019

2018年12月29日 (土) (All day)2019年1月3日 (木) (All day)

National holiday.



2018年12月23日 (日) 0:00

National holiday.


Pakistani Katoori Chaat

2018年12月22日 (土) 18:00

Katoori Chaat


[Seminar] Maintenance of regulatory T cell stability by ubiquitin E3 ligases deltex1 and XIAP by Prof. Ming-Zong Lai

2018年12月20日 (木) 15:00 16:00
D014, LevelD Lab1

Title: Maintenance of regulatory T cell stability by ubiquitin E3 ligases deltex1 and XIAP

Speaker: Professor Ming-Zong Lai

Affiliation: Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sincia


[Seminar] Mapping the structure of animal behavior

2018年12月17日 (月) 11:00
C700, Lab3 Level C

Prof. Gordon Berman, Emory University

Host: Stephens unit


Seminar: "Precision Medicine or Privileged Medicine? Connecting Biomedical Research to Health Care Practice."

2018年12月17日 (月) 11:00 12:00
C016, Lab 1

When developing a drug, biomarker, or treatment approach, how will it actually work in patients, and how will it change the decisions that are made during treatment? Doctors, patients, and other stake holders each have different concerns about the costs/benefits at each stage of a medical treatment, and these concerns are not always effectively met. We focus on these issues in a teaching setting at Brown University (USA) as a lot of the tools for translating research into healthcare are generally relevant to how we do collaborative research.


Seminar: "Rapid pathway prototyping for novel bio-based chemicals: Ginkgo case studies"

2018年12月14日 (金) 16:00 17:00
A719, Lab 3

In this Innovation Forum hosted talk, Ginkgo Bioworks Associate Head of Metabolic Engineering, Dr. Massimo Merighi, will discuss several case studies of pathways developed by Ginkgo, in particular one involving the engineering of a substrate co-feed in Escherichia coli , including a history of how this design cycle has evolved over time to take advantage of new technological developments.



[Seminar] The mouth, the anus and the blastopore. Their questionable developmental and evolutionary relationships and the origin of the animal gut by Prof. Andreas Hejnol

2018年12月14日 (金) 10:00 11:00
Seminar Room B503, Center Building

Title: The mouth, the anus and the blastopore. Their questionable developmental and evolutionary relationships and the origin of the animal gut

Speaker: Prof. Andreas Hejnol

Affiliation: Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, University of Bergen, Norway. Research Group Leader “Comparative Developmental Biology of Animals”


Thursday Teatime @ 4pm - A toast to the New Year!

2018年12月13日 (木) 16:00
Grano Restaurant

Join us for the last Teatime of 2018! Come for the usual tea, coffee and snacks, stay to discuss New Year's Resolutions that we may or may not keep. In any case, maybe the mid-afternoon caffeine boost will inspire some big plans for the year ahead.

Have a safe holiday season everyone, and we'll see you at the next Teatime on January 10!


[Seminar] ECM1 promotes differentiation of follicular helper T cells by antagonizing IL-2-STAT5 pathway by Prof. Bing Sun

2018年12月12日 (水) 15:00 16:00
Seminar Room B503, Center Building

Title: ECM1 promotes differentiation of follicular helper T cells by antagonizing IL-2-STAT5 pathway

Speaker: Professor Bing Sun

Affiliation: Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
