Learn about OIST

Start with a quick overview of the university mission, facts, and statistics at OIST in a Nutshell.

Browse maps, photos, and descriptions of the OIST Campus, everything from research buildings to childcare facilities.

Get more detailed information about working at OIST and living in Okinawa. OIST has a Resource Center with staff dedicated to helping newcomers and their families to make them feel at home.  

Get an idea of the science being done at OIST. Browse the list of faculty members and units and then visit the News Center for ArticlesPhotos, and Videos. Start with the official OIST video.

Get a broad idea of our leadership at Officers & Vice-Presidents, Board of Councilors, and Board of Governors web pages. More details about governance, policies, and organization, can be found at the Policy Library.

Useful links:
Child Development Center; Schooling Options
Faculty and Research on OIST Admissions website