Laboratory Rotations

Course ID ROT Name Laboratory Rotations コース名   Type Mandatory Credit 3
Assessment Pass-Fail overall
(Pass-Fail or ABCF for each component)
Active Active Note 3 individual rotations 



See Academic Program Policy  4.3.3 Lab Rotations

Course Requirements

1. Productive engagement in research and participation in other activities in the unit

  • Minimum attendance of 20 hours per week
  • Pursue productive research that the student and supervisor agreed on
  • Active participation in lab activities, including meetings, online communications and discussions, seminars, etc., as defined by the lab rotation supervisor.

2. Lab rotation proposal (due by the end of the first calendar month of the rotation)

  • In discussion with the lab rotation supervisor, prepare a 1-2 page written summary of the aims of the rotation. Must be referenced against recent research publications in the field. May include illustrations.

3. Oral presentation (due by the end date of the rotation)

  • Present the results of the lab rotation in a 10-15 minute presentation to the unit members.

4. Lab rotation report (due by the end date of the rotation)

  • Submit for assessment a written report on the rotation including a concise literature review, methods used, and activity carried out in the research unit, using the scientific language of the field. When possible and applicable, research results should also be included.

Selection of rotations is part of the program approval process, involving the student and the Mentor. Final assignment of rotations will be made by the Graduate School, taking into account the availability of supervision and the overall program of the student.

At least one of the rotations shall be outside the specific field of the student’s studies at OIST.


To gain research experience and knowledge of the scientific questions addressed in the research unit. At the end of the rotation, students will be able to discuss these questions using the appropriate terminology of the field, and be familiar with, and able to explain, methods used in the research unit.


Pass or Fail basis or a letter grade (A, B, C, F, I) at the discretion of the rotation supervisor, taking into account the nature of the project, on satisfactory completion of all 4 mandatory elements, as below. As projects are developed relative to the student’s background (in-field or out-of-field), all grades to be absolute.

  • Productive engagement in research and participation in other activities in the unit (minimum 20 hours/week)
  • Written lab rotation proposal
  • Oral presentation
  • Submission of written lab rotation report

Each individual rotation is assessed separately by the Professor of that research unit, based on the criteria above. Grade for the course as a whole is Pass if all individual rotations receive a passing grade.


Full time in the research lab of choice (except time spent in class for enrolled courses). Project work specific to the host laboratory.