Past Events


OIST Workshop "New trends of conformal theory from probability to gravity"

2023年7月31日 (月) (All day)2023年8月4日 (金) (All day)
OIST Main Campus, Lab 4, Seminar Room L4E48

OIST Workshop | Website | Main organizer: Shinobu Hikami (Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit) | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions (registration required).


Autism as an invisible disability: What you see is NOT everything

2023年7月29日 (土) 14:00 15:15
Seminar room, Seaside House
Valtameri Autism as an invisible disability: What you see is NOT everything

A lack of societal understanding and acceptance of autism is a serious issue that is associated with loneliness and mistreatments of autistic people in criminal justice system or employment. Autism is not a disorder or impairment that needs to be treated or cured. What needs to be changed is the societal understanding of autism.

In this talk, from the societal model and neurodiversity paradigm, I will highlight lived experiences of autistic people including my own and latest research and cover topics such as sociality, loneliness, and mental health in autism. There will be a Q&A session at the end.


Dr Kana Grace

Kana is an English-Japanese bilingual psychologist specializing in Autism. She is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Center for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE) at University College London where she completed her PhD, and a research collaborator at Autism Spectrum Australia. She has been featured in major media such as BBC, Scientist, and Spectrum. Kana is autistic and an ADHDer, and is passionate about advocacy for autism and neurodiversity.


1,000 yen/person

I will send you the details via email.


Please email to

Email title: "talk" Email text: please write down your preffered session (English or Japanese) and numbers of people who are coming. I will reply to you to confirm your booking. First-come-first-served basis of 20 capacity


Seminar Room, Seaside House, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)

Date and time:

Saturday, July 29

11:00 am - 12:15 pm Japanese

14:00 pm - 15:15 pm English

I will do the same talk at different times. Choose the one you prefer!



2023年7月29日 (土) 11:00 12:15





Dr Kana Grace (カナ・グレイス博士)

カナは、自閉症専門の英日バイリンガル心理学者です。現在、博士号を取得したユニバーシティカレッジロンドンの自閉症研究所の名誉研究員・オーストラリアの自閉症チャリティー団体Autism Spectrum Australiaの共同研究者です。BBC, Scientist, Spectrum など国外の主要なメディアでも注目される自閉症研究者・活躍家です。カナは、自閉症・ADHD当事者で自閉症・ニューロダイバーシティの 擁 護活動に熱意を持っています。


博士, ユニバーシティカレッジロンドン, 英国

修士(カウンセリング心理学), ボストンカレッジ, 米国

PgCert(自閉症), シェフィールドハラム大学, 英国



1000円/1人 お支払い詳細はメールにてお伝えします。

予約: へEメールを送信。

メールタイトル:「講演会」 メールの本文:希望のセッション(日本語化か英語)・参加人数をご記入ください。 予約完了の返信を致します。 定員20名の先着順です。






11:00 am - 12:15 pm 日本語

14:00 pm - 15:15 pm 英語



OIST Representation Theory Seminar: Quantum wreath product

2023年7月28日 (金) 10:30 11:30
L4E48 and online on Zoom
Title: Quantum wreath product Ziqing Xiang, Southern University of Science and Technology

[Seminar] "Organic Ionic-Electronic Mixed Conductors-Based on 3D Bioelectronic Interfaces, Reconfigurable Neuromorphic Circuits, and 3D Neuronal Cell Cultures" by Prof. Myung-Han Yoon

2023年7月27日 (木) 10:30 11:30
B503, Lab 1 & Zoom

Prof. Myung-Han Yoon, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)


OIST NetCafé Online Information Session in July 2023

2023年7月26日 (水) 16:00

OIST Café is a casual science information session to introduce the OIST PhD program, Research Internship, and other workshops. What do cutting-edge research and education look like? What are the qualification and criteria to get into Graduate School? What are the career options after the graduation? OIST members such as PhD students and admissions officers will meet you to answer all your questions!


Pontryagin Maximum Principle in optimal control of coherent spin dynamics of radical pairs in Quantum Biology II. Computational Analysis

2023年7月26日 (水) 15:15 16:00

Mr. Pablo Jimenez, Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Phd Student

Dr. Jose Rodriques, OIST, Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Unit(Abdulla Unit),Staff Scientist

Mr. Chenming Zhen, OIST, Phd Student


Pontryagin Maximum Principle in optimal control of coherent spin dynamics of radical pairs in Quantum Biology I. Mathematical foundation and optimality conditions.

2023年7月26日 (水) 14:00 14:45

Professor Ugur G. Abdulla, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan


The Quantum Biology of Reactive Oxygen Production in Electron Transfer Flavoprotein

2023年7月26日 (水) 11:00 11:45

Speater:Professor Carlos F. Martino, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, USA


Microspectroscopic detection of magnetic field sensitive radical pair processes in biological systems

2023年7月26日 (水) 9:45 10:30

Lecturer: Professor Jonathan Woodward, University of Tokyo


Recent Advances in Quantum Biology

2023年7月26日 (水) 9:00 16:00

Plenary Speakers :

Jonathan R. Woodward, University of Tokyo, Japan

Carlos F. Martino, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, USA

Ugur G. Abdulla, OIST, Japan


What is Quantum Biology and why does it matter?

2023年7月26日 (水) 9:00 9:30

Lecture 1. Jonathan Woodward University of Tokyo, Japan


Seminar "Flexible control of probabilistic goal-directed navigation" by Dr. Chuntao Dan

2023年7月25日 (火) 11:00 12:00
Seminar room C209, Center Building

Dr. Chuntao Dan, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus


[Seminar] Entropy and active elasticity by Dr. Dhrubaditya Mitra

2023年7月25日 (火) 11:00 12:00
Center Bld. B503

Target Audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.

Language: English


[Seminar] Dimensional reduction in causal sets by Dr. David Meyer, UC San Diego, L4E01

2023年7月24日 (月) 16:00

"Dimensional reduction in causal sets" by Dr. David Meyer, UC San Diego


海の日イベント 親子映画会

2023年7月22日 (土) 10:00

Screening event for children and parents


Uke Club Meeting Cancelled!

2023年7月20日 (木) 20:00
Your house

Covid still sucks y'all. We'll be back in a few weeks


[Schedule Update, from 16PM][Seminar] "Subjective haptics: From product design to sensorimotor augmentation" by Prof. Yoshihiro Tanaka

2023年7月20日 (木) 16:00
C209, Central building

Dr. Yoshihiro Tanaka, Professor in Nagoya Institute of Technology / Inamori research institute for Science. Hosted by Cybernetic Humanity Studio (OIST - Sony CSL collaboration)


TSVP Talk: "Black Holes and the Holographic Principle" by Daniel Grumiller

2023年7月20日 (木) 15:00 16:10
L4E48, Zoom

TSVP Talk Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration (also via Zoom).


第5回 事務職員向け勉強会 ❘ #5 Study Sessions for Administrative Staff

2023年7月20日 (木) 13:30 14:30
Seminar Room L4E48
*Japanese session. English sessions will be held from September to December. C-Hub 第5回事務職員向け勉強会 「OIST組織の俯瞰・総括」 (日本語) Speaker: Mizuki Shimanuki, Provost Office. Facilitator: Ayumi Nagai, C-Hub


[Hybrid seminar] "Evolving bi-directional referential communication in minimal autonomous agents" by Prof. Seth Bullock, University of Bristol

2023年7月19日 (水) 16:00 17:10
L4F01, Lab 4

[Hybrid seminar] "Evolving bi-directional referential communication in minimal autonomous agents" by Prof. Seth Bullock, University of Bristol

Administrative Meeting

POC Program Open Hours

2023年7月19日 (水) 15:00 16:00
OIST Innovation space (Lab 3A)

We have biweekly open hours at OIST Innovation where you can come and talk with us about anything related to the Proof of Concept application process.


[Hybrid seminar] "Soft Robotics: Understanding Design Principles and the Implications of Soft Bodies" by Prof. Koh Hosoda, Kyoto University

2023年7月19日 (水) 14:30 15:40
L4F01, Lab 4

[Hybrid seminar] "Soft Robotics: Understanding Design Principles and the Implications of Soft Bodies" by Prof. Koh Hosoda, Kyoto University


Open Call for TSVP Visiting Scholars in FY2024

2023年7月19日 (水) (All day)2023年9月17日 (日) (All day)

Open Call for TSVP Visiting Scholars in FY2024


[Public Lecture - Okinawa] The Dawn of Mesoamerica: Food Production, Human Agency, and the Origins of Civilization

2023年7月18日 (火) 15:00
Center Building C209

Dr. Andrés G. Mejía Ramón (OIST) will give a preview version of his presentation at the Embassy of Mexico in Tokyo to the OIST community. He is a Postdoctoral Researcher, archaeologist, ecologist, and complex systems scientist focusing on the interactions between humans and the environment across deep time.


[Seminar] Bubble clustering and the related phenomena by Prof. Shu Takagi

2023年7月18日 (火) 11:00 12:00

Target audience

Interns, Students, PostDocs and those who are interested in the same research field.

Language: English


海の日 Marine Day

2023年7月17日 (月) 0:00

National holiday


Ganjuu Open House

2023年7月14日 (金) 14:00 16:00
Ganjuu Wellbeing Service
Ganjuu Open House Friday July 14th 2-4PM Please join us for tea, coffee, and home baking! Bring yourself, your colleagues, your families, and share some time, talk, and listen to others. All are welcome :) Location: Ganjuu Wellbeing Service


TSVP Talk: "Quantum Error Correction via Poset Metrics" by Mahir Bilen Can

2023年7月13日 (木) 15:00 16:10
L4E48, Zoom

TSVP Talk Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration (also via Zoom).


[Seminar] MLDS Seminar 2023-5 by Dr. Makoto Yamada (Associate Professor, OIST), Ms. Terezie Sedlinska (PhD Student, OIST), Seminar Room L5D23

2023年7月13日 (木) 13:00 14:00
Seminar Room L5D23, Lab5

Speaker 1: Dr. Makoto Yamada, Associate Professor, OIST

Title: Approximating 1-Wasserstein Distance with Trees

Speaker 2: Ms. Terezie Sedlinska, PhD Student, OIST

Title: Reinforcement learning behavioral modeling: Two studies of Pavlovian and operant valuation in humans and rats


QG group meeting: self-dual GR in de Sitter space (Yasha Neiman)

2023年7月12日 (水) 14:00
Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting. Speaker: Yasha Neiman. Title: "Self-dual GR in de Sitter space".


MiS Series Seminar : Minimal Energetic Dynamics of Living Systems

2023年7月12日 (水) 12:00 13:00

Andres Mejia Ramon

OIST, Postdoctoral Scholar, Froese Unit


[Seminar] "Asymptomatic: How Deciphering the Silent Spread of COVID-19 Can Help Prevent Pandemics to Come" by Prof. Joshua Weitz.

2023年7月11日 (火) 10:00 11:00
Seminar Room L4E48

[Seminar] "Asymptomatic: How Deciphering the Silent Spread of COVID-19 Can Help Prevent Pandemics to Come" by Prof. Joshua Weitz.


OIST Developing Neural Circuits Course (DNC) 2023

2023年7月11日 (火) (All day)2023年7月23日 (日) (All day)
OIST Conference Center - Meeting Rooms

OIST Workshop | Website | Main organizer: Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama (Neuronal Mechanism for Critical Period Unit) | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions (registration required). Tutorial sessions are closed (only for selected participants)


Optimizing space and time overhead for fault-tolerant error correction

2023年7月10日 (月) 15:00 16:00
Speaker: Dr. Theerapat Tansuwannont

Target Audience: Intern, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.


[On-site Seminar] Spatial analysis from a single cell by 10x Genomics

2023年7月10日 (月) 14:00 15:00
Center Building C210

Seminar title: Spatial analysis from a single cell

Provided by 10x Chromium engineer.

Join us to learn how Chromium Single Cell and Xenium In Situ platforms from 10x Genomics can help you push the boundaries of your research.



2023年7月10日 (月) 10:002023年7月14日 (金) 17:00

kids campus tour


Gravity, the Improbability Engine

2023年7月7日 (金) 14:00
Lab 4, D01 "restaurant"

A physics lecture for non-physicists. Title: Gravity, the Improbability Engine. Speaker: Yasha Neiman.


Uke Club Meeting - Seaside Lounge OR Beach!

2023年7月6日 (木) 20:00
Seaside Lounge OR beach behind Seaside House

This week we'll be adding Phoebe Bridgers' song "Kyoto", the saddest song about ever written about a konbini.


TSVP Talk: "Quantum Data Science?" by David Meyer

2023年7月6日 (木) 15:00 16:10
L4E48, Zoom

TSVP Talk Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration (also via Zoom).


第4回 事務職員向け勉強会 ❘ #4 Study Sessions for Administrative Staff

2023年7月6日 (木) 13:30 14:30
Seminar Room L4E48
*Japanese session. English sessions will be held from September to December. C-Hub 第4回事務職員向け勉強会 「研究事務支援」 (日本語) Speaker: Mizuki Shimanuki, Provost Office. Facilitator: Ayumi Nagai, C-Hub


[Seminar]MLDS Seminar 2023-4 by Mr. Tobias Freidling (University of Cambridge), Dr. Mohammad Sabokrou (Staff Scientist, OIST), Seminar Room L5D23

2023年7月6日 (木) 13:00 14:00
Seminar Room L5D23, Lab5

Speaker 1: Mr. Tobias Freidling, Ph. D. Student, University of Cambridge

Title: Sensitivity Analysis with the R^2-calculus

Speaker 2: Dr. Mohammad Sabokrou, Staff Scientist, OIST

Title: Deep Learning Advancements in Anomaly Detection for Computer Vision

Administrative Meeting

POC Program Open Hours

2023年7月5日 (水) 14:00 15:00
OIST Innovation space (Lab 3A)

We have biweekly open hours at OIST Innovation where you can come and talk with us about anything related to the Proof of Concept application process.


[Seminar] Energy transfer in two-dimensional turbulent flow affected by polymers and surfactants

2023年7月5日 (水) 10:30 11:30
Ctr Bldg. B503

Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.

Language: English


Presidential Lecture: Random to Ordered: From Candies to Monster Crystals from Space by Prof. Paul Chaikin

2023年7月3日 (月) 15:00 16:30

Presidential Lecture on the topic "Random to Ordered: From Candies to Monster Crystals from Space" by Prof. Paul Chaikin


Light-intensity coding in the human prefrontal cortex

2023年7月3日 (月) 13:30 14:30

Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field. Language: English


[Call for registrations] Symposium on "Frontiers in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Stokes Phenomena"

2023年7月1日 (土) (All day)2023年8月20日 (日) (All day)

[Call for registrations] Symposium on "Frontiers in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Stokes Phenomena" Deadline: August 20th, 2023


Presidential Lecture: Patterns in Nature by Prof. Sidney Nagel

2023年6月29日 (木) 15:00 16:30

Presidential lecture on the topic "Patterns in Nature" by Prof. Sidney Nagel


Drone User Group Meeting

2023年6月29日 (木) 13:00
Lab3 C700 Seminar Room

We will talk about UAV operation in research, changes to Japan UAV regulations, and general discussion about drone operations at OIST.


Feminism and Intersectionality in Okinawa

2023年6月29日 (木) 12:30 14:00
OIST Center Building B250
Feminism and Intersectionality in Okinawa
