Past Events


Name Our New Cluster

2019年10月13日 (日) 8:352019年10月31日 (木) 23:50

OIST will get a new computing cluster this year. Cast your vote for the new cluster name! Go here to vote, or scan the QR code.


Seminar: "From Okinawa to the Milky Way Galaxy and Super-Massive Black Holes" by Prof. Mareki Honma

2019年10月11日 (金) 15:00 16:00
C700, Lab 3

Prof. Mareki Honma, Director/Professor at Mizusawa VLBI Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). At a news conference in Tokyo on April 10, he represented the team of 22 Japanese scientists, who were among the 207 scientists in 17 nations and regions, to release the first image of the black hole.


Theoretical Physics Seminar: Andreas Thomasen

2019年10月11日 (金) 14:00
Lab 1, C016

Theoretical Physics Seminar. Speaker: Andreas Thomasen (Quantum Matter). Title: "Intuitions about topology in condensed matter physics".


[Seminar] "Senescence: a cellular phenotype in physiology and pathology" by Prof. Ana O'Loghlen

2019年10月10日 (木) 14:00 15:00
C700, Level C, Lab 3

Title : Senescence: a cellular phenotype in physiology and pathology

Speaker: Prof. Ana O'Loghlen

Affiliation: Queen Mary University of London


Faculty Perspectives: "A not very well-planned career in marine sciences".

2019年10月10日 (木) 12:00 13:00
C700, Lab 3

Join Dr. James Davis Reimer, Associate Professor, University of the Ryukyus for an interactive interview style discussion at OIST.


Seminar by Dr. Anjan Soumyanarayanan, Magnetic Skyrmions: Spin Topology for Nanoscale Computing

2019年10月10日 (木) 10:00 12:00
C015, Lab 1

Seminar by Dr. Anjan Soumyanarayanan from A*STAR and NUS, Singapore [Magnetic Skyrmions: Spin Topology for Nanoscale Computing]


Faculty Lunch Seminar: Yasha Neiman

2019年10月9日 (水) 12:00
Blackboard area, Lab 2, Level B

Faculty Lunch Seminar. Speaker: Yasha Neiman (Quantum Gravity). Title: "Let us breed a Schrodinger's Cat"


Seminar "Replication, error, and emergence of life", Prof. Shoichi Toyabe

2019年10月8日 (火) 13:00 14:00

Prof. Shoich Toyabe, Associate Professor, Tohoku University.


Seminar "An update on K41 vs K62" by Prof. Robert Antonia

2019年10月7日 (月) 16:00 17:00
Lab1 D015

[Speaker] Prof. Robert Antonia, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (Mechanical Engineering) , The University of Newcastle, Australia


QG group meeting: Recent developments in higher-spin gravity

2019年10月7日 (月) 15:30
A719, Lab 3

This is the weekly Quantum Gravity group meeting. Speaker: Yasha Neiman. Title: Recent developments in higher-spin gravity.


IAS Users Meeting and Seminar: NMR

2019年10月7日 (月) 13:00 15:30
C016, Lab1

For OIST members:

Users meeting and Seminar are registration free. We look forward to seeing you at the venue.

For Non-OIST members:

Please contact for Seminar sign up. (Users meeting is an internal event.)


7th International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology Conference

2019年10月7日 (月) (All day)2019年10月11日 (金) (All day)
OIST Campus and Seaside House

7th International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology Conference


Guangzong Xing, High Power Factor of Copper Based Coordination Polymers and its Analogs for Thermoelectrics

2019年10月4日 (金) 16:30 17:00
Lab3 C700

Internal Seminar by Guangzong Xing, Quantum Transport and Electron Structure Theory Unit


Mohieldin Youssef, An Insight into the Mechanisms of Stress and Behavior

2019年10月4日 (金) 16:00 16:30
Lab3 C700

Internal Seminar by Mohieldin Youssef, Cell Signal Unit


Seminar "Single molecule junctions under high bias: Limitations of the single-level model"

2019年10月4日 (金) 14:00 15:00
C700, Lab 3

Prof. Elke Scheer, Department of Physics, University of Konstanz, Germany


Seminar "Molecular electronics as a playground for nanoscale thermal transport"

2019年10月4日 (金) 13:00 14:00
C700, Lab 3

Prof. Juan-Carlos Cuevas, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Department, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Seminar "The causes and consequences of cell-to-cell heterogeneity in growth, mutational impact, and drug resistance", Prof. Lucas Carey

2019年10月3日 (木) 13:00 14:00
D015, Lab1

Prof. Lucas Carey, Associate Professor, Center for Quantitative Biology, Peking Unviersiy


Seminar "Genomic Medicine: From Human to Plant"

2019年10月2日 (水) 15:00 16:00
Classroom B700, Lab3, Level B

Professor Bin Tean Teh, Ph.D., M.D Deputy Director (Research), National Cancer Centre of Singapore Deputy Director (Scientific), SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Precision Medicine Professor, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore Senior Principal Investigator, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore Senior Principal Investigator, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore

Sharepoint Open Hours

2019年10月2日 (水) 14:00

Sharepoint Open Hours

Location: B646

Time: 14:00-15:00


Seminar by Dr. Rémi Chaussenot, University Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France

2019年10月2日 (水) 11:00 12:00
B700, Lab 3
Speaker: Dr. Rémi Chaussenot, University Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France Language: English, no interpretation


[Seminar] "Directed Evolution under genetic codes with reduced-size alphabet or with low fidelity" by Prof. Daisuke Kiga

2019年10月2日 (水) 10:00 11:00
B250, Level B, Ctr Bldg

Title: Directed Evolution under genetic codes with reduced-size alphabet or with low fidelity

Speaker: Prof. Daisuke Kiga from Waseda University

Affiliation: Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience, Waseda University


High Performance VDI Conference 2019

2019年10月2日 (水) 9:002019年10月4日 (金) 18:30
OIST Conference Center

Learn about the latest trends in high-performance VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (仮想デスクトップ基盤)) and next-generation virtualization infrastructures, and share technical information. The conference consists of presentation sessions and hands-on workshops. | Language: Japanese (all presentation materials will be in English) | Program: | All scientific sessions are open to OIST members (additional fees apply for working meals)


2019年10月2日 (水) (All day)2019年10月3日 (木) (All day)

Please address inquiries to the President's Office.

OIST Gratitude Month

2019年10月1日 (火) 9:002019年10月30日 (水) 12:00
OIST Entrance of the Tunnel

Dear OISTers,

The purpose of “Gratitude Month” is to remind you what you have great in your life but just forgot because of having stress and other life problems.

From 1 st to 30 th Oct , you will find a Gratitude Glass jar with paper cards and markers at the E ntrance of the Tunnel .

Everyone is welcome to write down for what they are grateful in their lives. At the end of the month, all gratitude would be collected and published.


Pakistani Beef Nihari & Roghni Naan

2019年9月28日 (土) 18:00
Community Kitchen Village Center

Dear Foodies :)

Next class will be Pakistani Kitchen with "Beef Nihari & Roghni Naan" The chef will be Afshan Jamshaid. The class will be on 28th September Saturday at 6pm in Community Kitchen. Kindly confirm your availability for placing the order.


Thursday Tea Time

2019年9月26日 (木) 16:00
Grano Level B

Thursdays | Grano Level B | 16:00-16:30


2019 IEEE “Okinawa Chapter pre-event” / Okinawa Future Semiconductor Technical Committee

2019年9月26日 (木) 13:00 17:15
Seminar room C210, Center building

The workshop is going to be held on September 26, 2019,


Panel discussion: “Writing a successful KAKENHI application”

2019年9月26日 (木) 12:00 13:00
C700, Lab 3

Come and join a lively discussion with successful KAKENHI recipients.


Seminar "Swimming water droplet in complex environment, confinement, gravity and collective effects" Charlotte de Blois

2019年9月26日 (木) 11:00
D015 (Level D, Lab1)

Language: English


Seminar "Modelling of in-vivo blood flow and in-vitro microfluidics for healthcare applications" Timm Krueger

2019年9月25日 (水) 13:30
D015 (Level D, Lab1)

Language: English

Sharepoint Open Hours

2019年9月25日 (水) 13:00

Sharepoint Open Hours

Location: B646

Time: 13:00-14:00


Science Digest Chalk Talk: "Diamond-glass platforms for biological applications"

2019年9月24日 (火) 12:00 13:00
Classroom B700, Lab 3, level B

Stoffel Janssens (Postdoc at Fried Unit)


CQD2019: Okinawa School in Physics: Coherent Quantum Dynamics

2019年9月24日 (火) 9:002019年10月3日 (木) 18:00
OIST Seaside House

OIST Workshop - Application Deadline: 19 May 2019 - OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions - Website:


Marine Science Day

2019年9月24日 (火) 9:00 15:30
C700, Lab3

09:00-10:30 - OIST new faculties' talk 11:00-12:20 - OIST faculties' talk 12:20-13:30 - Poster viewing 13:30-15:30 - OIST researchers/students' talk


秋分の日 2019

2019年9月23日 (月) 0:00

National holiday


Art & Craft Meela Student Happy Hour

2019年9月20日 (金) 17:00
OIST Tunnel



[Seminar] Charles Plessy, Oikopleura Dioica: the Animal Genome Pushed to Its Limits

2019年9月20日 (金) 16:30 17:00
Lab3 C700

Internal Seminar by Charles Plessy, Genomics and Regulatory Systems Unit


[Seminar] Dong Cao, Detection of circular RNAs in the neurons of C. elegans

2019年9月20日 (金) 16:00 16:30
Lab3 C700

Internal Seminar

Dong Cao, Information Processing Biology Unit, Detection of circular RNAs in the neurons of C. elegans


IAS Users Meeting and Seminar: Mass Spectrometry

2019年9月20日 (金) 13:00 15:00
C015, Lab 1

For OIST members:

Users meeting and Seminar are registration free. We look forward to seeing you at the venue.

For Non-OIST members:

Please contact for Seminar sign up. (Users meeting is an internal event.)

Sharepoint Open Hours

2019年9月18日 (水) 14:00

Sharepoint Open Hours





[Seminar] "The development of the information-theoretical method for the classification of texts and its application to the definition of authorship" by Dr. Nadezhda Savina

2019年9月18日 (水) 10:00 11:00
Lab1 C016

Dr. Nadezhda Savina, Leading Researcher, Novosibirsk State University


Seminar by Prof. Fred W. Turek "Mechanisms Linking Circadian Clocks to Sleep, Feeding Cycles, Seasonal Rhythms, and the Impact of Artificial Light at Night on Human Rhythms"

2019年9月17日 (火) 13:30 15:30
C209, Center Building

Seminar/Discussion by Prof. Fed W. Turek on " Mechanisms Linking Circadian Clocks to Sleep, Feeding Cycles, Seasonal Rhythms, and the Impact of Artificial Light at Night on Human Rhythms "

PATO General Meeting

2019年9月17日 (火) 12:00
Grano Private Room Level B

There is a General PATO Meeting to elect new committee members for the 2019-2020 term. We will be talking about upcoming events and discussing any current concerns or issues. We hope that you can join us!



[Seminar] "Time-universal data compression and prediction” by Prof. Boris Ryabko

2019年9月17日 (火) 10:30 11:30
Lab3 C700

Prof. Boris Ryabko, Head of Laboratory of data protection, ICT, Siberian Branch of RAS.


敬老の日 2019

2019年9月16日 (月) 0:00

National holiday


Theoretical Physics Seminar: Han Yan

2019年9月13日 (金) 14:00
Lab 1, D014

Theoretical Physics Seminar. Speaker: Han Yan (Quantum Matter). Title: "Three types of phases".


Seminar "Conversion of Photon Energy based on Molecular Self-assemblies" by Prof. Nobuo Kimizuka

2019年9月12日 (木) 16:00 17:00
C209, Level C, Centre Bldg

Prof. Nobuo Kimizuka, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University


Special Tea Time Event - Student Council Awards Cermony

2019年9月12日 (木) 16:00
B503, Central Building

Regular Tea Time will be at Grano from 4:30pm, after conclusion of the awards ceremony.

The Student Council have this year organized and decided upon a series of Excellence awards:

Award for Staff Excellence in Student Support Award for Student Excellence in Community Service Award for Student Excellence in Graduate Research

And have continued our teaching award:

Students' Choice Teaching Award

These were decided upon based on an open nominations process established by a committee which included representatives from staff, faculty, and students. Please join us in celebrating the achievements of these wonderful staff and students!


“QuickFix: Using LinkedIn to achieve your goals”

2019年9月12日 (木) 12:00 13:00

“QuickFix”- learn how to use LinedIn in an interactive and a time-efficient manner!

To register CLICK HERE Post-workshop survey SUMMARY

Pakistani Butter Chicken

2019年9月7日 (土) 18:00
Community Kitchen Village Center
