Past Events


Yoga Therapy with Mia Taillefer

2021年7月24日 (土) 10:00 11:30
Village Center Ocean View Room

Miya Taillefer - Sensei

Miya-san is certified by the Japan Yoga Therapists Association & the Indian Central Government-accredited by Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samshana (S-VYASA). She is a certified yoga instructor (YIC) and yoga/therapist (YTIC). Miya can focus on areas for maternity, after childbirth, handicapped children, people with diseases, as well as regular courses.

Her classes will be taught in Japanese and little English. The Language exchange is welcomed!


Sports Day スポーツの日 2021

2021年7月23日 (金) 0:00

National holiday


Marine Day 海の日 2021

2021年7月22日 (木) 0:00

National holiday


[Seminar] "Being aware of the pine tree itself", Prof.Yuko Ishihara

2021年7月19日 (月) 16:15 17:30
L4E01 (and on Zoom )
Seminar by Prof.Yuko Ishihara


[RAM 2021] Teatime Session: "It's a small world – part I (Intracellular diversity)"

2021年7月19日 (月) 16:00
L4F22c or Zoom

Everyone is invited! On Monday, July 19 th at 16:00 , OIST's Science and Technology Group Associates Yohsuke Moriyama and Yuki Nakazawa will share insights of their research & career with us during the Teatime with STG Series! This editions' topic is " It’s a small world – part I (Intracellular diversity) ", in which our speakers will reveal the beauty, complexity, and diversity of the intracellular world! Join us in room L4F22c* or Zoom ( ) Passcode: 727724


Virtual seminar"Stretched Polymer Physics, Extensional Rheology and Free Surface Flows"Vivek Sharma

2021年7月19日 (月) 9:00

Language: English


English for Writing Research Papers - Sentence Structure 2 of 3

2021年7月16日 (金) 15:00

The best writers have a few basic guidelines for making their sentences easy to read.

Join us to find out the rules for writing simple, easy to read sentences that will provide the clarity reviewers are looking for.


Elm 4 of 4

2021年7月16日 (金) 10:00 12:00
B701, Computer Lab, Lab 3.

Elm is A delightful language for building reliable web applications. It is a language that: has no runtime exceptions, makes refactoring easy, is easy to read, has friendly error messages and is fast. Elm is a functional language for front-end programming that compiles to JavaScript.

◆Target audience This course is suitable for anyone with basic programming experience. No web experience required.


[Seminar] "Trapping Electrons in a Room-temperature Quadrupole Trap: Towards an All-electronic Microwave-enabled Trapped Electron Qubit System for QIP" by Prof. Hartmut Häffner

2021年7月16日 (金) 10:00 11:00

Hartmut Häffner is an Associate Professor for Physics at UC Berkeley. Language: English, no interpretation. Open to everyone.


2021 Summer Analysis on Metric Spaces Seminar

2021年7月16日 (金) 9:00 10:00
on Zoom
Elisa Negrini, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Title: System identification through Lipschitz regularized deep neural networks

[Seminar] Theory of multipole fluctuations mediated superconductivity and charge-loop current phase

2021年7月15日 (木) 16:00 17:00

TQM unit is pleased to invite you to the seminar.


[RAM 2021] Poster Session

2021年7月15日 (木) 13:30
L4F Patio (+L4F36 for digital posters)

Join us for the second RAM 2021 Poster Session, on Thursday, July 15 th ! Starting at 13:30 after the Researchers Blitz Talks, in Lab4F Patio (terrace) for printed posters, and also in room L4F36 for digital posters. For more info:


[RAM 2021] Researchers Blitz Session

2021年7月15日 (木) 12:00
L4E48 or Zoom

Join us for the second Researcher Blitz Session on July 15 th at noon (L4E48)! Research Blitz Sessions are 3 minutes talks (max. 3 slides) to be held on Thursdays (July 8th, 15th, 29th), always at noon in room L4E48 (or via Zoom). Sessions will last 1 hour + 30 min for discussion after all presentations. Judges will score the presentations and give awards for the best presenters.

Zoom link:


OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 4: Nano- and Micro-fabrication Enabled Lab-on-a-chip Platforms for Biotechnology Applications and Beyond

2021年7月14日 (水) 17:30 18:30

OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 4: Nano- and micro-fabrication enabled lab-on-a-chip platforms for biotechnology applications and beyond


The Imposter Syndrome - Why successful people often feel like frauds

2021年7月13日 (火) 15:00
C700 / Zoom

The Imposter Syndrome - Why successful people often feel like frauds

Tuesday 13th July 2021, 3:00 - 4:00pm

C700 (also available on Zoom)

Meeting ID: 926 7142 3880 Passcode: 793097


How researchers could approach their first business plan

2021年7月13日 (火) 14:00 15:00

Are you curious about how to develop your technology into a business? Dr. Khaled will talk you through the principles of how you would create a plan to do that. His talk will be tailored to the needs of researchers taking their first steps in this area.


[Seminar] From particle migration over porous structures to flow transitions and instability in non-colloidal suspensions

2021年7月13日 (火) 8:30 9:30

CFF unit is pleased to invite you to the seminar!


[RAM 2021] Teatime Session: "Worldwide, world-class science"

2021年7月12日 (月) 16:00
L4F22c or Zoom

Mark your calendar! On Monday, July 12th at 16:00 , OIST's STG Associates Eugene Khaskin and Yuimaru Kubo will share insights of their research & career with us during the Teatime with STG Series! This editions' topic is "Worldwide, world-class science" , in which our speakers will share their combined research experiences in Canada, United States, Israel, Japan, France, and now in OIST! Join us in room L4F22c* or Zoom ( ) / Passcode: 192423


Astanga Yoga with Przemek Keppe

2021年7月12日 (月) 7:002021年7月26日 (月) 10:00
Village Center Ocean View Room

Przemek-san is a long time practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yoga, devoted to the traditional teachings of this method. A dynamic practice of Asanas (positions), involving deep concentration and meditation, with emphasize on all the aspects of Yoga and how to apply them off the mat. With over 18 years of experience in and out of India, he would like to share his philosophy on his personal practice of Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation.


English for Writing Research Papers - Sentence Structure 1 of 3

2021年7月9日 (金) 15:00

The best writers have a few basic guidelines for making their sentences easy to read.

Join us to find out the rules for writing simple, easy to read sentences that will provide the clarity reviewers are looking for.


Theoretical Physics Seminar: Nico Fischer

2021年7月9日 (金) 14:00
Lab 4, F01

Theoretical Physics Seminar. Speaker: Nico Fischer (Quantum Gravity). Title: "An introduction to spontaneous symmetry breaking in (Q)FT".


[RAM 2021] Scientific Talks

2021年7月9日 (金) 10:00
L4E48 or Zoom

This Friday, July 9 th at 10:00 am in L4E48, Dr. Alessandro Trani (Astrophysics, Quantum Gravity Unit) and Jigyasa Arora (Evolutionary Biology, Evolutionary Genomics Unit) will share the latest research advancements in their respective fields here in OIST. Stay tuned! For more info: | Zoom Link:


[RAM 2021] Teatime Session: "Sweet Home...Okinawa!"

2021年7月8日 (木) 16:00
L4F22c or Zoom

Mark your calendar! On Thursday, July 8 th at 16:00 , OIST's STG Associates Mirona Chirienco and Petra Svetlikova will share insights of their research & career with us during the Teatime with STG Series! This editions' topic is " Sweet Home...Okinawa! " a special topic for all of us that now call this beautiful island our home. Join us in room L4F22c or Zoom ( )!


[RAM 2021] Poster Session

2021年7月8日 (木) 13:30
L4F Patio (+L4F36 for digital posters)

Join us for the first RAM 2021 Poster Session ! For printed posters, starting at 13:30 in Lab4F Patio (terrace) and also in room L4F36 for digital posters. For more info:


[RAM 2021] Researchers Blitz Session

2021年7月8日 (木) 12:00
L4E48 or Zoom

Join us for the first Researcher Blitz Session on July 8th at noon! ( ) Research Blitz Sessions are 3 minutes talks (max. 3 slides) to be held on Thursdays (July 8th, 15th, 29th), always at noon in room L4E48. Sessions will last 1 hour + 30 min for discussion after all presentations. Judges will score the presentations and give awards for the best presenters.


BASHOFU: The Bridge Between Science & Art

2021年7月7日 (水) 20:00 21:00
Zoom link will be provided upon registration

Celebrate the Japanese holiday Tanabata by joining this online session on the science and art of Okinawa traditional bashofu weaving. Panelists: Dr. Yoko Nomura, OIST; Ms. Roosmarjin Pallandt, Artist.

Register here.


QG group meeting: Self-dual GR scattering in de Sitter

2021年7月7日 (水) 14:30
Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting. Speaker: Yasha Neiman. Title: "Self-dual GR scattering in de Sitter".


Scientific entrepreneurship - Panel Discussion

2021年7月5日 (月) 16:00 17:00

What inspires people to start their own company? Why do post-docs transition to becoming entrepreneurs? What are the highs, the lows, and how are researchers suited to entrepreneurship? If you are interested in these questions and more, then please come to this panel talk where 3 founders will discuss their thoughts and experiences on starting their own companies.


Monday Seminar: Flat holography and BMSFT

2021年7月5日 (月) 14:30
L4F01 and Zoom

Seminar by Prof. Wei Song, Tsinghua University (Beijing)


The Fundamentals of Academic Writing - Proofreading

2021年7月2日 (金) 15:00

What do you do before finally submitting your text? We will discuss some strategies and reviewers responses.


Failed moonshots of the Axial Age

2021年7月1日 (木) 12:15
Lab 3, C700

How various civilizations tried and failed to achieve the Scientific Revolution in the 6th century BC. Speaker: Yasha Neiman.


[Seminar] Topological Magnons from “nematicity”

2021年7月1日 (木) 10:00 11:00

TQM unit is pleased to invite you to the seminar!


Researcher Appreciation Month

2021年7月1日 (木) 9:002021年7月31日 (土) 17:00

Join us for Researcher Appreciation Month 2021 in July, where we celebrate the contribution of researchers at OIST, take the opportunity to share our work with the OIST community, and get to know our colleagues. There will be short talks, poster sessions, and lab tours, professional development events, invited speakers, a teatime series of panel/discussion style events, a science-art exhibition, and more


QG group meeting: Long and null strings

2021年6月28日 (月) 15:00
Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting. Speaker: Aritra Banerjee. Title: "A short and dull tale of long and null strings"


【オンライン配信】SCIENCE TALK 沖縄から世界に羽ばたく未来の科学者トーク vol.5

2021年6月25日 (金) 18:30

【オンライン配信】SCIENCE TALK 沖縄から世界に羽ばたく未来の科学者トーク vol.5


The Fundamentals of Academic Writing - Flow part 2

2021年6月25日 (金) 15:00

Ever had someone say that your writing is difficult to read? In this seminar we will look at how to write in a way that makes your texts flow.


2021 Summer Analysis on Metric Spaces Seminar

2021年6月25日 (金) 10:00 11:00
On Zoom
Title: Localization and isoperimetric inequalities Speaker: Shin-ichi Ohta, Osaka University and RIKEN


Bringing biotechnology to the market: one researcher's journey

2021年6月25日 (金) 10:00 11:00

Magali Soumillon, Co-Founder of Flexomics, will talk about how she has developed a genomic analysis technology, and why she developed it first in an academic and then as an entrepreneur.


[Seminar] Quantum phase transitions between orthogonal and normal fermions in metals and semi-metals

2021年6月24日 (木) 16:00 17:00

TQM unit is pleased to invite you to the seminar!


Tell Me Something I Don't Know

2021年6月24日 (木) 12:15
B250 auditorium

Tell Me Something I Don't Know lunchtime event. All are welcome, but must be prepared to tell a cool science story.


Zeiss lattice light sheet (Lattice light sheet 7) demonstration

2021年6月23日 (水) 13:002021年6月29日 (火) 17:00
B380, Lab1

On-site Zeiss lattice light sheet ( lattice light sheet 7) demonsration

Date: From 23rd (Wed) to 29th (Tue) of June

Venue: B380, Lab1

Registration is required to attend the demonstration.


[Seminar] "Quantum Simulations Using the Motional States of Trapped Ions” by Prof. Norbert M. Linke

2021年6月22日 (火) 9:00 10:00

Prof. Norbert M. Linke is a Fellow of the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland, working on quantum applications with trapped ions, including quantum computing.


The Fundamentals of Academic Writing - Flow part 1

2021年6月18日 (金) 15:00

Ever had someone say that your writing is difficult to read? In this seminar we will look at how to write in a way that makes your texts flow.


[Seminar] Coherent versus incoherent excitons: Stability, time-dependent ARPES spectrum and Floquet topological phases

2021年6月17日 (木) 16:00 17:00

TQM unit is pleased to invite you to the seminar!


Mini Course: Algebraic geometry and topology of neural codes 4 of 4

2021年6月17日 (木) 15:00 17:00
A720, Lab3

This course will incorporate some “flipped classroom” content. There is a short video you should watch before coming to each session plus an optional reading.

◆Target audience The course is explicitly multi-disciplinary in its content, being a blend of neuroscience and mathematics. However, no prior knowledge in either discipline is expected or necessary and anyone interested is welcome to join.


Mini Course: Algebraic geometry and topology of neural codes 3 of 4

2021年6月16日 (水) 15:00 17:00
B701, Computer Lab, Lab 3

This course will incorporate some “flipped classroom” content. There is a short video you should watch before coming to each session plus an optional reading.

◆Target audience The course is explicitly multi-disciplinary in its content, being a blend of neuroscience and mathematics. However, no prior knowledge in either discipline is expected or necessary and anyone interested is welcome to join.


OIST Representation Theory Seminar

2021年6月15日 (火) 16:30 17:30
Speaker: Sira Gratz , University of Glasgow Title: Grassmannians, Cluster Algebras and Hypersurface Singularities

Fluxes and Charges in an Expanding Universe

2021年6月14日 (月) 16:00
Lab4 F01

Seminar hosted by QG Unit. Speaker: Prof. Marika Taylor , University of Southampton Title: Fluxes and Charges in an Expanding Universe


OIST NetCafé (大学院説明会) 2021年6月

2021年6月11日 (金) 17:00



The Fundamentals of Academic Writing - Style

2021年6月11日 (金) 15:00

In this seminar we will look at verbs, noun phrases and the types of choices that you will need to make to suit your discipline's specific style.
