Past Events


Colloquium: "Maxwell's equations, Yang-Mills equations and differential forms" by Mr. Ryusei Maeda

2020年2月14日 (金) 10:00 12:00
Speaker: Mr. Ryusei Maeda is a 3rd year undergratuate student at University of Tokyo and is currently visiting OIST as a research intern.

Seminar by Prof. Leo Radzihovsky "Fracton-elasticity duality"

2020年2月13日 (木) 15:00 16:00
C016, Lab 1 Level C

Speaker: Prof. Leo Radzihovsky

Affiliation: University of Colorado, Boulder

Audience: OIST researchers and students


Colloquium: "Simplicial homology, part II" by Dr. Guilherme Sadovski

2020年2月13日 (木) 14:00 16:00
B714b, Lab 3

Speaker: Dr. Sadovski is a member of this unit (visit his page )


[Seminar] "Coordination Nanosheets, a New Class of Functional 2D Materials." by Prof. Hiroshi Nishihara, University of Tokyo

2020年2月13日 (木) 11:00 12:00
C015, Level C, Lab 1

Dr. Hiroshi Nishihara, Professor, Department of Chemistry, School of Science, The University of Tokyo.


Seminar by Prof. Takayanagi "Shadows of Entanglement Wedges in AdS/CFT"

2020年2月13日 (木) 11:00 12:00
C016, Lab 1 Level C

Speaker: Prof. Tadashi Takayanagi

Affiliation: Yukawa Institu te for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University

Audience: OIST researchers and students


OIST Staff Engagement Survey

2020年2月13日 (木) 8:002020年2月28日 (金) 23:50

Use Your Voice

Take 10 minutes to give us your perspective on how OIST is doing as a rapidly growing research institution and working environment.


[PhD Thesis Presentation] - Mr. Han Yan "Fracton States of Matter:From Holography to Frustrated Magnetis"

2020年2月12日 (水) 14:00 15:00
B503, Lab 1, Level B

PhD thesis public presentation by Mr. Han Yan

Supervisor: Professor Nic Shannon

Co-Supervisor: Professor Hirotaka Sugawara

Audience: OIST students and researchers


Mini Course: Combinatorial Topology - 1 of 3

2020年2月12日 (水) 9:00 10:30
B715, Lab 3

Algebraic Topology is a classical branch of mathematics. Its origins are combinatorial, based on triangulations of topological spaces. In the later developments major algebraization of the subject has taken place, leading to the introduction of many algebraic invariants as we know them today.

​The Mini Course will be taught by Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov, PI of the Applied Topology Unit. His unit is interested both in developing the formal theory, as well as in applying it outside of the field, for example to Theoretical Distributed Computing.

More information and sign up here.


National Foundation Day 建国記念の日 2020

2020年2月11日 (火) 0:00

National holiday


Cancelled [Seminar] "Charm of calixarenes in biomedical applications", Prof. Dong-Sheng Guo

2020年2月10日 (月) 11:00
C700, Level C, Lab 3

Dr. Dong-Sheng Guo, Professor, College of Chemistry, State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry, Key Laboratory of Functional Polymer Materials (Ministry of Education), Nankai University


Colloquium: "Simplicial homology, part I" by Dr. Guilherme Sadovski

2020年2月10日 (月) 10:00 12:00
B714a, Lab 3

Speaker: Dr. Sadovski is a member of this unit (visit his page )


Pakistani Chapli Kebab with Naan and Mint Chuttney

2020年2月8日 (土) 18:00
Community Kitchen Village Center



Online Voting - ORC Election

2020年2月8日 (土) (All day)2020年3月5日 (木) (All day)

Vote online to choose your new Researcher Representatives!


Theoretical Physics Seminar: Riccardo Martini

2020年2月7日 (金) 14:00
Lab 1, C016

Theoretical Physics Seminar. Speaker: Riccardo Martini (Gravity, Quantum Geometry and Field Theory). Title: "Renormalization methods in quantum gravity".


Colloquium: "Basics of differential geometry and General Relativity" by Mr. Ryusei Maeda

2020年2月7日 (金) 10:00 12:00

Speaker: Mr. Ryusei Maeda is a 3rd year undergratuate student at University of Tokyo and is currently visiting OIST as a research intern.


[Seminar] "The role of topoisomerase II beta in retinal development" by Prof. Li Cai

2020年2月6日 (木) 16:00 17:00
C700, Level C, Lab3

Prof. Li Cai

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Seminar "Study of highly entangled quantum spin chains" by Fumihiko Sugino

2020年2月6日 (木) 14:00 15:00

Dr. Fumihiko Sugino, Institute for Basic Science, South Korea


[CANCELLED] Special Lecture - "Molecular Architecture of Lineage Specification and Tissue Organization in the Early Mouse Embryo " by Dr. Naihe Jing

2020年2月6日 (木) 13:30 14:30
C209 Center Building

CANCELLED. Dr. Naihe Jing, Professor, Principal Investigator, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Language: English, no interpretation.


Workshop: "Nature Research Academies: Cover Letter to the Editor"

2020年2月6日 (木) 9:00 13:00
For RSVP only

This half-day workshop aims to give attendees the necessary skills to successfully write a Cover letter to the editors . After the workshop, attendees will have completed a cover letter that they will be able to use when submitting their manuscripts to a target journal.



2020年2月6日 (木) 0:00

Please address inquiries to the President's Office.


[Seminar] "Multiscale associative memory recall by modulation of inhibitory circuits" by Dr. Tatsuya Haga

2020年2月5日 (水) 15:30 16:30
Meeting Room D014, Lab1

Speaker : Dr. Tatsuya Haga, Laboratory for Neural Coding and Brain Computing, RIKEN Center for Brain Science


Colloquium: "General homology theory" by Dr. Guilherme Sadovski

2020年2月5日 (水) 10:00 12:00
A613, Lab 2

Speaker: Dr. Sadovski is a member of this unit (visit his page )


[Seminar] "Building a quantum computer using silicon quantum dots" - by Prof. Susan Coppersmith

2020年2月4日 (火) 15:00 16:00
Seminar Room C209, Center Bldg.

Prof. Susan Coppersmith, School of Physics, The University of New South Wales


Cancelled [Seminar] "Regulation of vascular and lymphatic vessel growth by TNFSF15" by Prof. Luyuan Li, Nankai University

2020年2月4日 (火) 10:30
C015, Level C, Lab 1

Dr. Luyuan Li, Professor of Pharmacology, Nankai University


Group Meeting Talk: BMS Symmetry and OPE of Celestial CFTs

2020年2月3日 (月) 15:30 17:00
A719, Lab 3

Title : BMS Symmetry and OPE of Celestial CFTs

Speaker: Sudip Ghosh

Abstract: The holographic dual of quantum gravitational theories in asymptotically flat spacetimes has recently been conjectured to be the so called celestial conformal field theories whose correlation functions are Mellin transforms of bulk scattering amplitudes. In this talk I will discuss aspects of a derivation of the OPE in these CFTs from the collinear singularities of graviton scattering amplitudes and the constraints of BMS symmetries on the OPE coefficients.


[CANCELLED] Seminar "A data-driven approach to identify synergistic and emergent phenomena in multivariate time series"

2020年2月3日 (月) 11:00

This event has been cancelled due to changes in the host's schedule. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Seminar "A data-driven approach to identify synergistic and emergent phenomena in multivariate time series" by Fernando E. Rosas, Imperial College of London.


FY2019 Cryo-Electron Microscopy Course at OIST

2020年2月3日 (月) 9:002020年2月7日 (金) 18:00
Lab 1 B503/Lab3 C700 and IMG Lab

Internal &External workshop


Theoretical Physics Seminar: Alistair Graham

2020年1月31日 (金) 13:00
Lab 1, D014

Theoretical Physics Seminar. Speaker: Alistair Graham (Quantum Gravity). Title: "Measuring Chaos in General Relativity".


"Comparing the cost of quantum control" Steve Campbell, University College Dublin, Ireland

2020年1月30日 (木) 11:00 12:00
Meeting Room C015, Level C, Lab1

Speaker: Steve Campbell (Assistant Professor, University College Dublin, Ireland) Language: English


Seminar "Localizability in bandlimited and ordinary quantum field theory" by Jason Pye

2020年1月28日 (火) 14:00 15:00

Jason Pye, Ph.D. Student, University of Waterloo


Science Digest Chalk Talk: "How do parasites manipulate their hosts?"

2020年1月28日 (火) 12:00 13:00
Seminar Room C210 (Central Building, Level C)

Ales Bucek (Postdoctoral Scholar in Bourguignon Unit) (bring your own lunch)


Seminar "Numerical simulation of dissipative solutions to the Euler equations" by Prof. Takeshi Matsumoto

2020年1月27日 (月) 16:00 17:00
Lab1 C016

[Speaker] Prof. Takeshi Matsumoto, Department of Physics, Kyoto University


Group Meeting Talk: Implications of Symmetry and Pressure in Friedmann Cosmology

2020年1月27日 (月) 15:30 17:00
A719, Lab 3

Title: Implications of Symmetry and Pressure in Friedmann Cosmology

Speaker: Vilalpando Vargas Carlos Octavio


Malaysian Rendang Beef Curry

2020年1月25日 (土) 18:00
community Kitchen Village Center

We will be having Malaysian Kitchen with "Rendang Beef Curry". The chef will be Jesse Everett . The class will be on 25th January on Saturday at 6 pm in the Community Kitchen. Kindly confirm your availability until 21st January for placing the order.


2020年1月25日 (土) 14:00

Cycle - Energy for Creation 2020 - 展覧会

2020年1月25日 (土) (All day)2020年2月27日 (木) (All day)
OIST Tunnel Gallery

沖縄県立芸術大学大学院造形芸術研究科展 at OIST

OIST発沖縄から世界に羽ばたく未来の科学者トーク vol.3

2020年1月24日 (金) 18:30
ジュンク堂書店那覇店(那覇市牧志1-19-29)D-NAHA 地下1階




Seminar "Self-sustained coherent structures at the Kolmogorov microscale in turbulent shear-flow" by Dr. Ashley Willis

2020年1月24日 (金) 16:00 17:00
Lab1 C016

[Speaker] Dr. Ashley Willis, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield, U.K.


[Seminar] "Surface operators in N=2 SQCD and Seiberg Duality" by Sourav Ballav

2020年1月24日 (金) 13:30 14:30
A719, Lab 3

Speaker: Sourav Ballav from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India



2020年1月24日 (金) 12:00 13:00
Village Center Ocean View Room

Yoga for parents. Open to all OIST community members. Expecting mothers and children of all ages are welcome, too. Cost: ¥800.


Seminar "Covariant Momentum Map Thermodynamics for Parametrised Field Theories" by Fabio Mele

2020年1月24日 (金) 11:00 12:00

Fabio Mele (University of Regensburg)


Seminar by Prof. Collart "The Not proteins regulate translation elongation dynamic"

2020年1月23日 (木) 14:00 15:00
C016, Lab 1 Level C

Speaker: Prof. Martine Collart

Affiliation: The University of Geneva

Audience: OIST researchers and students


[Seminar] "Classical soft theorem in four dimension" by Dr. Arnab Priya Saha

2020年1月23日 (木) 13:30 14:30
A719, Lab3

Speaker: Dr. Arnab Priya Saha, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India


Seminar by Prof. Séraphin "Starting from the ends: from eukaryotic mRNA decay mechanisms to diseases"

2020年1月22日 (水) 16:00 17:00
C016, Lab 1 Level C

Speaker: Prof. Séraphin

Affiliation: University of Strasbourg

Audient: OIST students and reserchers


Seminar "Magnetic Field Induced Competing Phases in Kitaev Magnets" by Dr. Ryui Kaneko

2020年1月22日 (水) 13:00 14:00
C016 (Lab 1, Level C)

TQM unit is pleased to invite everyone to attend this seminar!


Seminar "Evaporating Black-to-White Hole" by Pierre Martin-Dussaud

2020年1月21日 (火) 15:30 16:30

Pierre Martin-Dussaud, Centre de Physique Théorique, Aix-Marseille University.


Changed [Seminar] "Programmable self-assembly of DNA origami capsids based on the principles of virus structure." by Prof. Seth Fraden, Brandeis University

2020年1月21日 (火) 13:00 14:00
C209, Level C, Centre Bldg.

Dr. Seth Fraden, Professor of Physics at Brandeis University.


Changed [Seminar] "Porous soft matter based on metal-organic cages" by Associate Prof. Shuhei Furukawa (PI), Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University

2020年1月21日 (火) 11:00 12:00
C209, Level C, Centre Bldg.

Dr. Shuhei Furukawa, Associate Professor (Principal Investigator) at Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University.


OIST Mini Symposium "Ant Biodiversity Data Synthesis: Present and Future"

2020年1月21日 (火) 9:002020年1月23日 (木) 18:00
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room C210

OIST Mini Symposium - Open to all OIST members (working meals are closed sessions) - For non-OIST members: Please contact the organizers for information on how to participate - Program as of 2020/1/20 ( program is subject to change )


Seminar "Detection of somatic variations in the human brains at the single cell level"

2020年1月20日 (月) 16:00 17:00
C015, Lab1

Prof. Miki Bundo, Department of Molecular Brain Science, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan / PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Saitama, Japan
