Catering Options In and Around OIST

Catering options inside OIST

Lunchtime and Coffee catering

Both OIST restaurant "Yun-taku" and OIST café "Tancha" offer lunchtime catering services. In addition, OIST café "Tancha" also offers coffee/tea catering as well. See here for details on how to order.

Dinner Catering

For dinner catering, the OIST restaurant "Yun-taku" can provide a variety of options.

External catering options

Breakfast, Lunchtime, Coffee and Dinner catering

Using external catering vendors for your event is not a problem.

Many local hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. in the vicinity of OIST as well as catering companies around the island offer a variety of catering services. 

We recommend contacting local hotels and restaurants directly to inquire about their services. 

Please visit the for possible catering companies in Okinawa but keep in mind that the list is not exhaustive.

OIST members are welcome to refer to our internal list of meal vendors (OIST login required)

When using external catering services:

  • External venue users: Please consult with us ( in advance. Pre-approval of entry onto OIST premisses for catering vendor is required. 
  • OIST members: Please make sure that you have reserved the venue you intend to use and submit a work application form (作業申請書) to BFM if you are ordering catering for more than 30 people (Refer to BFM guidelines for external vendors).