Past Events


[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] Global manifolds and the transition to chaos in the Lorenz system by Dr. Bernd Krauskopf (University of Auckland)

2019年3月26日 (火) 15:00 16:00
Lab 3, B700

The Lorenz system still fascinates many people because of the simplicity of the equations that generate such complicated dynamics on the famous butterfly attractor. This talk addresses the role of the stable and unstable manifolds in organising the dynamics more globally. A main object of interest is the stable manifold of the origin of the Lorenz system, also known as the Lorenz manifold. This two-dimensional manifold and associated manifolds of saddle periodic orbits can be computed accurately with numerical methods based on the continuation of orbit segments, defined as solutions of suitable two-point boundary value problems. We use these techniques to give a precise geometrical and topological characterisation of global manifolds during the transition from simple dynamics, via preturbulence to chaotic dynamics, as the Rayleigh parameter of the Lorenz system is increased; joint work with Hinke Osinga (University of Auckland) and Eusebius Doedel (Concordia University, Montreal).


"Network architecture underlying sparse neural activity characterized by structured higher-order interactions", Hideaki Shimazaki, Kyoto University

2019年3月26日 (火) 13:00 14:00
Meeting Room C016 - L1 Bldg

Dr. Hideaki Shimazaki, Program-specific Associate Professor at Kyoto University


Seminar by Dr Yong Yang 'Group delay and its dispersion in SNAP resonators'

2019年3月25日 (月) 16:00 17:00
C209, Level C, Centre Building

Speaker: Dr Yong Yang, Senior Research Fellow, Aston University, UK

OIST×琉球新報社 科学立県 世界へ羽ばたけ!未来の科学者 沖縄からノーベル賞を 山中伸弥氏講演会

2019年3月25日 (月) 14:00 16:00

ノーベル生理学・医学賞受賞 山中伸弥氏講演会、入場無料、 要予約


Mini-course: "Quantum Models for Black Holes: Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev and generalizations" by Prof. Frank Ferrari

2019年3月25日 (月) 9:002019年4月10日 (水) 12:00
B717, Lab 3

Speaker: Prof. Ferrari is based at the Department of Physics, Université Libre de Bruxelles. Aim: To introduce recently developed ideas and techniques on the SYK models and generalizations.


2019年3月24日 (日) 12:00

Nihon TV's popular entertainment program "The Most Useful School in the World," in which Provost Mary Collins introduces OIST will be broadcast in Okinawa!


サイエンスプロジェクトfor琉球ガールズ サイエンスキャンプ-vol.8-

2019年3月23日 (土) (All day)2019年3月24日 (日) (All day)
OIST Main Campus

Science Project for Ryukyu Girls / Science Camp -vol.8- / Female Junior high and high school students in Okinawa can apply. Accommodation fee and the airfare fee will be supported.


[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] Tropical geometry, normal surfaces and the character variety by Stephan Tillmann (University of Sydney)

2019年3月22日 (金) 17:00 18:00
Lab 3, B700

[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] Tropical geometry, normal surfaces and the character variety by Stephan Tillmann (University of Sydney)


3D modeling workshop

2019年3月22日 (金) 14:00 16:00
C700, Lab3

This workshop will cover the fundamentals of computer vision and structure-from-motion photogrammetry and how they are applied to coral reef biology and ecology.

To register CLICK HERE


春分の日 2019

2019年3月21日 (木) 0:00

National holiday


[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] Topology on tiny machines: logspace and finite-state complexity by Ben Burton (University of Queensland)

2019年3月20日 (水) 16:00 17:00
Lab 3, B700

[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] Topology on tiny machines: logspace and finite-state complexity by Dr. Ben Burton (University of Queensland)


Seminar "Impact response of granular materials: From the origin of the universe to catastrophic asteroid strikes" by Prof. Xiang Cheng

2019年3月20日 (水) 15:00 16:00
Lab1 D015

Seminar by Prof. Xiang Cheng, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota


Science Digest: "Kinematic Signatures of Cannabinoids"

2019年3月20日 (水) 12:00 13:00
Room C015 (Lab 1, Level C)

Bogna Ignatowska-Jankowska, Research Fellow (Uusisaari Unit). Bring your own lunch.


[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] Essential surfaces detected by the character variety by Stephan Tillmann (University of Sydney)

2019年3月19日 (火) 15:00 16:00
Lab 3, B700

[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] Essential surfaces detected by the character variety by Stephan Tillmann (University of Sydney)


"Sharp-wave ripple production and coordination in sleeping dragons"by Dr. Hiroaki Norimoto, MPI for Brain Research

2019年3月19日 (火) 13:00
Meeting Room D014 - Lab1 Bldg

Speaker: Dr. Hiroaki Norimoto Lab for Neural Systems, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research

Title: Sharp-wave ripple production and coordination in sleeping dragons


[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] Character varieties, ideal points and actions on trees by Stephan Tillmann (University of Sydney)

2019年3月18日 (月) 16:00 17:00
Lab 3, B700

[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] Character varieties, ideal points and actions on trees by Dr. Stephan Tillmann (University of Sydney)


Seminar "Thermal Hall effect from neutral currents in quantum magnets" by Dr. Max Hirschberger

2019年3月18日 (月) 14:30 15:30
Lab2, B604

Seminar hosted by TQM unit


The 16th International Membrane Research Forum

2019年3月18日 (月) 8:452019年3月21日 (木) 15:00
OIST Campus (B250, C700)

OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions - Website:


OIST minisymposium - The 16th International Membrane Research Forum

2019年3月18日 (月) 8:452019年3月20日 (水) 14:30
Center B250, Lab3 C700
OIST Mini-Symposium The 16th International Membrane Research Forum Featuring 2D-3D Meso-Scale Functional Molecular Complexes and Domains in Cellular Membranes 18 – 20 March 2019

Pakistani Chicken Korma

2019年3月16日 (土) 18:00
Community Kitchen

Dear Foodies :) Next class will be Pakistani Kitchen with "Chiken Korma with Rice " The chef will be Afshan Jamshaid The class will be on 16th March Saturday at 6pm in the Community Kitchen. Kindly confirm your availability for placing the order.


Luis Ono, Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cell Research

2019年3月15日 (金) 16:30 17:00
Lab1 B503

Internal Seminar Series


Ivan Mbogo, The Molecular and Functional Evolution of the Beta-Catenin Transcriptional Machinery

2019年3月15日 (金) 16:00 16:30
Lab 1 B503

Internal Seminar Series


Science Challenge Final Presentations

2019年3月15日 (金) 9:30 12:30
B250, Central Building

The Science Challenge is a week-long event where we invite 31 Japanese and international undergrad students to experience the way science is done in OIST.

Throughout the week, among many activities, they will be working on a 4-minute presentation about this year's theme: "Think big, start small".

Come take a peek at what the future of Japanese science will be like.


Neural Computation Workshop 2019

2019年3月15日 (金) 9:15 18:00
Seaside House

Neural Computation Unit will hold a retreat/reunion at Seaside House. If you are interested in joining, pleaese contact


Workshop: "Optimize your Conference Experience"

2019年3月13日 (水) 15:30 16:30
C210, Central Building

Discover how to get the most out of attending an academic or industry conference.

Everyone is welcome!

Workshop: "Marketing your value in a global environment to advance your career"

2019年3月13日 (水) 14:00 15:00
C210, Central Building

In this workshop, you will learn the strategies for communicating your ideas and brand (your promise of value) in such a way that your constituents want to learn more and can visualize how your innovative attitude will benefit them.

Everyone is welcome!

Workshop: "Networking for Nerds"

2019年3月13日 (水) 12:00 13:30
C210, Central Building

Discover how networking and self-promotion can enable you to land or even create your dream job from scratch!

Everyone is welcome! Post-event survey SUMMARY

New Postdoc Orientation

2019年3月12日 (火) 12:00 13:00
C210, Central Building

Details are coming soon...


Seminar: "Progresses on the lesson we learn about (quantum) gravity from quantum matter" by Mr. Riccardo Martini

2019年3月11日 (月) 11:00 12:00
A719, Lab 3

Speaker: Mr. Martini is currently in his last year as a Ph.D. student at University of Jena, Germany.

OIST科学者による衣食住にまつわるサイエンストーク vol.6

2019年3月8日 (金) 18:30 19:30
ジュンク堂書店那覇店(那覇市牧志1-19-29)D-NAHA 地下1階


最終回となる3月は、量子波光学顕微鏡ユニットの新竹積教授が、OIST波力発電プロジェクトー海の波のエネルギー利用に向けて について講演を行う予定です。


[Seminar] "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula" by Dr. Masazumi Honda

2019年3月8日 (金) 13:30 14:30
A613, Lab 2

Speaker: Dr. Masazumi Honda, University of Cambridge


Seminar "Topological magnons in Kitaev magnets at high fields" by Prof. Karlo Penc

2019年3月8日 (金) 13:00 14:00
C015 Lab1

host by TQM unit


Seminar: "Functional Renormalization Group analysis of Tensorial Group Field Theories" by Mr. Riccardo Martini

2019年3月8日 (金) 11:00 12:00
D015, Lab 1

Speaker: Mr. Martini is currently in his last year as a Ph.D. student at University of Jena, Germany.


Researcher Survey

2019年3月8日 (金) (All day)2019年4月8日 (月) (All day)

Make your voice heard! Complete the Researcher Survey.


Presidential Lecture - "The Art of Building Small" by Prof. Ben L. Feringa

2019年3月6日 (水) 14:30 16:00
B250, Level B, Center Building

Speaker: Prof. Ben L. Feringa


OISTフォーラム2019 ~"DEEP TECH"が進化させる社会~

2019年3月5日 (火) 13:30 19:00

大学や研究機関において生み出される最新の先端科学技術に基づく技術革新は近年、創薬やバイオテクノロジー、新素材・新エネルギー、ロボット、IoTなどの分野において世界的に急速に注目が高まりつつある。こうした分野は応用にあたって多額の資金や長期にわたる開発期間を要することから収益化が困難とされ、「Deep Tech」と呼ばれている。ボストンやロンドンのような学術機関の集積地においてはベンチャーキャピタルを中心とした独自のDeep Tech起業支援体制を確立させる試みが進展しつつある。



Seminar "Topology from chaos: quantum Hall physics, Haldane conjecture and beyond" by Chushun Tian (CAS, Beijing)

2019年3月5日 (火) 10:30 11:30

Seminar by Chushun Tian, Professor at Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All is welcome.


[Seminar] "Tensor Decomposition and Tensor Networks and their applications, especially in Brain Computer Interface and recognition of Human Emotions" by Prof. Andrzej Cichocki

2019年3月4日 (月) 14:00 15:00
C016, Lab1

Prof. Andrzej Cichocki

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (SKOLTECH), Moscow

"Tensor Decomposition and Tensor Networks and their applications, especially in Brain Computer Interface and recognition of Human Emotions"


Seminar: "A possible topological phase of gravity" by Mr. Guilherme Sadovski

2019年3月4日 (月) 11:00 12:00
C016 Lab1

Speaker: Mr. Sadovski is currently in his last year as a Ph.D. student at Universidad Federal Fluminense, Brazil.


Sigita Augustinaite, Two-photon imaging of the deepest cortical layer in the behaving mouse

2019年3月1日 (金) 16:30 17:00
Lab 3, C700

Internal Seminar Series


Ratnesh Gupta, Multiphoton processes in an optical nanofiber based light-matter interface

2019年3月1日 (金) 16:00 16:30
Lab 3, C700

Internal Seminar Series


The 11th International Workshop on Fundamental Physics Using Atoms

2019年3月1日 (金) (All day)2019年3月4日 (月) (All day)
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room B250

OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions - Website:


English for Interns - Presenting a Poster

2019年2月28日 (木) 15:00 16:30
Lab 2, LevelC, C600B - English Language Classroom

Open to all interns as well as other interested people. Bring a poster if you have one!


Seminar: Towards a theory of classification: general setting​ by George Elliott (University of Toronto)

2019年2月27日 (水) 14:00 16:00
C210, Center Building

Seminar by George Elliott (University of Toronto). All is welcome. Feb.27, 2019, 14:00-16:00 (C210)


”Population dynamics and entrainment of basal ganglia pacemakers are shaped by their dendritic arbors” Dr Joshua Goldberg

2019年2月27日 (水) 14:00 15:00
Lab1, D014 Seminar Room

Speaker: By Dr Joshua Goldberg, Department of medical Neurobiology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


ORC Assembly

2019年2月27日 (水) 13:00 14:00
Seminar Room B503

Everybody is welcome to attend the OIST Researcher Community (ORC) Assembly .


First RUT Networking Lunch 2019

2019年2月26日 (火) 12:00 13:00
C209 Center Building

Dear Research Unit Technicians

We woul d like to announce the start of 2019 quarterly networking lunches for the Research Unit Technicians (RUT) at OIST. This year we will run these through ORC , and w e w ould like to have your input on anything related to working as a technician at OIST.

Date: Tuesday 26th February

Venue: C2 09 (Center Bldg.)

Time: 12:00-13:00


Presidential Lecture - "A Quantum Leap in Quantum Information: Building Quantum Computers and Quantum Simulators with Cold Atoms and Ions" by Prof. Peter Zoller

2019年2月26日 (火) 10:30 12:00
B250, Center Building

Speaker: Prof. Peter Zoller, Managing and Research Director, Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Austria


Workshop: "Discovering your Strengths". Part 1.

2019年2月26日 (火) 9:00 12:00
For RSVP only

Discover your Talens using Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment .

This course will help you better understand yourself and your unique talents . You will learn how to productively apply your talents for greater personal and professional success .

To register CLICK HERE Post-workshop survey SUMMARY

[Geometry, Topology and Dynamics Seminar] Viazovska's work on the sphere packing problem and some recent developments in number theory by Dr. Dan Romik (UC Davis)

2019年2月25日 (月) 16:00 17:00
Lab 3, B700
Abstract: The sphere packing problem in d dimensions asks for the densest packing of spheres in d-dimensional Euclidean space R^d. Prior to 2016, the problem had only been solved in dimensions 2 and 3 (with the solution in dimension 3 being Hales's famously complicated solution to Kepler's conjecture), and solutions in most other dimensions were thought to be out of reach, except for dimensions 8 and 24 where overwhelming numerical and theoretical evidence supported the conjectures pointing at specific lattices as the optimal packings. In a breakthrough in 2016, Maryna Viazovska published a stunning proof for the 8-dimensional case, followed up shortly with a proof for the 24-dimensional case with several coauthors. The solutions work by using a previous reduction of the problem (due to Henry Cohn and Noam Elkies) to a problem in harmonic analysis, and ingeniously solving that analysis problem using number-theoretic tools - specifically, the mathematics of modular forms. In this talk I will give a quick survey of these developments and the beautiful new challenges and opportunities that they open up for attacking this classical geometry problem. I will also discuss my own recent results on infinite series representations for the Riemann xi function and explain how Viazovska's work, which appears not strongly related to the problem I was studying, nonetheless provided me with useful inspiration.
