Marine Science Day


2019年9月24日 (火) 9:00 15:30


C700, Lab3


Okinawa Marine Science Support Section would like to invite you to the following seminar:

[Marine Science Day]

09:00-10:30 - OIST new faculties' talk

  • Dr. Timothy Ravasi: Adaptation and acclimation of coral reef fish as a response to climate change
  • Dr. Vincent Laudet: Clownfish as models to study the role of hormones in the evolution of life history strategies
  • Dr. Samuel Reiter: Visual perception and cuttlefish camouflage

11:00-12:20 - OIST faculties' talk

  • Dr. Noriyuki Satoh
  • Dr. Jonathan Miller: Secrets of the Okinawan Bigfin Reef Squid
  • Dr. Hiroshi Watanabe: Cnidarian neural assemblies and the evolutionary origin of central nervous systems
  • Dr. Satoshi Mitarai

12:20-13:30 - Poster viewing

13:30-15:30 - OIST researchers/students' talk

  • Dr. Konstantin Khalturin (Satoh-U): Jellyfish genomes and evolution
  • Ms. Margaret Mars Brisbin (Mitarai-U): Hydrothermal activity and water mass composition shape protist diversity in the Okinawa Trough
  • Dr. Mei Fang Lin (Watanabe-U): Project of zoantharian genome sequencing and its current progress
  • Dr. Charles Plessy (Luscombe-U): Oikopleura Dioica: the Animal Genome Pushed to Its Limits
  • Dr. Jeffrey Jolly (Rokhsar-U): Japanese bobtail squids: sustainable and lab friendly cephalopod models
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