Steven Chu "Climate Change, Energy and a Sustainable Future"


Wednesday, October 25, 2017 - 09:00


OIST Auditorium



The industrial and agricultural revolutions have profoundly transformed the world, but the unintended consequence of these revolutions is that humans are changing the climate of Earth. I will briefly describe new data on climate change, before turning to how energy efficiency and progress in carbon-free energy can provide a low-cost path to a more sustainable world. New research opportunities in information technologies including machine learning, batteries and other applications of electrochemistry will be described in the context of the remaining scientific and technology challenges that need to be overcome in the transition to clean energy solutions.


Dr. Steven Chu (Stanford University)
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997
US Secretary of Energy from 2009–2013


International OSA Network of Student (IONS) Conference Public Lecture.


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