-80℃ Backup Freezers

Updated Apr. 18, 2024 

Is your deep freezer broken?
We have backup freezers on stand-by while you are repairing your freezer.


It is NOT necessary to send any requests or make a reservation to use the backup freezer for the following reasons:

  • When your deep freezer has malfunctioned
  • When your deep freezer is undergoing repair work
  • When you are relocating

Upon using the backup freezer, please write your Unit name and period of use on the sheet attached to each freezer door.
After the usage period, please remove the items from the backup freezer.

Please keep in mind these freezers are for emergency use only. These backup freezers must be kept empty at all times to ensure space availability for those who need them urgently.

The use of these backup freezers as regular sample storage is not recommended. The BLS Section is not responsible for any loss or damages incurred to your samples.

For inquiries about the backup freezers' availability, please contact us at bls@oist.jp.


Location map


Lab 1_B384


Freezer Name

Space availability



#1. Stirling / SU780UE

Out of Order

- -

#2. Stirling / SU780XLE

0% Vacancy

Yamamoto U

Armitage U



#3. Stirling / SU780UE

100% Vacancy




Lab 2_C660


Freezer Name

Space availability



#5. Sanyo / MDF-U52V

0% Vacancy

Miller U

Nic Chormaic U

STG - Komiya

Laurino U






Lab 3

There is no backup freezer in Lab 3.


Lab 4_F68


Freezer Name

Space availability



#4. Stirling / SU780XLE

30% Vacancy

Husnik U

Laurino U




Lab 5_E 17


Freezer Name

Space availability



#6. Stirling / SU780XLE

100% Vacancy




DOWNLOAD → Emergency Contact Sheet

The Basic Lab Support Team would like to inform you that -80℃ deep freezers are frequently malfunctioning.

Please fill out the emergency contact sheet and post one on each freezer in your Unit/Section to protect your research samples.

It will be used by the security guards of the Central Control (BOSAI) Center to contact the person in charge in the event your freezer breaks down.

The emergency contact sheet has a QR code that allows you to check the locations of available backup freezers.