AY 2021 - Academic Plan for Online Students

Laboratory Rotation

Your Term 2 lab rotation has already been assigned, and cannot be changed now.

Please list 3 units for your in-field and 2 units for out-of-field where you would consider doing your second and third lab rotations. Out-of-field means a research area that is not your intended or likely thesis research topic. The aim of mandatory out of field research experience is to develop a broader appreciation for research techniques, approaches and complementary skills that will benefit your future career.

In-field Unit
Out-of-field Unit

Instructions for Course Selection

  • Refer to the course list (https://groups.oist.jp/grad/courses-term-0#term) and course timetable (https://groups.oist.jp/grad/course-timetable) for the course contents and the term offered. While this is correct at the time of this survey, changes will be made to course availability from time to time. 

  • Credit requirements for Electives: 20 credits of electives for Bachelor degree holders, a minimum of 10 for higher degree holders (Master's degree or above).

  • A maximum of 2 Elective courses per term is recommended considering the balance between course work and lab work. You may choose one course or none to tailor your program as needed. A small number of courses are worth only 1 credit, and may be taken together if you wish; please check the course description for more details. 

  • Plan a program of courses that complements what you already know and develops your knowledge in the core area more fully in consideration of your background, aims, and intentions at OIST.  Consider taking some basic courses outside your specialization to better prepare you for collaborative and interdisciplinary work.  Additional material not offered at OIST may be taken through Independent Study from multiple online courses available through MIT, Stanford, Coursera, EdX, and so on. Independent Study should NOT be included in this form but requested separately using this form

  • Please note that the course options for Term 2 of AY2021 only include courses that can be offered online. Some courses, such as courses that are conducted lab-based, are not available online and are therefore excluded from the list.

  • Please contact Curriculum and Programs Section at gs-cp@oist.jp for advice and support about courses. 
AY 2021
Term 3 (2022 May - Aug)
AY 2022
Term 1 (2022 Sep - Dec)
Term 2 (2023 Jan - Apr)
Term 3 (2023 May - Aug)
AY 2023
Term 1 (2023 Sep - Dec)
Term 2 (2023 Jan - Apr)
