STeLA Leadership Forum 2016


2016年8月21日 (日) 9:002016年8月29日 (月) 18:00


OIST Main Campus


​STeLA (Science and Technology Leadership Association) is an international networking organization aimed at developing outstanding students’ leadership skills by organizing a demanding annual forum. This forum focuses on personal development through intensive feedback. Excellent students from universities worldwide are brought together to form a lasting network, ready to tackle global issues as one community.

OIST is the venue for the STeLA Leadership Forum 2016, which marks 10th year anniversary of STeLA, originally founded by students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) in 2006. During the forum, discussions will be facilitated by lectures from renowned speakers, pertinent case studies and site visits to leading corporations. Participants will contribute their knowledge and curiosity towards a deeper appreciation of global issues.

This year's keynote speakers are Dr. Jonathan Dorfan (President of OIST), Prof. Hiroaki Kitano (Integrated Open Systems Unit, OIST) and Dr. Machi Dilworth (Vice President for Gender Equality & Human Resource Development, OIST).  

Keynote Lectures (keynote lectures are open sessions and all interested are welcome to join):

STeLA Final Presentation (Open session. All interested are welcome to attend.)

OIST welcomes the participants and staff of this forum. See their forum web page for more detail of this program.

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