Past Events


OIST Representation Theory Seminar

2022年11月29日 (火) 9:30 10:30
on Zoom
Nicolle González , University of California, Berkeley Title: Higher Rank Rational (q,t)-Catalan Polynomials and a Finite Shuffle Theorem

OIST Mini Symposium "Phylogeny and Classification of Termites"

2022年11月29日 (火) 9:002022年12月1日 (木) 17:45
OIST Center Buiding:C210 and Online(zoom, please see below)

This mini-symposium will allow the leading researchers on termite phylogeny and evolution to present their latest results. It will help determine the gaps in our understanding, and design approaches to fill them. In particular, this mini-symposium will provide a platform for researchers to determine the necessary steps to take to create a new termite classification, that takes into account phylogenetic evidences.


Seminar "Periodically driven sub-wavelength lattices" Prof. Gediminas Juzeliūnas, Vilnius University

2022年11月28日 (月) 11:00 12:00
B503, LevelB, Center Building

Speaker: Prof. Gediminas Juzeliūnas, Vilnius University


Food Drive

2022年11月28日 (月) 9:002022年12月9日 (金) 18:00
Resource Center, Various Locations

Between Nov 28th (Mon) and Dec 9th (Fri) the Resource Center will accept food donations. These will later be sent to the local non-profit organization “Second Harvest Okinawa,” which will distribute them to families in need.


Community Cooking Series

2022年11月27日 (日) 11:30 14:00

The Community Cooking Series aims to bring the OIST community and residents of Onna closer through a shared love of food. Each session will be focused on one dish, taught by someone with a personal connection to the recipe (perhaps you?).


FY22 _Fixed Asset Inspection session / 2022年度 固定資産実査説明会

2022年11月25日 (金) 14:00 14:45
on Zoom

FY22 _Fixed Asset Inspection session will be held via Zoom.Those in charge of please participate in this session.


Workshop on Life Mind Continuity

2022年11月25日 (金) 13:00 17:35
Meeting Room 1, Conference Center

Workshop on Life Mind Continuity

The aim: We attempt to deepen understanding of mind through discussions of various issues including life mind continuity, theory of mind, embodied mind, phenomenal consciousness, alife and artificial intelligence.

Date: 1pm - 5:35pm, November 25th, 2022

Location: Room1, OIST Conference Center

Organized by Kazuo Okanoya, Takashi Ikegami, and Jun Tani


TSVP Talk "A Body-First Approach to Cognitive Science" by Dr. Mog Stapleton

2022年11月24日 (木) 16:00 17:10
L4E48, Zoom

Dr. Mog Stapleton, East China Normal University. Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration (also via Zoom).


[Seminar] Martin Biehl: "Interpreting systems as solving POMDPs: a step towards a formal understanding of agency"

2022年11月24日 (木) 14:45 15:30
Center Building, C210

Interpreting systems as solving POMDPs: a step towards a formal understanding of agency.

Martin Biehl, senior research scientist at Cross Labs.


[Seminar] Christian Guckelsberger: "Four projects on Intrinsic Motivation, Embodiment, Creativity & Videogames"

2022年11月24日 (木) 14:00 14:45
Center Building, C210

Four projects on Intrinsic Motivation, Embodiment, Creativity & Videogames.

Christian Guckelsberger, Computer Scientist, Art Historian and Assistant Professor in Creative Technologies at Aalto University.


Okinawa Christian School International (OCSI) open house registration open

2022年11月23日 (水) 10:15 11:30
Okinawa Christian School International (OCSI)

Okinawa Christian School International (OCSI) will hold their Open House for prospective families on November 23rd, 2022. Events like this tend to fill up quickly, so if it is a school you are interested in for your children, I recommend you register early.


勤労感謝の日 Labor Thanksgiving Day

2022年11月23日 (水) 0:00

National holiday


Collective Intelligence in Living/Non-Livings Populations

2022年11月22日 (火) 9:00 17:00
C210, Zoom

"Collective Intelligence in Living/Non-Livings Populations" Workshop 2022. Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: Invited Guests.


[Seminar] Nathaniel Virgo: "What is an agent?"

2022年11月21日 (月) 15:00 16:00

What is an agent?

Nathaniel Virgo, Associate Professor at Earth-Life Science Insitute (ELSI) in Tokyo.


The 2nd Workshop on Ladder Polymer Science / ラダーポリマー研究会 第二回ワークショップ

2022年11月21日 (月) 9:002022年11月22日 (火) 13:00
B250(Sydney Brenner Hall), Seaside House, Conference Center

Various topics of ladder polymer science will be covered mainly from the perspectives of synthetic organic and polymer chemistry, including the synthesis of novel conjugated ladder polymers and nanocarbon molecules and their characterizations and properties.


Orators Meeting for Communication & Public Speaking

2022年11月18日 (金) 12:00
Seminar Room B503 (Lab 1)

OIST Orators meet every two weeks to practice public speaking. No matter your level or experience, everyone is welcome to come and learn together! Our meetings typically consist of prepared talks, impromptu topics to practice speaking on the spot, and a short seminar on some aspect of oratory.


[Seminar] Poincare inequalities on the Vicsek set, Professor Chen Li, Louisiana State University

2022年11月18日 (金) 10:00
Online via Zoom


The Vicsek set is a tree-like fractal on which neither analog of curvature nor differential structure exists, whereas the heat kernel satisfies sub-Gaussian estimates. I will talk about Sobolev spaces and scale invariant $L^p$ Poincar\'e inequalities on the Vicsek set. Several approaches will be discussed, including the metric approach of Korevaar-Schoen and the approach by limit approximation of discrete p-energies.

Zoom :


[Seminar] Community assembly and species coexistence in the heterogeneous world

2022年11月17日 (木) 10:00
C700, Lab 3

Dr. Naoto Shinohara, Specially appointed assistant professor, Tohoku University.

Language: English, no interpretation. All are welcome to attend.


[Seminar] "Prediction with expert advice: a PDE perspective on a model problem from machine learning" by Prof. Robert V. Kohn

2022年11月17日 (木) 10:00

Speaker: Prof. Robert V. Kohn (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU)

Title: Prediction with expert advice: a PDE perspective on a model problem from machine learning


OIST Representation Theory Seminar

2022年11月15日 (火) 16:30 17:30
on Zoom
Giada Volpato, University of Florence Title: On the restriction of a character of \(\mathfrak{S}_n\) to a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup

The Provost Lecture Series 2

2022年11月15日 (火) 16:00 17:45
Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater B250
Provost Lecture Series 2 Speaker: Prof. Mahesh Bandi, Nonlinear and Non-equilibrium Physics Unit Title: Not all those who wander are lost


[Seminar] "Photosynthetic cellular modifications to synthesize spider silk with arranged amino acid sequences" by Prof. Keiji Numata (Kyoto University and RIKEN, Japan)

2022年11月14日 (月) 17:00 18:00
L4E48 (Lab 4, Floor E) & Zoom


Photosynthetic cellular modifications to synthesize spider silk with arranged amino acid sequences

★ Ten participants at L4E48 will receive a novelty by L-INSIGHT. (first-come-first-served basis)


Seminar "Unitary few- and many-body problems in ultracold Fermi gases" Prof. Shimpei Endo, Tohoku University

2022年11月14日 (月) 13:00 14:00
C209, Center Building

Speaker: Prof. Shimpei Endo, Tohoku University


OIST サイエンスフェスタ 2022

2022年11月12日 (土) (All day)


Uke Club Meeting - Seaside Lounge OR Beach!

2022年11月10日 (木) 20:00
Seaside Lounge OR beach behind Seaside House

We've been missing you ukulately!


International Schooling Options Information Seminar 2022 インターナショナルスクール説明会

2022年11月10日 (木) 18:00 20:00

2022 International Schooling Options Information Seminar - a hybrid event featuring representatives from 6 international schools. Open to OIST community, including parents, carers, and curious people.

Thursday, November 10th, 2022


B250 and Zoom

See flier for more details and to register


[Seminar] 'Anderson localisation and quantum optics experiments in Auckland' by Prof Hoogerland

2022年11月10日 (木) 16:00 17:00
C210, Level C, Centre Building

Speaker: Prof Maarten Hoogerland, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Talk title: Anderson localisation and quantum optics experiments in Auckland


Lecture series "The quest for mathematical understanding of artificial intelligence", Professor Sanjeev Arora (Princeton University)

2022年11月10日 (木) 15:00 17:00
Hybrid (Kyoto University + Zoom:

Online Lecture series "The quest for mathematical understanding of artificial intelligence" by Professor Sanjeev Arora, Computer Science at Princeton University.


"Flickering caustics and mesmerising prey: the unique visual ecology of cuttlefish" Dr. Martin J. How

2022年11月10日 (木) 15:00
Seminar Room L4 E48 and Zoom
Dr. Martin J. How Royal Society University Research Fellow Ecology of Vision Lab, University of Bristol

[Seminar] "Space like strong unique continuation for some fractional parabolic equations" by Prof. Agnid Banerjee

2022年11月10日 (木) 14:00

Speaker: Prof. Agnid Banerjee (TIFR CAM, Bangalore)

Title: Space like strong unique continuation for some fractional parabolic equations


Endnote Training Seminar (English)

2022年11月9日 (水) 10:00

EndNote is a reference manager that helps you save time formatting citations, so you can focus on your research. Researchers and administrative staff at OIST have access to the full version of the application through the OIST Software Center.

These online sessions will introduce you the EndNote reference management program in basic and intermediate levels and is available in English and Japanese. USACO will be providing this seminar to OIST members over Zoom with live Q&A.


OIST Center for Quantum Technologies Mini Symposium

2022年11月9日 (水) 9:30 16:25
B250, Center Building
This is the first mini-symposium of the OIST Center for Quantum Technologies. Organized by Prof. Kae Nemoto, it is taking place on November 9 in B250, Center Building. Everybody within OIST is welcome!

Silver Workshop V: Complex Geometry and related topics

2022年11月9日 (水) 9:002022年11月11日 (金) 18:00
"Silver Workshop V: Complex Geometry and related topics" Workshop 2022. Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: Invited Guests.

Protochips seminar: Axon, new platform of electron microscope observation and Poseidon, a unique electron microscope holder in liquid condition

2022年11月7日 (月) 13:00 15:00
C210, center building

Technical seminar by Protochips Inc: Axon, new transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation and Poseidon, a liquid cell holder fo TEM observation in liquid condition. All OIST members are welcome to join the seminar.


International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science (ECogS) 2022

2022年11月7日 (月) 9:302022年11月11日 (金) 17:00
OIST Seaside House

OIST Workshop | Main organizer: Tom Froese (Embodied Cognitive Science Unit) | Website | Program | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions.


[Seminar] Whitney Extension and Lusin Approximation for Horizontal Curves in the Heisenberg Group, Professor Andrea Pinamonti, University of Trento

2022年11月4日 (金) 17:00

Abstract: Whitney extension results characterize when one can extend a mapping from a compact subset to a smooth mapping on a larger space. Lusin approximation results give conditions under which one can approximate a rough map by a smoother map after discarding a set of small measure. We first recall relevant results in the Euclidean setting, then describe recent work extending them to horizontal curves in the Heisenberg group. We focus on C^m curves.

Zoom :


/Time Changed to 3PM/Semianr "Persistent current fractional quantization in atomtronic circuits" Dr. Juan Polo Gomez, TII

2022年11月4日 (金) 15:00 16:00
C700, Lab 3

Speaker: Dr. Juan Polo Gomez, Quantum Research Centre, Technology Innovation Institute


Orators Meeting for Communication & Public Speaking

2022年11月4日 (金) 12:00
Seminar Room B503 (Lab 1)

Come and join us for an exciting and fulfilling meeting on building better communication skills through impromptu speaking exercises, listening to prepared speeches, and providing constructive feedback. We run our meetings at lunchtime every other Friday. Email if you have any questions or would like to receive further information


文化の日 Culture Day

2022年11月3日 (木) 0:00

National holiday


Managing Stress and Improving Wellbeing

2022年11月2日 (水) 10:00 12:00
Lab 4 E01

Find out about the causes and effects of stress and hear about evidence-based ideas to help you improve and maintain wellbeing. Includes a talk by Dr. Yamamoto, OIST Occupational Doctor and Okinawan Psychiatrist about health and career balance based on the characteristics of Okinawa.



Communication Skill "Unconscious Bias"

2022年11月2日 (水) 9:15 16:45
Seminar Room C210, Center Bldg.

In this session, staff/leaders will identify through work and discussion various situations in which they are prone to bias and how this affects their actions such as decision-making and communicating with others.


OIST Representation Theory Seminar

2022年11月1日 (火) 16:30 17:30
on Zoom
Loïc Poulain d'Andecy , University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne Title: KLR-type presentation of affine Hecke algebras of type B

The Provost Lecture Series 1

2022年11月1日 (火) 16:00 17:45
Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater B250
The Provost Lecture Series 1 Title: My (perhaps too) challenging life in science and technology Speaker: Professor Ichiro Maruyama, Information Processing Biology Unit Chair: Professor Ulf Skoglund, Structural Cellular Biology

Nobel Turing Challenge Initiative (NTCI): The 2nd Workshop on Nobel Turing Challenge

2022年11月1日 (火) 9:00 18:30
Kobe Campus, RIKEN / Zoom

The 2nd Workshop on Nobel Turing Challenge

The second workshop on the Nobel Turing Challenge will be held at RIKEN Kobe campus in the hybrid onsite/online format organized by Nobel Turing Challenge Initiative. We will further develop the discussions that took place in the first full online workshop where we shared information on the current status of the field and what can be our possible high impact targets. A guided tour of RIKEN’s robotic biology laboratory is also planned for the onsite participants.


Uke Club Meeting - Seaside Lounge OR Beach!

2022年10月27日 (木) 20:00
Seaside Lounge OR beach behind Seaside House

We're back!


[Seminar] "Liouville theorem for V-harmonic maps under non-negative (m, V)-Ricci curvature for non-positive m" by Prof. Kazuhiro Kuwae

2022年10月27日 (木) 16:00
L4E01 or Zoom

Speaker: Prof. Kauzhiro Kuwae (Fukouka University)

Title: Liouville theorem for V-harmonic maps under non-negative (m, V)-Ricci curvature for non-positive m


TSVP Teatime

2022年10月27日 (木) 16:00
Lab 4 Level D Break Area (L4D01)

"TSVP Teatime": informal discussions and getting to know each other


Open Access (OA) Webinar

2022年10月27日 (木) 10:00

Did you know Open Access (OA) is more than just Open Access Journals? Please register for this webinar via Zoom if you would like to learn more about the different paths to Open Access to further the reach of your research. This webinar will be held in English and is hosted by the OIST Library.


[Seminar] Prof. B J Kim "Evidence for a hidden order in the pyrochlore iridate Nd2Ir2O7"

2022年10月26日 (水) 15:00 16:00
C700 and Zoom

Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.

Language: English


[Seminar] Enhancing detection of pest species using environmental DNA/RNA in biosecurity

2022年10月26日 (水) 13:00 14:00
OIST Seminar room L4F01 (Lab 4)

Speaker: Dr Alejandro Trujillo-Gonzalez, Principal Scientist, National eDNA Reference Centre, University of Canberra, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Hosted by: Dr. Roger Huerlimann, OIST Marine Climate Change Unit

Abstract: Globalisation is increasing the rate and complexity of trade connections between countries. This increasing network of interactions, in hand with the movement of both people and goods, puts countries at risk of invasive pests and diseases, constraining their capacity to protect economic, ecological, and social livelihood. Tackling the increasing influx of invasive pests and pathogens requires the use of biosecurity measures within diverse methodologies used to detect, eradicate, and minimize the inherent risks of these unwanted species. (...)
