Past Events


Children’s Day こどもの日 2021

2021年5月5日 (水) 0:00

National holiday


Greenery Day みどりの日 2021

2021年5月4日 (火) 0:00

National holiday


Constitution Memorial Day 憲法記念日 2021 (observed)

2021年5月3日 (月) 0:00

National holiday


Theoretical Physics Seminar: Yasha Neiman

2021年4月30日 (金) 14:00
Lab 4, E01

Theoretical Physics Seminar. Speaker: Yasha Neiman (Quantum Gravity). Title: "Spinor-helicity variables in Yang-Mills theory".


Showa Day 昭和の日 2021

2021年4月29日 (木) 0:00

National holiday


OIST-KEIO SHOWCASE TALK Series 1 by Dr.Takanori Kanai and Dr. Matthias Wolf

2021年4月28日 (水) 17:00 18:00
Webinar-Registration is required.

OIST and Keio University, Japan's very first private institution of higher learning located in the center of Tokyo, are starting a series of short seminars (OIST-KEIO SHOWCASE TALK) to introduce each other's researchers to promote future collaboration.


OIST Representation Theory Seminar

2021年4月27日 (火) 16:30 17:30
On Zoom
Speaker: Mark Wildon , Royal Holloway, University of London Title: Plethysms, polynomial representations of linear groups and Hermite reciprocity over an arbitrary field

Cluster Integrable Systems and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

2021年4月26日 (月) 16:00
Lab4 F01

Zoom seminar hosted by QG unit. Speaker: Andrei Marshakov , Professor of Mathematical Physics Title: "Cluster integrable systems and supersymmetric gauge theories"


【オンライン配信】SCIENCE TALK 沖縄から世界に羽ばたく未来の科学者トーク vol.3

2021年4月23日 (金) 18:30
OIST Youtube channel
SCIENCE TALK 沖縄から世界に羽ばたく未来の科学者トーク vol.4

MDP: Giving Effective Feedback 効果的な評価フィードバック(Only for Managers))

2021年4月23日 (金) 10:00 15:30

As in previous years, the Management Development Program will continue to provide valuable training for OIST managers. 前年度に引き続きマネジャーデベロップメントプログラムは、OISTマネジャーにとって有益な研修を提供していきます


The first meeting of the club!!

2021年4月22日 (木) 18:00
C209, Central Building

The first meeting of the club!


SPRING 2021 Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series

2021年4月22日 (木) 16:00 17:00
on Zoom
Associate Professor Jean Van Schaftingen , Université catholique de Louvain Title: Vortex dynamics for the lake equations

[Seminar] Effects of the stenotic aortic valve
 on the left heart hemodynamics: a fluid-structure-electrophysiology approach

2021年4月20日 (火) 16:30 17:30

CFF unit is pleased to invite you to the seminar.


Seminar "Fusing Big Data and Big Computation in Numerical Weather Prediction" by Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi

2021年4月20日 (火) 15:30 16:45
on Zoom


Dr.Takemasa Miyoshi

Team Leader, Data Assimilation Research Team, RIKEN Center for Computational Science


Mini Course: Zsh 1 of 1

2021年4月20日 (火) 13:00 15:00
B701, Computer Lab, Lab 3

This Mini Course will sell Z shells on the Z shore. The Z shell (Zsh) is a Unix shell that can be used as an interactive login shell and as a command interpreter for shell scripting.

◆Target Audience This course is suitable for people who have used Unix terminals before.


QG group meeting: Cubic Vertices for N=1 Supersymmetric Massless Higher Spin Fields in Various Dimensions

2021年4月19日 (月) 14:00
Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting. Speaker: Dorin Weissman. Title: "Cubic Vertices for N=1 Supersymmetric Massless Higher Spin Fields in Various Dimensions".


Living Longer and Healthier – Blue Zones and Aging in the U.S. and Japan

2021年4月16日 (金) 8:00 9:00
Zoom link will be provided upon registration

Join the OIST Foundation and Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth for a virtual program that will examine aging through the lenses of biology, philosophy, and policy with a goal of shedding light on ways to live longer, healthier lives.

Register here .


World Quantum Day (Launch Event)

2021年4月15日 (木) 13:00
B250, Center Building

The World Quantum Day is obviously celebrated on April 14, as 4.14 are the rounded first digits of Planck’s constant (in units of eV.s). It aims at engaging the general public in the understanding and discussion of Quantum Science and Technology around the world.This year’s launch event is a presentation by Prof. Alain Aspect (Institut d’Optique Graduate School, Université Paris-Saclay) on one of the fundamental mysteries of quantum mechanics: the duality between waves and particles. We invite you to watch Prof. Aspect’s presentation (and join a discussion) on Thursday, April 15th at 1pm in B250 (new normal rules and regulations apply). Language: English Audience: General public Title: From Einstein to Wheeler: Wave-Particle duality of a single photon


[Seminar] Crystallizing Time in a BEC

2021年4月15日 (木) 11:00 12:00

Crystallizing Time in a BEC - Prof. Peter Hannaford, Optical Sciences Centre, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia


Virtual Seminar "Dynamics and Patterns in Sheared Granular Fluid"

2021年4月14日 (水) 16:30 17:30

Prof. Meheboob Alam, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Language: English, no interpretation.


[Seminar] Engineering light-matter interactions for optical nanotweezers and for chip-scale infrared microspectrometers

2021年4月14日 (水) 16:00 17:30
on Zoom

Title: Engineering light-matter interactions for optical nanotweezers and for chip-scale infrared microspectrometers

Speaker: Prof. Kenneth Crozier Physics and Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia


OIST Representation Theory Seminar

2021年4月13日 (火) 16:30 17:30
On Zoom
Speaker: Stacey Law , University of Cambridge Title: Sylow branching coefficients and a conjecture of Malle and Navarro

(Somewhat) Functional Journal Club

2021年4月13日 (火) 16:00 17:00
In this session, Jeremie Gillet will have a hands-on introduction to Elm, a functional programming language for building safe web applications. Intall Elm in advance.

Shahin Sheikh-Jabbari: Null Boundary Symmetries (Zoom seminar)

2021年4月12日 (月) 14:00
Lab 4, E01

Zoom seminar hosted by QG unit. Speaker: Shahin Sheikh-Jabbari, IPM (Tehran). Title: "Null Boundary symmetries".


Cosmos screening (episode 1)

2021年4月9日 (金) 19:00
Lakeside lawn (across road from Village Center)

Screening of Carl Sagan's Cosmos, episode 1: "The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean"


Quantum Trivia Quiz

2021年4月9日 (金) 17:00

Quantum Trivia Zoom Quiz! Join us for a fun online LIVE Trivia Quiz about the quantum world! Open to all OIST and Public in Okinawa.


Theoretical Non-Physics Seminar: David O'Connell

2021年4月9日 (金) 13:00
Lab 4, F01

Theoretical Physics Seminar. Speaker: David O'Connell (Quantum Gravity). Title: "Principal G-Bundles".


Tell Me Something I Don't Know

2021年4月8日 (木) 12:15
Lab 4, E48

Tell Me Something I Don't Know lunchtime event. All are welcome, but must be prepared to tell a cool science story.


Virtual Seminar"Biosensors for the point-of-care diagnostics"Verónica C. Martins

2021年4月8日 (木) 9:00

Language: English


*Zoom*【Technical Seminar】10x Genomics New Product Introduction

2021年4月7日 (水) 13:00 14:00

This seminar is registration free. We look forward to your participation via Zoom.


SPACES OF INNOVATION: Smart Cities & Innovation Parks from Tsukuba to Okinawa

2021年4月6日 (火) 20:00 21:00
Zoom link will be provided upon registration

Join the OIST Foundation, in partnership with the Smart City Institute Japan, for a virtual roundtable that will discuss the ways in which universities can have a positive impact on local communities and future generations through the formation of innovation parks and smart cities.

Register here .


Hiroshi Itoyama: Enhanced gauge symmetry and suppressed cosmological constant in heterotic interpolating models (Zoom seminar)

2021年4月5日 (月) 14:00
Lab 4, E01

Remote seminar by Hiroshi Itoyama (NITEP, Osaka City University) Title: " Enhanced gauge symmetry and suppressed cosmological constant in heterotic interpolating models "


When designing dream vaccines, consider the memory B cell behavior

2021年4月2日 (金) 11:00 12:00

OIST-Osaka University collaboration-Infection


E-workshop: "Negotiation".

2021年3月31日 (水) 14:00 17:30
For RSVP only.

Negotiations are a crucial success factor for all types of careers, no matter if you negotiate about salary, contracts, working conditions or when trying to solve a conflict. During the seminar you will learn how to use negotiation principles, which will further your relationships and communication skills.

To register CLICK HERE.


[Seminar] Hybridization and interaction between quantum multipolar fluctuations in a conventional magnet

2021年3月31日 (水) 9:00 10:00

TQM unit is pleased to invite you to the seminar!


[Seminar] Attenuating surface gravity waves with mechanical metamaterials

2021年3月30日 (火) 16:30 17:30

CFF unit is pleased to invite you to the seminar!


[Seminar] All in a spin: rotational dynamics of trapped, levitated microparticles

2021年3月30日 (火) 13:00 14:00
on Zoom

Title: All in a spin: rotational dynamics of trapped, levitated microparticles

Speaker: Prof Kishan Dholakia School of Physics & Astronomy, University of St Andrews, Scotland


OIST Representation Theory Seminar

2021年3月30日 (火) 9:30 10:30
On Zoom
Speaker: Alexander Kleshchev , University of Oregon Title: Irreducible restrictions from symmetric groups to subgroups

【オンライン配信】SCIENCE TALK 沖縄から世界に羽ばたく未来の科学者トーク vol.3

2021年3月26日 (金) 18:30
OIST Youtube:

SCIENCE TALK  沖縄から世界に羽ばたく未来の科学者トーク vol.3


Language Seminar Series: Working in an International Team

2021年3月26日 (金) 12:00

This 2-part seminar will cover the basics of working in an international team.

Minimum intermediate English skills recommended. Native speakers of English also welcome!

Friday, March 26th and Friday, April 9th, 12-1 PM.


[Seminar] Quantum statistics of magnetic vortices

2021年3月25日 (木) 9:00 10:00

TQM unit is pleased to invite you to the seminar!


OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 3: Intraoperative Rapid Imaging of Tiny Tumors by Novel Fluorogenic Probes for Exopeptidases and Glycosidases

2021年3月24日 (水) 17:30

OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 3 Intraoperative Rapid Imaging of Tiny Tumors by Novel Fluorogenic Probes for Exopeptidases and Glycosidases


[Seminar] Ultrathin multimodal endoscopic probes

2021年3月24日 (水) 15:00 16:00
on Zoom

Title: Ultrathin multimodal endoscopic probes

Speaker: Dr. Jiawen Li Lecturer, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Australia


OIST Mini Symposium "Honey bee health in a changing world" & COLOSS Asia Japan Okinawa 2021

2021年3月22日 (月) (All day)2021年3月26日 (金) (All day)
Hybrid (OIST + Online)

OIST Mini Symposium | Organizing unit: Ecology and Evolution Unit | Open to OIST members | Website | For non-OIST members: Please contact the organizers for information on how to participate.

We ask for you understanding that the dates are subject to change due to the the current COVID-19 situation.


Vernal Equinox Day 春分の日 2021

2021年3月20日 (土) 0:00

National holiday


OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 3: "How close are we to atomic resolution cryo-electron microscopy of membrane proteins?"

2021年3月17日 (水) 17:30

OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 3 Dr. Danev


Cancelled [Seminar] Engineering light-matter interactions for optical nanotweezers and for chip-scale infrared microspectrometers

2021年3月17日 (水) 16:00 17:00
on Zoom


Title: Engineering light-matter interactions for optical nanotweezers and for chip-scale infrared microspectrometers

Speaker: Prof. Kenneth Crozier Physics and Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia


OIST Representation Theory Seminar

2021年3月16日 (火) 16:30 17:30
On Zoom
Speaker: Catharina Stroppel , University of Bonn Title: Verlinde rings and DAHA actions

Survival Japanese: Taxis and directions

2021年3月16日 (火) 16:00
Lab 2 C600B

Learn how to make a reservation, and give directions, all in Japanese.

No Japanese experience necessary!
