Webinar: "Nature Research Academies: Writing impressive grant applications"


Thursday, June 4, 2020 - 13:00 to 15:00




Target Audience: Researchers. Students and faculty members are welcome to attend. 

Summary and objectives: The goal of this workshop is to give attendees the necessary skills to successfully compete for grant funding in Japan. This webinar will provide practical insights and strategies to help attendees achieve this goal.

he webinar contains numerous interactive elements and activities to stimulate engagement amongst
participants. A workbook will be available for the attendees to download before the webinar begins, and
a recording of the webinar

Webinar 1: Before you begin 

  • Section 1: Background section (13:00–13:25)
    • This section highlights how to write a clear background to establish context and credibility for the proposal.
  • Section 2: Aims/purpose (13:25–13:45)
    • This section discusses how to structure the aims of the proposal to address the important research question that has been identified.
  • Break and Q&A (13:45–13:55)
  • Section 3: Proposed plan/methodology (13:55–14:30)
    • This section reviews how to communicate the study design for the proposed research as well as addressing important limitations that may impact the study. Budgeting will also be reviewed.
  • Section 4: Preliminary and expected results (14:30–14:50)
    • This final section discusses how to highlight preliminary results that have already been obtained as well as the results that will be expected in the course of the study.
  • Final Q&A (14:50–15:00)

Registration Deadline: June 3st, 2020.  Space is limited to 250 participants. 

The post-workshop survey is attached. 


During the webinar you will be able to sign up for Group sessions (week of June 8–12)

~30 minutes comprising 5 attendees each along with the trainer.
Before the meeting, each member will write a summary (<250 words) of their proposed research that:

  • Introduces why the topic is currently relevant for their field
  • Describes the important research question that needs to be addressed
  • Highlights their aims to address this question
  • Discuss the expected benefits this project will have for the field and/or society

This summary will be sent to the other members of the group to read before the meeting.

During the meeting, each member will have 5 minutes to introduce their topic and answer questions from the other attendees.

Immediately after, the attendees will complete an anonymous feedback form regarding the proposed project and its implications that will be sent to the presenter after the meeting (i.e., each attendee will receive 5 feedback forms; 4 from the other group members and 1 from the trainer).


Nature Research Academies is a series of training workshops that has been developed by Nature Research, to help authors, reviewers and journal editors succeed in today’s competitive academic landscape.

Nature Research is a portfolio of high quality products and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences, including journals, online databases and researcher services, which are dedicated to serving the scientific community.

Nature Research is part of Springer Nature, the world‘s largest academic book publisher, publisher of the world‘s most influential journals and a pioneer in the field of open research. Springer Nature was formed in 2015 through the merger of Nature Publishing Group, Palgrave Macmillan, Macmillan Education and Springer Science+Business Media.


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